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Async-Ops is a library for performing asynchronous service calls in Redux applications. Async-Ops is made for use with Redux-Sagas.



Why does Async-Ops exist? What problem is this library trying to solve?

When using Redux with Redux-Sagas, asynchronous options end up being fairly complicated. By using a separate saga for each service call, you have to create boilerplate code for action types, action creators, sagas, and reducers. These bits of code end up being duplicative and cluttering up the code base.

Other libraries exist for handling asynchronous actions, usually by including middlewares. However, if you are already using the Redux-Saga middleware, it adds an extra layer of complication to add a new middleware on top of Redux-Sagas.

Async-Ops uses the Redux-Saga middleware to handle asynchronous operations, unifying all types of async calls under a small number of actionTypes which are handled by a single saga. Whenever you want to add a new asynchronous operation, all that you need to do is create an operation function using whatever technology you like (we like to use the Javascript fetch API for simplicity), register that operation, and fire the Async-Ops actions with the registered name and, boom.


Async-Ops is available on npm with the following command:

  npm install --save async-ops

The library offers two distinct usage styles: the original API and a newer simplified API. You can use either API or a mix of the two.

Simplified API

registerOperation(name:String, operation:Function, mockOperation: Function) : Function

Registers the operation and mockOperation functions under a given name, and returns an object with a full operation definition.


name : String [required] The name which will be used to key operation in Async-Ops. This name will be referenced when calling the operation.

operation(...args) : Function [required] A function that will be called when the Async-Ops operation is called by name.

mockOperation(...args) : Function [optional] A function that will be called when the Async-Ops operation is called by name while mock is enabled.

Return : Object

The return value is an object that contains everything that you need to interact with your operation:

name: String The name of your operation (as passed in registerOperation).

action(...args) : Function A redux action creator function that you can use to invoke your operation. It can be passed to dispatch or mapped in mapDispatchToProps.

status(state): Function A selector for the current state of your operation ({ error, loading }). This assumes you have mounted this package's reducer function, as described below.

OPERATION: String The action.type dispatched by your action function (ASYNC_OPERATION/{name}).

COMPLETE: String The action-type dispatched when your operation completes successfully (ASYNC_COMPLETE/{name}).

FAILURE: String The action.type dispatched when your operation encounters an error (ASYNC_FAILURE/{name}).

toString(): Function Returns name


// define service in fetchData.js
import { registerOperation } from 'async-ops'

const service = id => window.fetch(`${id}`)

const mock = id => Promise.reject(Error('id is invalid'))

export default registerOperation('fetchData', service, mock)

// Usage in component
import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import fetchData from './fetchData'

const Component = ({ id, startFetchData, opStatus }) => {
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [id])

  if (opStatus.loading) {
    return <p>Busy....</p>

  return <p>Ready!</p>

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  opStatus: fetchData.status(state)

const mapDispatchToProps = {
  startFetchData: fetchData.action

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Component)

// Usage in reducer
import fetchData from './fetchData'

export default function(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case fetchData.OPERATION: // ASYNC_OPERATION/fetchData
      return handleOperationStarted(state, action.args)
    case fetchData.COMPLETE: // ASYNC_COMPLETE/fetchData
      return handleOperationComplete(state, action.response)
    case fetchData.FAILURE: // ASYNC_FAILURE/fetchData
      return handleOperationFailed(state, action.error)
      return state;

Example useService.js hook to add to your project

import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux'

export const selectStatus = service => state => {
  return {
    loading: false,
    error: null,
    ...(service.status(state) || {})

Service required, args optional
args will be passed into the service invocation
args used as dependencies for useEffect
export default (service, args = []) => {
  const dispatch = useDispatch()
  const status = useSelector(selectStatus(service)) || {}
  useEffect(() => {
  }, args)

  return [status.loading, status.error]

Example usage of useService.js

import useService from './useService'
import fetchData from './fetchData'

export const Component = ({ id }) => {
  const [loading, error] = useService(fetchData, [id])

  if (loading) {
    return <p>Busy....</p>

  return <p>Ready!</p>

Shared functions

The usage of saga, reducer, enableMock, and disableMock are the same as the original API. See below for usage.

Original API

register(name:String, operation:Function, mockOperation: Function) : Function

The register function registers an operation function and a mockOperation function under a given name. Operations must be registered prior to being used by the application.


name : String [required] The name which will be used to key operation in Async-Ops. This name will be referenced when calling the operation.

operation(...args) : Function [required] A function that will be called when the Async-Ops operation is called by name.

mockOperation(...args) : Function [optional] A function that will be called when the Async-Ops operation is called by name while mock is enabled.


import { register } from 'async-ops'

const service = request => window.fetch(request)

const mock = request => Promise.reject(Error('request is invalid'))

register('fetchData', service, mock)

callOperation(name:String, ...args) : Function

The callOperation function retrieves the operation registered at the provided name and then calls it, passing in ..args to the called function.


name : String [required] The name of the operation.

...args [optional] The arguments to be passed to the operation when it is called.

Return : Promise(result)

callOperation returns the result of the previously registered operation function (or its mockOperation) after invoking it with the provided ...args. If the operation result is not a Promise, it will be wrapped in a resolved Promise.


import { register, callOperation } from 'async-ops'

const service = arg => 1 + arg

register('fetchData', service)


const x = await callOperation('fetchData', 1) // x = 2

actions : Object

The actions object contains action creator functions which create the actions which are used by the Async-Ops saga to automatically run and process Async-Ops operations.

actions.asyncOperationStart : Function(name:String | options:Object, ...args)

The asyncOperationStart function creates an action which starts an async operation.


name : String The name of the operation to be called.

options : Object An options object to use to call. The options object has the following possible properties:

  • name : String [required] The operation name.
  • channel : String [optional] A channel name to isolate operation call from other calls of the same operation.

...args The arguments to be passed to the operation when it is called.

Return : Object

The asyncOperationStart function returns a Redux-formatted action object with the following properties:

  • type : String This is always set to 'ASYNC_OPERATION'
  • ...args : Array[arg1, arg2, ...] an array of the args provided.
  • ...options any other option values provided to the function


import { actions } from 'async-ops'

const fireAction = store => {
  const action = actions.asyncOperationStart('fetchData', 'test')

actionTypes : Object

The actionTypes object contains the Redux action type strings for Async-Ops actions. The action types are:

  • actionTypes.FAILURE = 'ASYNC_FAILURE'

isAsyncOperation, isAsyncComplete, isAsyncFailure : Function(name:String, channel:String)

These three functions are helper functions. They return a match function which takes an action Object and matches the actionType, name, and channel. This can used for Redux-Saga matching and React-Redux reducer matching.


name : String [required] The name of the operation to be matched.

channel : String [optional] A channel name to be matched.

Return : Function(action : Object)

The function returned from the helper functions takes an action object and returns either true if the action matches the provided info or false if the action does not.

loadingSelector : Function

This selector function can be used to determine the loading state of an asynchronous operation.


name : String [required] The name of the operation.

channel : String [optional] The name of the channel.

Return : Function(action : Object)

The function returned from the selector functions takes a state object and returns either true if the asynchronous operation is currently loading or false if it is not.


import { selectors } from 'async-ops'

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  testOpIsLoading: selectors.loadingSelector('testOp')(state)

errorSelector : Function

This selector function can be used to retrieve error data from an asynchronous operation.


name : String [required] The name of the operation.

channel : String [optional] The name of the channel.

Return : Function(action : Object)

The function returned from the selector functions takes a state object and returns either null if the asynchronous operation did not error or an error object.


import { selectors } from 'async-ops'

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  testOpError: selectors.errorSelector('testOp')(state)

Shared API

saga : Function

The saga is a generator function which can be used with the redux-saga middleware. Once started, the Saga will listen for OPERATION actions and automatically call the associated operation. Once the operation is completed, an COMPLETE or FAILURE action will be fired with the result data.

Note on action.type naming: When using the original API, all action types are ASYNC_OPERATION, ASYNC_COMPLETE, and ASYNC_FAILURE. You will need to use the isAsyncOperation/isAsyncComplete/isAsyncFailure helper functions to determine if the operation applies to your operation.

Using the simplified API, each operation has unique action types created by appending the operation name to the three action types (for example, ASYNC_OPERATION/FOOBAR). These three action types are available as the OPERATION, COMPLETE, and FAILURE properties of the object returned by registerOperation.


import { saga } from 'async-ops'
import sagaMiddleware from './sagaMiddleware'

reducer : Function

The reducer is a Redux reducer function that can be added to an app's reducer to keep the store updated with the status about the latest async-ops calls. It must be put under the key 'asyncops' which can be imported from the async-ops package as STORE_DOMAIN. It is optional, but provides a common place to track operation status.


import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { reducer as asyncops } from 'async-ops'

const rootReducer = combineReducers({

enableMock() : Function

The enableMock function causes callOperation to use the mockOperation function rather than the operation function. The current mock status is set in the client's Local Storage.

disableMock() : Function

The disableMock function causes callOperation to use the mockOperation function rather than the operation function. The current mock status is set in the client's Local Storage.


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