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bind invokable on miru cli #340

bind invokable on miru cli

bind invokable on miru cli #340

Triggered via push April 19, 2023 13:33
Status Success
Total duration 2m 34s


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3 warnings
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-dotnet@v1. For more information see:
build: samples/MiruNext/src/MiruNext/Framework/ObjectResultBehavior.cs#L15
This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.
build: samples/MiruNext/src/MiruNext/Framework/ObjectResultBehavior.cs#L15
This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.