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Second public beta release

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@DavidVorick DavidVorick released this 17 Mar 15:19
· 7633 commits to master since this release

After nearly 700 commits over the last two months, the second public beta release of Sia is now available. Binaries for Windows, OS X, and Linux (all 64-bit) can be found below, or on our website. (If you are running an older version, you can also update by running siac update, but for security reasons we do not yet recommend this.)

Our main priority for this release was improving the robustness of the software. We improved persistence across sessions, refactored the module design, and substantially increased our test coverage. There aren't many new features in this release, but we're confident that we now have a solid base to stand on. Our next release will focus on implementing core functionality in anticipation of the release of our currency in early April.

The biggest user-facing improvement was to our UI, which has been separated into its own repo, Sia-UI, overseen by our fantastic Winter intern, @seveibar. Sia-UI is no longer a web frontend for siad, but a standalone application built on atom-shell.

Some old limitations still apply: UPnP is not yet supported, so you'll have to forward your ports manually. See for an easy guide. (By default, siad uses port 9988.) You may also have trouble uploading files larger than 300 MB, because this is the host's default maximum filesize. However, this setting can easily be modified by the host.

We will be running a bootstrap node, which siad should automatically connect and synchronize to. If you are unable to connect to the bootstrap node, please let us know!

Full release notes can be found in the README included in the release.
Thanks again for being a beta-tester!