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The Fidonet JAM module is able to read headers and texts of Fidonet echomail messages from JAM message bases according to the Joaquim-Andrew-Mats Message Base Proposal.

This module is written in JavaScript and requires Node.js to run.

  • Starting from v4.0.0, Fidonet JAM requires Node.js version 6.0.0 or newer because it is rewritten in ECMAScript 2016.
  • You may run older versions of Fidonet JAM (that precede v4.0.0) on older Node.js versions (0.10.x or 0.12.x). However, those older versions of Node.js are themselves not maintained by their developers after 2016-12-31. Older versions of Fidonet JAM (that precede v4.0.0) also run on slightly newer Node.js v4 (planned to be supported until April 2018) and Node.js v5 (not maintained after Jun 2016).

This module is tested against Node.js v6, Node.js v7 and the latest stable version of Node.js.

This repository does also contain draft standards of Fidonet avatars for the Fidonet Global Hypertext Interface project.

  • The avatar.txt file is the English version of the draft.

  • The avatar.rus.txt file is the Russian version of the draft. This version is provided in UTF-8 (for the diffs to look reasonably good on GitHub and other git tools) and thus should be converted to CP866 encoding (common in Russian Fidonet) before posting to Fidonet.

This module is a reference implementation of these standards, though incomplete (a support for section 8 has never been implemented).

Installing Fidonet JAM

(npm package version)

  • Latest packaged version: npm install fidonet-jam

  • Latest githubbed version: npm install

The npm package does not contain the tests, they're published on GitHub only.

You may visit occasionally to read the latest README because the package's version is not planned to grow after changes when they happen in README only. (And npm publish --force is forbidden nowadays.)

Using Fidonet JAM

When you require() the installed module, you get a constructor that uses the path to a JAM echo base as its parameter:

var JAM = require('fidonet-jam');
var echobase = JAM(basePath);

Names of echo base files are generated by appending lowercase extensions (.jhr, .jdt, .jdx, .jlr) to the given path.

The constructed object has the following methods:

crc32(string, options)

JAM data structures sometimes use CRC-32 hashes of strings. These hashes are calculated with the following two nuances:

  • before CRC-32 is calculated, the given string is converted to lowercase (where the lowercasing function converts A-Z to a-z only);

  • after CRC-32 is calculated, a bit inversion is applied. For example, the resulting CRC-32 of an empty string is 4294967295 (the maximum 32-bit number) instead of 0 (zero).

This method returns JAM CRC-32 of the given string. (The returned value may then be used for comparison with CRC-32-containing fields of JAM data structures.)

The optional options parameter is an object with two optional properties:

  • keepCase property, if it's present and true, dictates that the case of the given string is not altered before CRC-32 is calculated;

  • encoding property (it defaults to 'utf8') specifies how the given string should be encoded to a Node.js Buffer before its CRC32 hash is calculated. (The given encoding has to be a known encoding of Node.js Buffers or known to the iconv-lite module.)

For simplicity, true value of the options parameter may be given instead of the {keepCase: true} object.


Asynchronously reads the .jhr file (JAM headers) into memory, populating the object's .JHR property with a raw Buffer. Then calls callback(error).

The data is cached. Subsequent calls to .readJHR won't repeat the reading operation unless the object's .JHR property is null.


Asynchronously reads the .jdt file (JAM message texts) into memory, populating the object's .JDT property with a raw Buffer. Then calls callback(error).

The data is cached. Subsequent calls to .readJDT won't repeat the reading operation unless the object's .JDT property is null.


Asynchronously reads the .jlr file (JAM lastread storage) into memory and parses it, populating the object's .lastreads property with an array of objects with the following properties:

  • UserCRC — JAM CRC-32 of the lowercase (A-Za-z only) user name.

  • UserID — Unique ID of that user. (Some echomail readers, such as GoldED+ and GoldED-NSF, use a duplicate of UserCRC as UserID.)

  • LastRead — Number of the message last read by that user.

  • HighRead — Highest of the numbers of the messages read by that user.

Then callback(error) is called.

The data is cached. Subsequent calls to .readJLR won't repeat the reading operation unless the object's .lastreads property is null.

Both LastRead and HighRead use internal numbering of the messages (e.g. equal to the MessageNumber property of the corresponding message's header).


Asynchronously reads the .jdx file (JAM index) into memory and parses that index, populating the object's .indexStructure property with an array of objects with the following properties:

  • ToCRC — JAM CRC-32 of the lowercase (A-Za-z only) name of the message's recipient.

