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Sia v1.1.1

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@lukechampine lukechampine released this 28 Feb 13:49
· 3037 commits to master since this release

This is a patch release focusing on the renter and hostdb. The renter would previously slow down considerably after about 100 GB of data total had been uploaded, but now will maintain high speeds for much longer than that. While the total amount of data can now easily reach multiple TB, individual files are advised to stay below 100 GB. The hostdb is smarter about scanning and ranking hosts, and you can see more in-depth output using the siac hostdb -v command.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Unfortunately, our upgrades to the Renter require a full rescan of the blockchain. As a result, if you are upgrading from an older version, siad may take a long time to load the first time you run it. On an HDD, this may take up to an hour. On an SSD it should take closer to 10 minutes.

You should be able to upgrade to v1.1.1 by running siac update. If something goes wrong, you can always update manually -- but please file a bug report or get in touch on our Slack.

Thanks as always to our contributors, users, and fans, and a special shout-out to @lolsteve who submitted a PR to this release!