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@github-actions github-actions released this 17 Jul 16:37
· 204 commits to master since this release


🚀 Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

🧰 Maintenance


@Joohansson, @igoracmelo, @igorcmelo and @keerifox

Checksum Validation

If you want to verify the binary checksum there are plenty of apps to do this. One way is using a powershell or bash terminal:

  • Powershell: Get-FileHash -Path '.\Nault-Setup-1.13.4-Windows.exe' -Algorithm SHA256
  • Bash: openssl sha256 Nault-1.13.4-Linux.AppImage

Then compare the output hash with the one listed in the corresponding checksum.txt file. The .yml has a binary checksum that is more complicated.