  • offset — the physical offset of the message's header in the .jhr (header) file.

  • MessageNum0 — a message's rebased (zero-based) internal number. Starts from 0 (zero), i.e. .indexStructure[0].MessageNum0 === 0. The basemsgnum value from the “JAM fixed header” (see below) should be added to generate the actual internal number of a message. Deleted messages leave gaps in that numbering (such as .indexStructure[i].MessageNum0 > i and .indexStructure[i].MessageNum0 > .indexStructure[i-1].MessageNum0 + 1) until the message base is packed by an echoprocessor.

Then callback(error) is called.

The data is cached. Subsequent calls to .readJDX won't repeat the reading operation unless the object's .indexStructure property is null.


Returns .indexStructure.length property (or undefined when .indexStructure is null).


Writes null to the JHR, fixedHeader, JDT, lastreads and indexStructure properties of the object.

The memory cache becomes empty and thus the next readJHR, readJDT, readJLR or readJDX will read the data from the disk again.

The behaviour can be altered by passing a string cache parameter:

  • cache === 'header' (or 'headers') — only JHR and fixedHeader become null;

  • cache === 'text' (or 'texts') — only JDT becomes null;

  • cache === 'lastread' (or 'lastreads') — only lastreads becomes null;

  • cache === 'index' — only indexStructure becomes null;

  • any other value (or just .clearCache() without parameters) — all of the above properties become null.


Asynchronously reads the “JAM fixed header” of the echo base (calling .readJHR method in the process) and stores it in the object's .fixedHeader property. Then calls callback(error).

That “JAM fixed header” is an object with the following properties:

  • Signature is a four-bytes Buffer (should contain 'JAM\0').

  • datecreated is the (32 bit) creation date of the base.

  • modcounter is the (32 bit) counter that (according to the JAM specifications) must be incremented and updated on disk each time an application modifies the contents of the message base. (When it reaches 0xffffffff, it wraps to zero.)

  • activemsgs is the (32 bit) number of active (i.e. not deleted) messages in the base.

  • passwordcrc is the (32 bit) JAM CRC-32 of a password to access.

  • basemsgnum is the (32 bit) lowest message number in the index file.

According to the JAM specifications, the basemsgnum property determines the lowest message number in the index file. The value for this field is one (1) when a message area is first created. By using this property, a message area can be packed (when deleted messages are removed) without renumbering it. For example, if BaseMsgNum contains 500, then the first index record points to message number 500. This property has to be taken into account when an application calculates the next available message number (for creating new messages) as well as the highest and lowest message number in a message area.

The contents of “JAM fixed header” are cached. Subsequent calls to .readJHR won't happen unless the object's .fixedHeader property is null.

indexLastRead(username, [encoding], callback)

Finds out which message was last read by the given user, calling .readJLR and (probably) .readFixedHeaderInfoStruct and .readJDX in the process.

The user is designated by a username string and optional encoding string (it defaults to 'utf8') containing the encoding that is applied to the given username before CRC-32 calculations. That encoding, if given, has to be a known encoding of Node.js Buffers or known to the iconv-lite module. It becomes necessary only if username is non-Latin and the .jlr file (JAM lastread storage) is generated by (or shared with) some Fidonet application that does not use UTF-8.

Afterwards callback(error, index) is called where index is the (zero-based) position of that last read message in the object's .indexStructure array. (However, index becomes null if the last read message is not known.)

That's done in a couple of steps:

  • After .readJLR is called, the object's .lastreads array is expected to contain an element which has UserCRC property equal to .crc32(username, {encoding: encoding}). If there's no such element, callback(null, null) is immediately called (and thus .readFixedHeaderInfoStruct and .readJDX are never called).

  • Then an attempt is made to find an index such as .indexStructure[index].MessageNum0 + basemsgnum === LastRead where basemsgnum is taken from .readFixedHeaderInfoStruct and LastRead is a property from the element in .lastreads that was found on the previous step. The search for such index goes backwards through .indexStructure because the last read message is more likely to be found among the latest received messages.

readHeader(number, callback)

Asynchronously reads a JAM header by its number (calling .readJDX and .readJHR methods in the process).

The accepted number values start from (and including) 1 and go to (and including) .size() without gaps, ignoring the internal MessageNumber values in the headers. If the given number is below zero or above .size(), then callback(new Error(…)) is called (see the error codes in the bottom of fidonet-jam.js).

The callback has the form callback(error, header). That header has the following structure:

  • Signature is a four-bytes Buffer (should contain 'JAM\0').

