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MGL - Minimalistic OpenGL Abstraction Layer

MGL as the name suggests, is a minimalistic lightweight C++ library that provides a simple and easy-to-use abstraction layer for OpenGL. It is designed to make OpenGL programming more straightforward by encapsulating common functionality into simple, reusable classes. I wrote this library for personal use when I was learning OpenGL and was constantly writing different OpenGL applications.

This is mostly inspired by Yan "The Cherno" Chernikov's OpenGL series.


  • Simple Abstraction Layer: MGL provides a minimalistic OpenGL abstraction layer, making it easy to get started with OpenGL programming.
  • Shader Loading: MGL makes it easy to load shaders, allowing you to quickly get up and running with custom shaders.
  • Texture Loading: MGL uses stb_image so you can easily load pictures as textures, making it simple to add custom graphics to your OpenGL applications.
  • Basic Renderer: MGL comes with a built-in, very basic renderer, allowing you to easily render 2D graphics foe demonstration purposes.
  • Lightweight: MGL is designed to be lightweight meaning you can easily build it from source and modify it.

Getting started

To use MGL in your project, simply include the MGL.h header file and link against the MGL library. MGL uses CMake as its build system, so it should be straightforward to integrate into your existing cmake project using CMake's sub_directory() command.


Check out the Sandbox folder where I use MGL to draw bunch of rotating cubes with a texture on them.

NOTE: MGL expects both fragment and vertex shaders in a single file like the example below.

#shader_type vertex
#version 330 core

layout(location = 0) in vec3 a_Pos;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 a_Colour;

out vec4 o_Colour;

void main()
  o_Colour = a_Colour;
  gl_Position = vec4(a_Pos, 1.0);

#shader_type fragment
#version 330 core

in vec4 o_Colour;
out vec4 FragColour;

void main()
  FragColour = o_Colour;


MGL is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.