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Make configurations with ease



WARNING: You may want to read before seeing anything from this section.

Config example

import com.mrivanplays.annotationconfig.core.annotations.ConfigObject;
import com.mrivanplays.annotationconfig.core.annotations.Ignore;
import com.mrivanplays.annotationconfig.core.annotations.Key;
import com.mrivanplays.annotationconfig.core.annotations.Max;
import com.mrivanplays.annotationconfig.core.annotations.Min;
import com.mrivanplays.annotationconfig.core.annotations.comment.Comment;
import com.mrivanplays.annotationconfig.core.serialization.DataObject;
import com.mrivanplays.annotationconfig.core.serialization.FieldTypeSerializer;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

@Comment("Generated by AnnotatedConfig v2.1.0")
@Comment("This is a config example for developers.")
public class ExampleAnnotatedConfig {

  @Comment("This value can only be between 1 and 3 ( 1 and 3 included )")
  @Min(minInt = 1)
  @Max(maxInt = 3)
  private int foo = 2;

  @Comment("This string cannot be longer than 20 characters ( spaces are included )")
  @Max(maxInt = 20)
  private String bar = "This is some string";

  @ConfigObject private MessagesSection messages = new MessagesSection();

  @Comment("All configurable messages")
  public static final class MessagesSection {

    @Comment("The no permission message")
    private String noPermission = "You don't have permission to perform this command";

    @Comment("The no spamming message")
    private String noSpamming = "You can't spam this";

    public String getNoPermission() {
      return noPermission;

    public String getNoSpamming() {
      return noSpamming;

  @Ignore private String importantClass = "com.mrivanplays.something.Important"; // this is ignored

  @Comment("This is also going to be serialized as a config object,")
  @Comment("but it is much more controllable rather than @ConfigObject")
  private SomethingToSerialize serialize = new SomethingToSerialize("foo", 1, (byte) 0x2);

  public static final class SomethingToSerialize {

    private final String foo;
    private final int bar;
    private final byte baz;

    public SomethingToSerialize(String foo, int bar, byte baz) { = foo; = bar;
      this.baz = baz;

    public String getFoo() {
      return foo;

    public int getBar() {
      return bar;

    public byte getBaz() {
      return baz;

   * This should be registered before calling the dump method for this annotated config using the
   * SerializerRegistry
  public static final class SomethingToSerializeSerializer
      implements FieldTypeSerializer<SomethingToSerialize> {

    public SomethingToSerialize deserialize(DataObject data, Field field) {
      return new SomethingToSerialize(
          data.get("foo").getAsString(), data.get("bar").getAsInt(), data.get("baz").getAsByte());

    public DataObject serialize(SomethingToSerialize value, Field field) {
      DataObject ret = new DataObject();
      ret.put("foo", value.getFoo());
      ret.put("bar", value.getBar());
      ret.put("baz", value.getBaz());
      return ret;

  @Comment("This cannot have a negative value")
  @Min(minDouble = 0)
  @Key("barxtwo") // you can also apply @Key to regular fields, not just in config objects
  private double baz = 0.2;

  @Comment("AnnotatedConfig can also read & write lists")
  private List<String> fooList = Arrays.asList("This is", "a lore", "as an example", "for list");

  @Comment("Lists can be of all primitive types")
  private List<Integer> barList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4);

  @Comment("Same for maps, but a map can only be Map<String, Object>")
  @Comment("otherwise you will need another object")
  private Map<String, Object> fooMap =
      new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>() {
          put("foo", 1);
          put("bar", "This is a section value");
          put("baz", 3);

  @Comment("This doesn't have a serializer registered")
  @Comment("so it gets serialized by the default serializer")
  private DefaultSerializationExample defaultSerExample =
      new DefaultSerializationExample("bar", 1, 5.6);

  public static final class DefaultSerializationExample {

    private String foo;
    private int bar;
    private double baz;

    public DefaultSerializationExample(String foo, int bar, double baz) { = foo; = bar;
      this.baz = baz;

    public String getFoo() {
      return foo;

    public int getBar() {
      return bar;

    public double getBaz() {
      return baz;

  @Comment("You can create sections like this too")
  private String fooInsideSection = "foo";

  private SectionInsideSection insideSection = new SectionInsideSection();

  @Comment("This is a section inside a section example")
  public static class SectionInsideSection {

    @Comment("Comments are supported here too!")
    private int baz = 69420;

    @Comment("And here!")
    private double foo = 3.3;

    public int getBaz() {
      return baz;

    public double getFoo() {
      return foo;