  • Revision is the (16 bit) revision level of the header (1 in the known JAM specification).

  • ReservedWord is the (16 bit) value reserved for some future use.

  • SubfieldLen is the (32 bit) length of the Subfields data (see below), given in bytes.

  • TimesRead is the (32 bit) number of times the message was read.

  • MSGIDcrc and REPLYcrc are the (32 bit) JAM CRC-32 values of the MSGID and REPLY lines of the message.

  • ReplyTo, Reply1st and ReplyNext are the (32 bit) values that are used in saving the tree of replies to a message (as seen in the bottom of the JAM specs). Note: ReplyNext was called Replynext before version 2.0.0 (according to the upper table in the JAM specs; but that's probably a typo in the specs).

  • DateWritten, DateReceived and DateProcessed are the (32 bit) timestamps of the moments when the message was written, received and processed by a tosser (or a scanner).

  • MessageNumber is the (32 bit, 1-based) internal number of the message. Can be different from the value of the number parameter given to the .readHeader method. (However, you may expect the message's internal number to be strictly equal to .indexStructure[number-1].MessageNum0 + basemsgnum where .indexStructure is populated by .readJDX and basemsgnum is a property of the “JAM fixed header”.)

  • Attribute is the (32 bit) bitfield containing the message's attributes.

  • Attribute2 is the (32 bit) value reserved for some future use.

  • Offset and TxtLen are the (32 bit) offset and length of the message's text in the .jdt file.

  • PasswordCRC is the (32 bit) JAM CRC-32 values of the password necessary to access the message.

  • Cost is the (32 bit) cost value of the message.

  • Subfields is an array of message's fields. Each of its elements is an object that has the following structure:

    • LoID is the (16 bit) identifier of the field's type.
    • HiID is the (16 bit) value reserved for some future use.
    • datlen is the (32 bit) length of the field.
    • Buffer is the Node.js Buffer containing the field's data.
    • type is the JavaScript string corresponing to the value of LoID (i.e. containing the field's type).

The following LoID / type pairs are possible:

  • 0 / 'OADDRESS' — The network address of the message's origin.
  • 1 / 'DADDRESS' — The network address of the message's destination.
  • 2 / 'SENDERNAME' — The sender (author) of the message.
  • 3 / 'RECEIVERNAME' — The recepient of the message.
  • 4 / 'MSGID' — The ID of the message.
  • 5 / 'REPLYID' — If the message is a reply to some other message, contains the MSGID of that message.
  • 6 / 'SUBJECT' — The subject of the message.
  • 7 / 'PID' — The PID of the program that generated the message.
  • 8 / 'TRACE' — Information about a system which the message has travelled through.
  • 9 / 'ENCLOSEDFILE' — A name of a file attached to the message.
  • 10 / 'ENCLOSEDFILEWALIAS' — Same as 'ENCLOSEDFILE', but the filename is followed by \0 and intended to be transmited to the remote system in place of the local name of the file.
  • 11 / 'ENCLOSEDFREQ' — A request for one or more files.
  • 12 / 'ENCLOSEDFILEWCARD' — Same as 'ENCLOSEDFILE', but may contain wildcards.
  • 13 / 'ENCLOSEDINDIRECTFILE' — Same as 'ENCLOSEDFILE', but indirectly (the filename points to an ASCII file containing one filename entry per line).
  • 1000 / 'EMBINDAT' — Reserved for some future use.
  • 2000 / 'FTSKLUDGE' — FTS-compliant “kludge” line (not otherwise represented here).
  • 2001 / 'SEENBY2D' — Two-dimensional (net/node) SEEN-BY information.
  • 2002 / 'PATH2D' — Two-dimensional (net/node) PATH information.
  • 2003 / 'FLAGS' — FTN FLAGS kludge (stripped from the flags that have binary representation in the JAM message header).
  • 2004 / 'TZUTCINFO' — Time zone information in +HHmm or -HHmm form (for example, -0400) where + may be omitted.
  • other / 'UNKNOWN' — A value not documented in the JAM documentation.

The above description of possible type values is abridged (you may read the JAM documentation for details).

Here's a header's screenshot for example:



Asynchronously reads all JAM headers from the base (calling .readJDX, .readFixedHeaderInfoStruct and .readHeader methods in the process; therefore .indexStructure and .JHR and .fixedHeader properties of the object are populated, though the latter is not used anywhere in the method).

