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TextureAtlas to GIF and Frames

This tool simplifies the process of extracting frames from sprite sheets, organizing them into individual folders, and optionally creating GIFs/WebPs. It's designed to streamline your workflow by automating tedious tasks.


  • Extracts and organizes frames from sprite sheets into folders named after respective sprites and animations.
  • Provides an option to generate GIF or WebP for each animation. GIFs are prefixed with "_" for easy identification and placed at the top of the frame animation folder.
  • Customization of animation frame rate.
  • Customization of animation loop delay.
  • Override frame rate and loop delay for individual sprites and animations.

Not yet implemented

Feel free to help me implement anything on this list.

  • Transition to the new QT UI inside the "new_ui_project" folder. (I'm malding over python classes, and I'm bit more busy irl lately)
  • Implement the icon splitter tool into a sub menu when the new QT UI is fully implemented
  • Selection of specific sprites for extraction (Currently processes entire folders).
  • Use width/height instead of frameWidth and frameHeight while still also being able to have GIFs/WebPs properly lined up. (I need help, this is driving me crazy lmao)
  • Option to delete of frames after GIF/WebP generation.

How to Install


Download: Get the executable here


  1. Download and Install Python 3.10+. You can download Python here:
  2. Go to Applications > Utilities and open Terminal.
  3. Type python --version to ensure that Python gets recognized by your system. If it returns the python version properly, proceed to step 4.
  4. Type python -m ensurepip. After it's installed, make sure pip gets recognized by your system by typing: pip --version befoe proceeding to step 5.
  5. Type pip install pillow to install PIL.
  6. Type pip install requests to install Requests.
  7. Type pip install tk to install Tkinter.

You should now be able to run the "TextureAtlas to GIF and" file by double clicking it. If not, then open a terminal window in the same folder as the script and type python TextureAtlas to GIF and, or drag and drop the file on the python application.

Linux (Ubuntu / Debian based)

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Type sudo apt install python3.10 and install (if it's not already installed).
  3. Type sudo apt install python3-pip and install (if it's not already installed)
  4. Type sudo pip3 install pillow to install PIL.
  5. Type sudo pip3 install requests to install Requests.
  6. Type sudo pip3 install tk to install Tkinter.

You should now be able to run the "TextureAtlas to GIF and" file by double clicking it. If not, then open a terminal window in the same folder as the script and type python3 TextureAtlas to GIF and


A tool that extracts all frames from a folder with spritesheets and sorts them into their own folders. Also includes a create gif option.







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