  // this is featured in the next example
  public static class SectionObject {

    private int aabb;
    private String ccdd;

    public SectionObject(int aabb, String ccdd) {
      this.aabb = aabb;
      this.ccdd = ccdd;

    public int getAabb() {
      return aabb;

    public String getCcdd() {
      return ccdd;

  @Comment("This is a section object list")
  private SectionObjectList<SectionObject> sectionObjectList =
          .defaultValue("asdfp", new SectionObject(1, "lorem"))
          .defaultValue("pepepepepe", new SectionObject(2, "ipsum"))

  public int getFoo() {
    return foo;

  public String getBar() {
    return bar;

  public MessagesSection getMessages() {
    return messages;

  public String getImportantClass() {
    return importantClass;

  public SomethingToSerialize getSerialize() {
    return serialize;

  public double getBaz() {
    return baz;

  public List<String> getFooList() {
    return fooList;

  public List<Integer> getBarList() {
    return barList;

  public Map<String, Object> getFooMap() {
    return fooMap;

  public DefaultSerializationExample getDefaultSerExample() {
    return defaultSerExample;

  public String getFooInsideSection() {
    return fooInsideSection;

  public SectionInsideSection getInsideSection() {
    return insideSection;

  public SectionObjectList<SectionObject> getSectionObjectList() {
    return sectionObjectList;

Config example output (YAML)

Keep in mind in order to show you all of the features of AnnotatedConfig, everything has been stuffed in 1 class. Don't forget that in Java you can do multiple classes ;) . Line count doesn't matter.

# Generated by AnnotatedConfig v2.1.0
# This is a config example for developers.

# This cannot have a negative value
barxtwo: 0.2

# This is a section object list
    aabb: 1
    ccdd: "lorem"
    aabb: 2
    ccdd: "ipsum"

# This is also going to be serialized as a config object,
# but it is much more controllable rather than @ConfigObject
  foo: "foo"
  bar: 1
  baz: 2

# This string cannot be longer than 20 characters ( spaces are included )
bar: "This is some string"

# Same for maps, but a map can only be Map<String, Object>
# otherwise you will need another object
  foo: 1
  bar: "This is a section value"
  baz: 3

# This value can only be between 1 and 3 ( 1 and 3 included )
foo: 2

# AnnotatedConfig can also read & write lists
  - "This is"
  - "a lore"
  - "as an example"
  - "for list"

# All configurable messages
  # The no spamming message
  no-spamming: "You can't spam this"
  # The no permission message
  no-permission: "You don't have permission to perform this command"

# This doesn't have a serializer registered
# so it gets serialized by the default serializer
  foo: "bar"
  bar: 1
  baz: 5.6

# This is a section inside a section example
    # Comments are supported here too!
    baz: 69420
    # And here!
    foo: 3.3

# Lists can be of all primitive types
  - 1
  - 2
  - 3
  - 4

    # You can create sections like this too
    foo: "foo"

Config dump/load

Keep in mind these are the simplest examples

Base code for all examples:

import com.mrivanplays.annotationconfig.utils.TypeToken;

File file = // ...
SerializerRegistry serializerRegistry = SerializerRegistry.INSTANCE;
    new ExampleAnnotatedConfig.SomethingToSerializeSerializer());
    new TypeToken<SectionObjectList<SectionObject>>() {}.getType(),
    new SectionObjectListSerializer<SectionObject>());
ExampleAnnotatedConfig annotatedConfig = new ExampleAnnotatedConfig();

YAML example:

YamlConfig.getConfigResolver().loadOrDump(anotatedConfig, file, /* loader settings */);

.conf/.properties example:

PropertyConfig.getConfigResolver().loadOrDump(annotatedConfig, file, /* loader settings */);

TOML example:

TomlConfig.getConfigResolver().loadOrDump(annotatedConfig, file, /* loader settings */);

Custom config type example:

// all values specified in the builder should be for the specific config type
ConfigResolver configResolver = ConfigResolver.newBuilder()
    /* other options inside the builder */
    .withCommentPrefix("# ") // comment prefix for the config type
    .withValueWriter(() -> /* insert value writer here */)
    .withValueReader(/* insert value reader here */)
    .shouldReverseFields(true /* should we reverse fields */)

configResolver.loadOrDump(annotatedConfig, file, /* loader settings */);



          <!-- Relocating is only necessary if you're shading for other library addition -->
            <shadedPattern>[YOUR PLUGIN PACKAGE].annotationconfig
            </shadedPattern> <!-- Replace this -->


    <!-- Types: toml, yaml -->
    <!-- If you want .conf/.properties, or custom implementation configuration, you can set the type to core -->
    <artifactId>annotationconfig-(type)</artifactId> <!-- Replace type -->
    <version>VERSION</version> <!-- Replace with latest version -->