Then calls callback(error, messageHeaders), where messageHeaders is an array containing JAM headers of the individual messages as returned by .readHeader.

**Note 1: ** as in any other JavaScript array, the indexes of messageHeaders are 0-based, while the number parameter of the .readHeader method is 1-based (and the .MessageNumber property of the header starts from .fixedHeader.basemsgnum, which is either 1 or greater).

**Note 2: ** scanning of the whole base takes some time. As tests show, almost a second (or several seconds on an older computer or older Node.js engine) is necessary to scan even a single echo base containing 9151 messages. To avoid freezing of the Node.js event loop, each .readHeader call is postponed with setImmediate().


Searches the Subfields array of the given header for its FTSKLUDGE-type subfields (i.e. for FTS control lines aka kludges) and returns the lowercase encoding of the corresponding message (such as 'cp866' for example) according to the FTS-5003.001 standard:

  • For the first CHRS: <identifier> <level> or CHARSET: <identifier> <level> kludge found, its identifier value is lowercased and returned.

  • If the identifier has the 'ibmpc' value, a search for a CODEPAGE: <identifier> <level> kludge is performed. If found, the identifier value of the first such kludge is lowercased and returned instead of 'ibmpc'.

  • The <level> part is ignored even if present.

  • If neither CHRS: <identifier> <level> nor CHARSET: <identifier> <level> kludge is found, null is returned.

Before the value is returned, the following replacements are made:

  • '+7_fido''cp866' (according to FTS-5003.001 section 4)

  • '+7''cp866' (to mitigate a relatively common mistake of declaring '+7 FIDO' instead of '+7_FIDO')

  • 'iso-8859-1''latin-1' (that's a synonym)

  • 'utf-8''utf8' (making it more compatible with the corresponding Node.js Buffer's encoding)

decodeHeader(header, options)

Uses the encoding (determined by .encodingFromHeader(header)) to decode strings from the Buffer properties of the header's Subfields.

  • If .encodingFromHeader returns null, options.defaultEncoding is used.

  • If .encodingFromHeader returns an unknown encoding (the encodingExists method of iconv-lite returns false for that encoding), options.defaultEncoding is used if options.useDefaultIfUnknown is true. And if options.defaultEncoding is also an unknown encoding, an error is thrown.

The default values of options:

defaultEncoding: 'cp866',
useDefaultIfUnknown: true

Returns the decoded header, which is an object with the following properties:

  • origTime — an array ([year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0]) converted from the header's DateWritten property. (Month numbers are 1…12 unlike JS Date.)

  • procTime — an array ([year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0]) converted from the header's DateProcessed property. (Month numbers are 1…12 unlike JS Date.)

  • kludges — an array of kludge strings without the preceding SOH (Ctrl+A, 0x01) code. Collected from the header's Subfields of FTSKLUDGE type. Kludges of some special types (MSGID, REPLY, PID, PATH, SEEN-BY) are converted to their own properties (see below).

The same returned object may also have one or more of the following properties:

  • origAddr — sender's address.

  • toAddr — destination's address. (Optional in echomail.)

  • from — sender's name.

  • to — receiver's name.

  • subj — the message's subject.

  • msgid and replyid — the MSGID of the message and the source it replies to.

  • pid — the program that generated the message.

  • path — space-separated list of the nodes the message travelled through. (The 2D addresses of that nodes are given.)

  • seenby — space-separated incomplete list of the nodes that seen the message. (The 2D addresses of that nodes are given.)

  • timezone — sender's time zone in +HHmm or -HHmm form (for example, -0400) where + may be omitted.

decodeKludges(header, options)

Does a minor part of what decodeHeader does: decodes only the kludge lines.

Uses the encoding (determined by .encodingFromHeader(header)) to decode strings from the Buffer properties of the header's Subfields. If .encodingFromHeader returns null, uses options or defaults the same way decodeHeader does it.

The kludges are decoded only from the following Subfield types:

  • 4 / 'MSGID' — The ID of the message.
  • 5 / 'REPLYID' — If the message is a reply to some other message, contains the MSGID of that message.
  • 7 / 'PID' — The PID of the program that generated the message.
  • 2004 / 'TZUTCINFO' — Time zone information in +HHmm or -HHmm form (for example, -0400) where + may be omitted. (Becomes a TZUTC kludge.)
  • 2000 / 'FTSKLUDGE' — other FTS-compliant “kludge” lines.

The other subfields (including PATH and SEEN-BY) are ignored.

The kludge lines are decoded without the preceding SOH (Ctrl+A, 0x01) code.

