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Ticket Crawler

This spider, written using the python scrapy framework, periodically crawls a popular dutch ticket trading website to check for available tickets and immediately order them once found. The website uses reCaptcha to prevent refreshing more than a couple of times per minute. To bypass this system, the spider uses a combination of proxy rotation and user agent rotation. Each consecutive request is routed past a different proxy IP using one out of the 90 most commonly found user agent strings. Seperated from this crawling process, the bot uses Selenium webdriver to log in using facebook in advance and, when a ticket is found, perform the interaction with the ticket buying page which contains dynamic AJAX content. Once the ticket has been reserved, it sends a notification via telegram


The scraper uses Scrapy and Selenium for Python, both of which need to be installed on the system prior to running the code. To install Scrapy, see
To install Selenium for Python, see
Run the following to complete the installation

pip install requests
pip install scrapy-random-useragent


The script rotates proxies via the proxymesh service. You can get a free 1 month trial on After you've registered, visit and choose an authorized host. Combining this with your login credits gives you the string needed for the spider, in the following form: <username>:<password>@<country><port>

This string, along with your facebook login credentials and the ticket site base url, need to be stored as environment variables before running the script. The following environment variables need to be set: http_proxy, fb_email, fb_password and ticket_site. To set these on a unix system, the following three lines can be executed in your terminal or stored in your .bash_profile or .bashrc. Make sure to restart your terminal before running the script.

export http_proxy=<username>:<password><port>
export fb_email=<facebook_email>
export fb_password=<facebook_password>
export ticket_site=<site_base_url>

You can add or remove user agents from the list stored in useragentsMostCommon.txt, which contains about 100 of the most common user agents at the moment.

Optional: Besides spoken audio feedback for reserved tickets, the crawler can also notify you when you're away from your computer via Telegram. It does this by using a Telegram Bot through which you can send messages via HTTP requests to Telegram's API. The code for this is already included in the crawler, you will just need your own personal chat ID, which you can get by starting a conversation with Telegram's @userinfobot bot. You can enter your ID in the chatId variable in spiders/, but this step is optional and the crawler will work without altering the code


The project contains two spiders, located in the ticketCrawler/spiders directory. is the full working version, and can be started by running the following command from the root:

scrapy crawl tickets -a url=<url_to_event_page>


Screen Capture

Adjusting to changes in website structure

As the crawler is partially based on following links based on XPaths, which can easily break if changes to the site's layout are made, the scraper might crash if you first run it for an updated website. To adjust to the new correct XPath, use scrapy's shell as described here to debug the faulty xpath in your terminal, e.g.:

scrapy shell '<url_to_event_page>' --nolog
>>> response.xpath('//section[1]/div/article/div[1]/h3/a/@href').extract_first()


Automated python crawler for reserving tickets on a popular ticket reseller site, using proxy rotation & user agent rotation






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