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Releases: MrBenJ/react-reforma

Patch v0.3.4

27 Dec 21:49
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Added a few developer experience tools to make life easier:

  • Wrote a test to make sure <CheckboxField> is running this.setState in <Reforma>
  • Added some flowtype annotations to <Reforma>
  • Added prettier, husky, and relaxed an eslint rule so everything plays nicely together
  • Upgraded Node to v8.6.0 to allow husky and lint-staged to work together nicely - Added in an .nvmrc file for nvm users to hack away 😄
  • Prettified all the files! 💃💃💃💃💃💃

Dependency upgrade

26 Dec 21:11
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Upgraded dependencies to latest version.


24 Dec 17:44
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Fixed event stream vulnerability

FieldProps added in to Reforma

08 Nov 23:36
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New feature! fieldProps have been added to Reforma

Instead of doing classNames like this:

  <InputField className="field" name="first_name" />
  <InputField className="field" name="middle_initial" />
  <InputField className="field" name="last_name" />

You can add a fieldProp to automatically inject repeated properties into your field components like this:

<Reforma fieldProps={{ className: 'field' }}>
  <InputField name="first_name" />
  <InputField name="middle_initial" />
  <InputField name="last_name" />

Even if you add in a className prop on a specific element, Reforma will keep the className for that specific element

<Reforma fieldProps={{ className: 'field' }}>
  <InputField className="highlight-red" name="first_name" />
  <InputField  name="middle_initial" />
  <InputField  name="last_name" />

Happy coding!

Bugfix 0.2.1 patch

29 Oct 18:27
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Fixed a bug where instance.values wasn't returning the ValuesObject

Initial Release!

28 Oct 20:37
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I'm happy to announce Reforma - a local state approach to Forms in React!

Have fun!

Reforma pre-release

27 Oct 01:54
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Reforma pre-release Pre-release

Initial tag and start of a possibly beautiful and awesome thing :D. Yay!

It is late on a Friday night and I do not want to write release notes.

More coming later.