The returned value is a string containing all the kludge lines separated by the Unix line endings (LF, '\n').

decodeMessage(header, options, callback)

Using the given header, reads the text of the corresponding message (calling .readJDT in the process). Then uses the encoding (determined by .encodingFromHeader(header)) to decode the text of the message. Calls callback(error, messageText) when the decoding is finished.

  • If .encodingFromHeader returns null, options.defaultEncoding is used.

  • If .encodingFromHeader returns an unknown encoding (the encodingExists method of iconv-lite returns false for that encoding), options.defaultEncoding is used if options.useDefaultIfUnknown is true. And if options.defaultEncoding is also an unknown encoding, an error is thrown.

The default values of options:

defaultEncoding: 'cp866',
useDefaultIfUnknown: true

Before messageText is given to the callback, all occurences of the Fidonet line ending (CR, '\r') are replaced by the Unix line ending (LF, '\n').

getAvatarsForHeader(header, schemes, avatarOptions)

Using the given header, returns an array of URLs of avatars designated for the corresponding message.

This is accomplished by calling .decodeHeader and then scanning the kludges according to the above mentioned standard of Fidonet avatars for the Fidonet Global Hypertext Interface project.

The parameter schemes must contain the array of supported URL schemes (for example, ['http', 'https'] if only Web-hosted avatars are supported), case-insensitive. Only the supported avatar URLs are returned from the method.

An optional avatarOptions parameter is an object with the following optional properties:

  • defaultEncoding (by default, 'cp866') and useDefaultIfUnknown (by default, true) are the options given to .decodeHeader.

  • size (by default, 200) is an avatar size (in pixels) to be requested from the Gravatar service, if a gravatar is encountered. The default value (200) implies 200×200 avatar.

  • rating (by default, 'x') is an avatar rating to be given to the Gravatar service, if a gravatar is encountered. The service is expected to return an avatar up to and including that rating according to the following list:

    • 'g' — suitable for display on all websites with any audience type;
    • 'pg' — may contain rude gestures, provocatively dressed individuals, the lesser swear words, or mild violence;
    • 'r' — may contain such things as harsh profanity, intense violence, nudity, or hard drug use;
    • 'x' — may contain hardcore sexual imagery or extremely disturbing violence.
  • gravatarDefault (by default, 'mm') is a keyword of an avatar to be returned by the Gravatar service, if an unknown gravatar is encountered. (See for details.)

  • origAddr is a string to be used as the message's sender's address if a freq://... URL is created from a GIF kludge. If this option is missing, the origAddr property of the object returned from .decodeHeader is used. (If both are missing, that GIF kludge is ignored.)

numbersForMSGID(MSGID, options, callback)

Using the given MSGID string (or an array of MSGID strings), generates an array containing numbers of messages identified by any of the given MSGIDs, calling .readAllHeaders in the process. Then callback(error, numbers) is called.

Possible number values start from (and including) 1 and go to (and including) .size() without gaps, ignoring the internal MessageNumber values in the headers. (Note: .size() becomes available because .readAllHeaders calls .readJDX.)

The array of numbers may be empty if the message base does not contain messages that correspond to the given MSGIDs. The array may contain one number per MSGID if such messages are found. However, it may contain several numbers (corresponding to several messages) per one MSGID: though FTS-0009 states that two messages from a given system may not have the same serial number within a three years period, the message base itself may easily span more than three years.

When a non-ASCII MSGID is decoded, an optional options parameter is taken into account:

  • If .encodingFromHeader returns null, options.defaultEncoding is used.

  • If .encodingFromHeader returns an unknown encoding (the encodingExists method of iconv-lite returns false for that encoding), options.defaultEncoding is used if options.useDefaultIfUnknown is true.

  • After that, if the encoding is still unknown, the default value of options.defaultEncoding is used. (That's 'cp866', see below.)

The default values of options:

defaultEncoding: 'cp866',
useDefaultIfUnknown: true

headersForMSGID(MSGID, options, callback)

Works exactly as .numbersForMSGID, but an array of messages' headers (instead of their numbers) is given to the callback: callback(error, headers).

Each of the headers (found for the given MSGID or MSGIDs) has the same properties as a result of .readHeader. Each header is additionally given another property (MessageIndex) that contains its number as found in .numbersForMSGID. (Do not confuse it with JAM's internal MessageNumber property of the same header object.)

getParentNumber(number, callback)

Using the given message's number, finds out that message's parent in the tree of replies (i.e. the message that the given message replies to), calling .readHeader and .readFixedHeaderInfoStruct in the process. Then callback(error, parentNumber) is called, where parentNumber === null if the parent message cannot be found (for example, if the given message is not a reply).

