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MonetDB Client Benchmark

Benchmark for the MonetDB client libraries, in particular pymonetdb, monetdb-jdbc and libmapi. Maybe also odbc. The embedded versions monetdbe-python and monetdbe-java might also be interesting.

The tests focus on result set retrieval for various combinations of row count, column count and data types, but future version may also include file transfers.

Typical questions to be answered:

  1. Do my recent changes to server or client libraries have any impact on client performance?

  2. How do the clients compare to each other. For example, at which point would it be better to switch from Python to a faster language?

About client side processing

We need to be careful with the amount of processing required on the client side. With a language like Python, if we require the client to do too much processing we are no longer measuring pymonetdb performance but only Python performance. On the other hand, with a compiled language if we do too little processing the compiler might realize the data isn't actually used and skip the text-to-int conversions altogether.

With this in mind we require the client to

  1. send the given SELECT queries,

  2. retrieve the full result set,

  3. extract every field in every column as the relevant type, unless the test is explicitly marked as strings-only,

  4. apply a type-specific test to the extracted value according to the table below

  5. count the number of fields which are either NULL or where the condition is true.

All text will be US ASCII.

Conditions to count:

TINYINT value equals 42
SMALLINT value equals 42
INT value equals 42
BIGINT value equals 42
HUGEINT value equals 42
SERIAL value equals 42
SHORTINT value equals 42
MEDIUMINT value equals 42
LONGINT value equals 42
REAL value equals 42
DOUBLE value equals 42
DECIMAL value equals 42
TEXT / VARCHAR length of value greater than 4
UUID value equals 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678
BLOB length of value greater than 4
DATE day component equals 14
TIME minute component equals 42
TIMETZ minute component equals 42
TIMESTAMP minute component equals 42
TIMESTAMPTZ minute component equals 42
SEC_INTERVAL value equals 42
DAY_INTERVAL value equals 42
MONTH_INTERVAL value equals 42

Test cases

We have roughly three classes of tests.

  • Tests that contain many rows
  • Tests that contain a single row but with various numbers of columns
  • Reconnect tests which disconnect after each query.

The test queries can be found in the queries/ directory, one per file. The comments can contain special keywords:

@PREPARE@ use a prepared statement, if available
@RECONNECT@ disconnect and reconnect between each query sent
@PARALLEL=n@ run n jobs in parallel
@ALL_TEXT@ retrieve fields as text regardless of the column type
@EXPECTED=n@ expect n result rows

For each language/library combo we have a runner program that executes and times the queries, see below.

Tall test cases

The tests with names of the form tall_bigint.sql, tall_boolean.sql, etc., test result sets with 10 columns and 100_000 rows of the given type. Some rows are NULL.

We can use these tests to compare the performance of certain types within a given client library, for example compare the performance of ints and decimals, or we can compare different clients for a given type.

Test tall_int_as_text.sql is a result set of integers to be extracted as strings. For example in Java that would mean calling resultSet.getString() instead of resultSet.getInt(). These tests are interesting with the binary protocol: without binary, we expect extracting as text to be faster, with binary we expect extracting integers to be faster.

Not all client libraries support this, for example pymonetdb currently unconditionally converts integer columns to int. Conversely, libmapi only supports extracting as text so the application has to do the conversions.

There's also very_tall_int.sql and very_tall_text.sql. These have 5× the number of rows and can be used to determine if the duration scales linearly with the number of rows.

Finally, wide_int.sql and wide_text.sql have 2× the number of columns and can be used if the duration scales linearly with the number of columns.

One-row test cases

The one-row tests have names like one_row_prep_1000.sql. They test result sets containing a single row 100, 1000 and 10_000 columns. With the _prep_ tests, the client is supposed to use a prepared statement api if that is available.

Reconnect tests

The reconnect tests reconnect1.sql, reconnect2.sql, reconnect4.sql, and reconnect8.sql perform the query SELECT 42 and then hang up. We test this with 1, 2, 4 and 8 worker threads.

Test runners

For each language/library combo we have a runner program that executes and times the queries. There is a toplevel script that executes them. It knows how to invoke the runners, for example prepend java -jar for Java programs and python3 for Python programs, and it can also translate between bare database names, libmapi-style MAPI URLs, JDBC URLs and Pymonetdb-style MAPI URLs.

The runners live in directories with names of the form bench-<language>-<clientlibrary>. The toplevel script is not responsible for building the runners as that is highly system- and experiment specific. However, each runner directory should contain a README which clearly explains how to build the runner and what needs to be installed on the system before.

The runner program is invoked with the following parameters:

  • The URL of the database to connect to, in the appropriate URL dialect.
  • The name of the query file. The runner should look for the keywords described above and exit if it finds any @KEYWORD@ that it doesn't recognize.
  • How long to run the test, in seconds as a floating point value. The runner should repeat the query until the duration has expired.

If only the database url is given, or no parameter at all, a runner should print some metadata including the language version, the library version and if the url was given, the MonetDB version.

The runner first runs the query once for warmup and to determine the column types in the result set. Then it sets its internal clock to 0.0 and starts running the query repeatedly until time runs out. After each query it prints the elapsed time since the start of its run in nanoseconds.

This means that from the output of the runner we can quickly see exactly how long it ran (maximum of the samples) and how often it managed to run the query (count of the samples). By computing the difference with the previous sample we can also compute more advanced statistics on the query times.

Note that the one-row queries run very quickly, the runner should use appropriate buffering to make sure the I/O of writing the durations does not slow it down.

The toplevel runner is run with an --output-dir argument. Each runner should get its own output directory. Before starting, writes a metadata.txt there containing its parameters and the version information from the runner. If metadata.txt already exists and with different contents the run is aborted.

The user is encouraged to extend metadata.txt with more information about the setup, for example the output of inxi and details of the network layout.

For each query, runs the specified runner and writes the query timings to a file QUERY.csv in the output directory. If that file already exists the query is skipped unless --overwrite is given.

It also creates or updates a file summary.txt with information from all CSV files in the directory. When generating summary.txt it always uses all CSV files, not just the ones that were generated during this run.