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PGFinder v0.0.3

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@ns-rse ns-rse released this 01 Jun 17:36
· 448 commits to master since this release

Small but significant changes in this release.

myBinder has recently lost significant resources (see here for further details).

We have also found that uploading the .ftrs and maxquant files can take some time.

A new approach is therefore being adopted that uses JupyterLite which runs the notebook entirely in the users browser without the need to first start a server locally. This does have a slight downside in that it requires the installation of PGFinder and its dependencies when running the notebook which can take 30 seconds or longer depending on the connection. Users also have to be careful about not using a cached version of the PGFinder package, particularly if they wish to test new development versions.

There are expanded instructions on how to use the Notebook which can be viewed at

If you encounter problems please let us know by creating an issue.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.0.3