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Boilerplate to show how ESM are working today, both on browsers or from NodeJS. Use Rollup to bundle the modules in a compatible bundle for non ESM browser.


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EcmaScript Modules session

Demos on ESM Session during DEVOXX 2018

  • Demo 01: Using TypeScript to understand the ESM syntax, and show the fallback to commonjs or amd.
  • Demo 02: Creating an Express application and show how to deal with browsers that does not support yet ESM. This demo focuses on modules on the client side.
  • Demo 03: Creating a full application with ESM on the browser.
  • Demo 04: Make the compatible version for non ESM browser. Using Rollup to bundle / transpile.
  • Demo 05: Show the complete solution, and migrate to .mjs nodejs.
  • Demo 06: Demo on the future dynamic import() statement.

Demo 01: Undestanding ESM

This demo will focus on:

  • Writing modules in ESM style.
  • Transpiling for CommonJS / AMD with TypeScript.

Open /Demo01/start folder. The project is starter initiliazed with NodeJS / TypeScript, and the node-fetch module:

If you want to create from scratch, here are the command lines:

npm init -f
tsc --init
npm install node-fetch
npm install @types/node-fetch

Create 3 files:

  • app.ts
  • people.ts
  • speakerService.ts

Copy/Paste the people.ts file, and explain the export pattern

export class speaker {
    constructor(public firstName: string, public lastName: string, public company: string) {

    getFullName() {
        return `Full name : ${this.firstName} ${this.lastName} from ${} `;

export class attendee {
    constructor(public firstName: string, public lastName: string) { }

export class user {
    constructor(public firstName: string, public lastName: string) { }

export class dog {
    constructor(public name: string) { }

export class cat {
    constructor(public name: string) { }

Copy/Paste this speakerService.ts file, and complete with the solution below :

let url = "";

async function getAllSpeakers(): Promise<Array<speaker>> {

    var response:any;
    var speakersJson: Array<any>;
    var speakers = => new speaker(s.firstName, s.lastName,;

    return speakers;



import { speaker } from "./people";
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

let url = "";

async function getAllSpeakers(): Promise<Array<speaker>> {

    var response = await fetch(url);
    var speakersList: Array<any> = await response.json();
    var speakers = => new speaker(s.firstName, s.lastName,;

    return speakers;


export default getAllSpeakers;

and explain default pattern

import { speaker } from "./people";
import fetch from "node-fetch";

let url = "";

export default async () => {

    var response = await fetch(url);
    var speakersJson: Array<any> = await response.json();
    var speakers = => new speaker(s.firstName, s.lastName,;

    return speakers;


// export default getAllSpeakers;

Copy/Paste this app.ts file, and complete with the solution below :

// (async () => {

//     var speakers = await getAllSpeakers();

//     speakers.forEach(speaker => {
//         console.log(speaker.getFullName());
//     });

// })();

Solution :

import { speaker } from "./people";
import getAllSpeakers from "./speakerServices";

(async () => {

    var speakers = await getAllSpeakers();

    speakers.forEach(speaker => {


Move everything about speaker people.ts and speakerService.ts in a subfolder called /people.

Create a file /people/index.ts to export everything from /people

export * from './people';
export * from './speakerServices'

Explain why we can't export default in a export *

Workaround to export a default export in a export all pattern

export * from './people';
import getAllSpeakers from './speakerServices'
export { getAllSpeakers };

Go back to first version and replace in speakerServices:

export { getAllSpeakers };

Then change the import statement in app.ts:

import * as ppl from "./people/index";

(async () => {

    var speakers = await ppl.getAllSpeakers()

    speakers.forEach(speaker => {


Demos 02: Checking the browser capabilities for ESM

This demo will focus on:

  • Showing how to see if a browser is Modules compliant.
  • Showing how to load a script version for non compatible browsers with nomodule attribute
  • Showing why defer is important when working with Modules

Open Demo2/start folder or create an express application, using hbs view engine.

express -v hbs
npm install

Adding javascript files in layout.hbs, just before </body>

  <script src=""></script>

Adding a new file javascripts/module.js (already done in starter folder)

$(() => {
    $('#supportId').html('Ce navigateur supporte les modules.');
  • Tips: Use // @ts-check. To check your code, and see how VS Code is reacting :)
// @ts-check
$(() => {
    $('#supportId').html('Ce navigateur supporte les modules.');

Add the types definition for Jquery :

npm install @types/jquery -D

Adding javascripts/nomodule.js

// @ts-check
$(() => {
    $('#supportId').html('Ce navigateur ne supporte pas les modules.');

Adding lines in index.hbs

<script src="javascripts/module.js" type="module"></script>
<script src="javascripts/nomodule.js" nomodule ></script>

<p>Welcome to {{title}}</p>

<div id="supportId"></div>
  • Result in Chrome, Brave, Edge : OK
  • Result in Firefox : Not OK

See the console log from Firefox:

