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Mobile app for VP-Kuljetus drivers

Getting Started

  • See Environment variables for setting up Infisical for managing environment variables
  • After setting up environment variables you can run the project via VS Code's debugging (F5) or via CLI with command flutter run --dart-define-from-file=env.json

Generate API client

  • API client is linked through git submodule. Initialize the link by running git submodule update --init in terminal.
  • Generate the client by running flutter pub run build_runner build.

Developing state providers

  • This project uses Riverpod as state management tool.
  • When creating providers, generate boilerplate for providers annotated with @riverpod or @Riverpod() by running flutter pub run build_runner build

Creating Freezed models

  • This project utilizes Freezed to generate boilerplate for data classes and JSON serialization.
  • When defining data classes with Freezed, generate boilerplate for classes annotated with @freezed by running flutter pub run build_runner build

Environment variables

This project uses environment variables defined in Infisical. It provides a centralized way for serving environment variables to both CI/CD pipeline and local development. Read the following section to learn how to import environment variables with Infisical to your environment.

Import variables to project

Proceed with the following steps to get started:

  1. Install Infisical CLI by referencing the official documentation here: Infisical CLI
  2. Request fellow developers to get access to
    1. Infisical organization
    2. VP-Kuljetus project
  3. Run infisical login and authenticate with your Infisical account
    1. Select Infisical Cloud when asked
  4. Run infisical run --path=/driver-app -- flutter pub run dart_define generate
  5. You will see in the terminal that env.json file has been generated to the root of the project, which contains the variables.

Modifying environment variables

Update variable definitions in pubspec.yaml. Detailed instructions in here;

Creating Sign Keystore for Android

Replace [STOREPASS] with generated password

keytool -genkey -v -keystore app.keystore -storepass [STOREPASS] -alias app -keypass [STOREPASS] -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -validity 10000

Encode keystore as base64 (so it can be stored as GitHub environment secret)

base64 -i app.keystore -o app.keystore.b64