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This repository

On this repository I’ll save all types of code and resources about C++, the goal is to have a single repository to hold all the snippets, mini-projects, mini-libraries, documentation and concepts I usually forget.

Here is a general desciption of the repository structure, if you want more information go inside the wanted directory, there should be a README with further information.


Some libraries of general purposes.


Code from differet pages, it serves to stop googling always the same.


Some pieces of code of general purpose, in general functions.


Description of tools, codes, or ideas about C++, this could be classes, heritage, lambdas, etc.


To simplify all the source code I made some conventions, like the code-style used on this repository and the project structure to easy build/compile.

How do I compile this code?

I tried to have a single method to compile all the projects. To archive this goal I only use CMake. To compile any code clone the repository, and open a terminal inside. Then:

cd path/to/directory
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Now you find a “bin/” folder with the binary inside.

If you found any directory with build error, or a different method, please contact me.

Code style

I will try to format all the code with the following convenctions:

  • Variables name:

Tasks [2/7]

  • [ ] Choose a Code style and apply to all files.
  • [ ] Document code style used on all the files.
  • [X] Rename .c files to .cpp.
  • [ ] Review all the code (Some are old files).
  • [ ] Make .gitignore.
  • [ ] Add all CMakeLists.txt remaining.
  • [X] Choose and use a single “destination” for build/compile all the folders, this will avoid multiples “Tutorials” of how to compile files.

About me

Feel free to contact me on any of this platforms: