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Recommending similar product based on text features.

A. Project Description

  • The use of recommendation systems is now very common in e-commerce companies like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, etc.
  • In this project, "Bag of Words", "TF-IDF" and "Word2Vec" models are built to recommend a product based on product title text.

B. Business Objective

  • Many people use e-commerce platforms to buy products. When a product is selected, people expect to see similar products.
  • A model which can recommend people similar products is our Business Objective.

C. Constaints

  1. Low Latency - In real time within in few nano seconds the model should be able to recommend similar product to people.
  2. Speed - We need speedy model not 100% accurate model. So accuracy is not important.
  3. Same product recommendation error - People doesn't like to see same product again and again.
  4. Interpretablity is important.

D. Data Description

  • Dataset contains ladies tops fashion of amazon website, initially data has 183k rows and 19 features.
  • By cleaning data we brought down the number of data points from 183K to 25K.
  • Of these 19 features, we will use only 7 features in this project.
  • The description of this dataset is as following:

Dataset Description :

No. Column name Description
1 asin Amazon Standard Identification Number
2 brand Brand name of the product
3 medium_image_url URL of the product image
4 product_type_name Type of the product
5 color Color information of the product
6 title Title of the product
7 formatted_price Price of the product in ($) US Dollar

E. Approch

  • Titles fairly describe what the product is.
  • We will use the title feature to recommend a product because they are short and informative.