ReferenceError: $ is not defined
  • Because the script was loaded before the jquery script file.
  • Because Modules are defered by default.
  • Add the keyword defer for the nomodule script
<script src="javascripts/nomodule.js" nomodule defer></script>
  • Tips : If you wants Firefox to works with ESM, open a tab on about:config and set dom.moduleScripts.enabled to true

Demos 03: Creating a full application with ESM for browsers

This demo will focus on:

  • Showing how to works whith ES modules in a boilerplate browser application
  • Showing why we should add extensions to export file
  • Showing on which browsers it actually works

Get the /Sample 03/start folder. This folder contains a starter kit, composed with severals pre-coded things:

  • An Express server, with Handlebars rendered and one route, to /speaker page.
  • A full layout with bootstrap css/js.
  • A directory public/javacripts/speaker, containing some code to handle speakers. It lakes import / export !

Completing the export / import stuff

In public/javacripts/speaker/speakerPage.js, explain we have to import. But javascript requires to make some *.js references. So:

import { speakerServices } from "./speakerServices.js";
import applySpeakerTemplate from "./speakerTemplate.js";

Once explained, uncomment the export in public/javacripts/speaker/index.js:

export * from "./speakerPage.js";
export * from "./speakerServices.js";

Open view: views/speakers.hbs and add the module script:

<script type="module">
    import { speakerPage } from './javascripts/speaker/index.js'
    new speakerPage().loadAsync();

Demos 04: Make the compatible version for non ESM browser. Using Rollup to bundle / transpile

This demo will focus on:

  • Adding a bundler / transpiler that will handle the browsers with no ESM
  • Showing multiples pages export

Get the /Sample 04/start folder (actually it's the end of the Sample 03 solution.

*** Adding Rollup

Adding Rollup package

npm install rollup -D

Create a folder src/client. Move public/javascripts/speaker to /src/client/speaker. Add a file in src/client called index.js:

Adding a config file /rollup.config.js:

export default [
        input: 'src/client/speaker/index.js',
        output: {
            file: 'public/javascripts/',
            format: 'es',
            sourcemap: true

    // SystemJS version, for older browsers
        input: 'src/client/speaker/index.js',
        output: {
            file: 'public/javascripts/index.legacy.js',
            format: 'system',
            sourcemap: true

Using Rollup to make it work:

rollup -c -w
  • -c: Using Rollup with a config file

  • -w: Using Rollup with watch mode

  • Tips: Show the output result from Rollup bundling

Replace in views/speaker.hbs, with this code, and explains that we can't use defer without the src attribute:

<script nomodule src=''></script>

<script nomodule>
    // because we can't use "defer" attribute without "src"
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async (ev) => {
        let legacy = await System.import('/javascripts/index.legacy.js');
        let sp = new legacy.speakerPage();
        await sp.loadAsync();


<script type="module">
    import { speakerPage } from './javascripts/'
    new speakerPage().loadAsync();

Demos 05 : Show the complete solution, and migrate to .mjs nodejs

This demo will focus on:

  • Making a node js application working with modules
  • Show that we don't use a script anymore in page, but instead, a script in layout.hbs.
  • show the router singleton pattern.
  • going for mjs modules with nodeJS

Showing the router singleton pattern

In any browser, on page /Spakers show that router is never recreated, and speakerPage is recreated

Show the code of router.js

// singleton
export default new router();

// // Or
// let iRouter = new router();
// export { iRouter };

Migrate to .mjs files

Use the refactoring tool from VS Code to go from require to import in app.js file. Explains why we should have only one export (due to compat when ESM import CommonJS modules) The code will be:

// @ts-check
import express from "express";
import path from "path";
import favicon from "serve-favicon";
import logger from "morgan";
import cookieParser from "cookie-parser";
import bodyParser from "body-parser";
  • Tips: Don't forget to correct errors from the code body of the file !

Rename the file app.js to app.mjs Rename the file www to www.mjs

Change the code to reflect ESM:

#!/usr/bin/env node
// @ts-check

// @ts-ignore
import app from "../app.mjs";
import dg from "debug";
import http from "http";

var debug = dg('sample-02:server');

Launch the application with the flag --experimental-modules:

node --experimental-modules bin/www.mjs

Demos 06 : use the new import() dynamic

Demo based on the future implementation of import()

Show the straightforward file we want to import, dynamically, in /public/javascripts/bio.js:

export class bio {
    getBio() {
        return 'Here is a usefull bio from ... someone !';

Show the code in /index.hbs file:

<script type="module">
    $(() => {
        let btnBio = $("#bioButton"); () => {

            var bioModule = await import('/javascripts/bio.js');
            var bio = new;
            let bioText = bio.getBio();



Thanks for all these guys who shared / works on awesome stuffs, about ESM:


Boilerplate to show how ESM are working today, both on browsers or from NodeJS. Use Rollup to bundle the modules in a compatible bundle for non ESM browser.






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