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Backend Technologies and Their Associated Features:

  1. Web GPU

    • Web GPU: Use Web GPU for cool 3D visuals
  2. Microservices Architecture with Docker and Kubernetes:

    • Docker: Containerization of microservices for easy deployment and scalability.
    • Kubernetes: Orchestration and management of Docker containers, ensuring high availability and scalability.
  3. gRPC for Microservices Communication:

    • Protocol Buffers (Proto3): Define service methods and message types for inter-microservice communication.
    • gRPC: Efficient communication using HTTP/2 for low-latency interactions between microservices.
  4. Database Management:

    • Firebase Authentication: User authentication for secure access.
    • PostgreSQL: Store user-related data and non-collaborative information in a relational database.
  5. Caching:

    • Redis: Caching frequently accessed data to improve data retrieval performance.
  6. Messaging and Pub-Sub:

    • Apache Kafka: Event streaming for real-time changes and collaboration events across microservices.
  7. WebRTC for Real-Time Communication:

    • WebRTC API: Enable real-time audio, video, and text communication between users.
  8. WebSockets for Real-Time Updates:

    • WebSocket API: Establish persistent connections for real-time updates of whiteboard content and collaborative actions.
  9. GraphQL API:

    • Apollo Server: Implement a GraphQL API to efficiently fetch data tailored to client requirements.
  10. Backend Testing:

    • JUnit: Unit testing for individual microservices.
    • Postman/Newman: Integration testing for APIs, ensuring components work well together.
    • Cypress: End-to-End testing to simulate user interactions and validate system behavior.
  11. CI/CD Pipeline and Tools:

    • Git: Version control and collaboration.
    • Jenkins: Set up a CI/CD pipeline for automated builds, tests, and deployments.
    • Docker Hub: Store Docker images for easy sharing and distribution.
    • Terraform: Infrastructure as Code for provisioning resources.
  12. Authentication and Authorization:

    • Firebase Authentication: Authenticate users securely using JWT tokens.
    • OAuth 2.0: Authorize third-party integrations securely.
  13. Load Balancing and Scalability:

    • NGINX: Distribute incoming traffic across microservices to ensure scalability and high availability.
  14. Containerized Frontend:

    • Svelte: Develop an interactive frontend for user-friendly interactions.
    • WebAssembly (Wasm): Improve performance through accelerated computations within the browser.
  15. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs):

    • Cloudflare: Deliver static assets efficiently to users using a global CDN.
  16. Document Storage and Collaboration:

    • Firestore: Real-time storage of collaborative whiteboard data.
    • Amazon S3/Google Cloud Storage: Store static assets like images and icons.
    • PostgreSQL: Store metadata, user-related data, and non-collaborative information.


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