Possible number values (of the given and the found number) start from (and including) 1 and go to (and including) .size() without gaps. (The internal MessageNumber values are used only internally in this method.)

get1stChildNumber(number, callback)

Using the given message's number, finds out the number of its first child in the tree of replies (i.e. the first of the messages that reply to the given message), calling .readHeader and .readFixedHeaderInfoStruct in the process. Then callback(error, childNumber) is called, where childNumber === null if the given message has no replies.

Possible number values (of the given and the found number) start from (and including) 1 and go to (and including) .size() without gaps. (The internal MessageNumber values are used only internally in this method.)

getNextChildNumber(number, callback)

Using the given message's number, finds out the number of its next sibling in the tree of replies (i.e. the next of the messages that reply to the given message's parent), calling .readHeader and .readFixedHeaderInfoStruct in the process. Then callback(error, siblingNumber) is called, where siblingNumber === null if such sibling message cannot be found (for example, if the given message is not a reply or if it's the last of the replies ever given to its parent message).

Possible number values (of the given and the found number) start from (and including) 1 and go to (and including) .size() without gaps. (The internal MessageNumber values are used only internally in this method.)

getChildrenNumbers(number, callback)

Using the given message's number, finds out the numbers of its children in the tree of replies (i.e. the messages that reply to the given message), calling .get1stChildNumber and (probably) .getNextChildNumber in the process. Then callback(error, childrenNumbers) is called, where childrenNumbers is an array (can be [] if the given message has no replies).

Possible number values (of the given and the found numbers) start from (and including) 1 and go to (and including) .size() without gaps. (The internal MessageNumber values are used only internally in this method.)

getOrigAddr(header, decodeOptions, callback)

Using the given message's header, finds the Fidonet address of that message's origin (sender), using the following sources in the following order:

  • If .decodeHeader returns an object with existing .origAddr property, that property is used.

  • If .decodeHeader returns an object with existing .msgid property and that property's first part (before a whitespace) resembles a Fidonet address, that part is used.

  • If .decodeMessage returns a text and that text's last line resembles a Fidonet origin line and that line's last part (before a closing parenthesis) resembles a Fidonet address, that part is used.

Then callback(error, origAddr) is called. (When all of the above three sources are not available, origAddr === null.)

The optional decodeOptions parameter controls decoding (it is passed to .decodeHeader and .decodeMessage verbatim).

This method is only necessary when the .origAddr property is unreliable by itself, i.e. when the echomail processor (such as hpt/w32-mvcdll 1.4.0-sta 25-02-07 for example) sometimes does not fill OADDRESS subfield in the header. Numerous Fidonet applications are forced to work around this issue (example) until better echomail processors are widespread.

This method treats a message's origin line as a source less reliable than that message's MSGID. That's because an error in quoting may cause an error in echomail processing where the quoted origin would replace the original origin. (See the FAQ of SU.FidoTech for details.)

Locking files

The module does not lock any files and does not create any “lock files” (flag files, semaphore files). The module's caller should control the access to the message base.

That's because Fidonet software uses different locking methods. For example, GoldED+ uses OS file locking (as seen in its source code) and HPT uses a lock file (the file's name is given on the LockFile line in the HPT's config). It would complicate the module if it were the module's job to know what locking is necessary.

Testing Fidonet JAM

(build testing status)

The tests currently contain ≈14 megabytes of input data and thus are not included in the npm package of the module. Use the version from GitHub.

It is necessary to install Mocha and JSHint for testing.

  • You may install Mocha globally (npm install mocha -g) or locally (npm install mocha in the directory of the Fidonet JAM module).

  • You may install JSHint globally (npm install jshint -g) or locally (npm install jshint in the directory of the Fidonet JAM module).

After that you may run npm test (in the directory of the Fidonet JAM module).


Distribution of the Fidonet avatar standards is unlimited (see section 1), provided that the text is not altered without notice.

The JavaScript code is MIT-licensed (see the LICENSE file).

This product uses the JAM(mbp) API — Copyright 1993 Joaquim Homrighausen, Andrew Milner, Mats Birch, Mats Wallin. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (JAM may be used by any developer as long as its specifications are followed exactly. JAM may be used free-of-charge by any developer for any purpose, commercially or otherwise.)


Fidonet JAM echomail base access for Node.js







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