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Join Channels

It is standard practice in nf-core to pass around a map with sample meta information as the first element in channels. It is therefore very tempting to use that map as the key to merge by in operators such as join, groupTuple, combine (with by), or cross.

When such a map is also modified directly, this can break the merging operation when resuming a pipeline. (I'm not completely sure of the underlying reason.) This can be verified with the failOnMismatch: true option for join.


  1. First, change to the data directory, then run the script. This may take a while depending on your internet connection.

    cd data
    cd ..
  2. Change to the directory demonstrating the problem where such a map is modified in place. After some samples have been processed successfully, you should interrupt the pipeline (Ctrl + c), then resume it by executing the script again.

    cd problem
    cd ..
  3. A potential solution to circumvent this problem is by creating a copy of the map when modifying it. As before, interrupt the pipeline, then resume it to convince yourself that this is a solution.

    cd solution_copy
    cd ..
  4. Another solution is to pull out one or more simple keys, like integers or strings, from the map and merge on those. This requires more channel manipulations (at least for now) As before, interrupt the pipeline, then resume it to convince yourself that this is a solution.

    cd solution_keys
    cd ..


  • This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. See the unlicense.


Demonstrate problems with merging channels using a map as the key to merge by.





