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Word2vec/Word Embedding

The algorithm is optimized by the Word2vec that generate word vectors by given the words./特定词的词向量生成。 This method boosts the training speed and gets a better result./算法加速了训练过程,并且得到了更好的结果。

Word2vec API

1.初始化 int InitWord2vec(const char * data,const char * sLicenseCode);

2.初始化训练参数 //size:词向量维度 //train:语料 //entity:词典 //model:CBOW:1和SKip-gram:0 //outfile:输出模型 //threads:线程数 int InitPara(int size,const char * train,const char * entity,int model,float alp,const char * outfile,int win,float sam,int h,int neg,int threads, int it,int mincount);

3.训练 //训练 int Train();

4.加载模型 //model模型位置 int LoadModel(const char * model);

5.计算词向量 //word:输入词,N输出词个数 const char * CalculateWord(const char * word,int N);

#Build Train File

1.train file Using the NLPIR, the corpus contains words that like english that splited by the " " without POS info. //使用中科院分词,将词以空格分开,存入文件,生成语料。

2.make dict We optimized the algorithm by add dict which will be projected to the vector space, and the word out of the dict will boost the training speed. //将需要生成词向量的词整理到词典,以加速训练,也可将所有词作为词典

3.set the out model The outfile is the model the generated by the method. //设置输出模型


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