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Mike M edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the project-olly wiki!

Our project is divided up into apps based on the intended functionality.

Pages - static information, site social media information, about us, privacy policy, terms of service

Profiles - Functionality for userprofiles, registration, logins, verifying account

Staff - Our custom panel for staff members of the site to manage and maintain all aspects of the site.

Store - Our PayPal Store that allows for customers to purchase credits on your website

SingleTournaments - Single Elimination Tournaments for users to compete in across all sports and esports.

News - Create News posts to keep your users informed

Support - Allow users to create Support Tickets that can be answered via staff in the Staff Panel

Matches - Basic Match that is used across Wagers, Tournaments, Leagues, and more!

Wagers - Allows teams to request a competitor and once accepted by another team a match is played out!

Leagues - Throw together a league to find out the best of the best!

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