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Ansible Role: Borgbackup FTP

An Ansible Role that backups a directory of an FTP server to a borgbackup repository.

This role only runs on the ansible controller.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

Main Variables

ftp_vars: "set ssl:check-hostname false && set ftp:list-options -a &&"

The optional variable ftp_vars sets additional variables (settings) for lftp. Make sure to separate multiple options with the && phrase and end the string with && as well.


The mandatory variable ftp_host sets the address of the FTP server.


The optional variable ftp_user sets the name of the FTP user. If none is defined, the role tries to download the directory anonymously.


The optional variable ftp_password sets the password of the FTP user.

ftp_mirror_opts: "--delete --parallel=2"

The optional variable ftp_mirror_opts sets additional parameters for the mirror command of lftp.


The mandatory variable ftp_src defines the FTP path which should be downloaded.


The optional variable ftp_dest defines the path where the contents of the FTP directory will be stored.

ftp_speedup: true

The optional variable ftp_speedup determines whether the FTP download speed should be optimized. If true, this adds the option --only-newer to ftp_mirror_opts (if not customized) and tries to checkout the latest borg archive from the given repo before downloading the directory on top of it.

ftp_download_cleanup: true

The optional variable ftp_download_cleanup determines whether the downloaded directory should be deleted when everything has been completed.

borgbackup_perform: true

The optional variable borgbackup_perform determines whether a borg backup of the downloaded directory will be performed or not.

borgbackup_borgpath: "borg"

The optional variable borgbackup_borgpath sets the path to the borg executable.


The optional variable borgbackup_sshcommand sets the command used to connect via SSH to the repository. This can be used to supply additional options to the SSH command.


The mandatory variable borgbackup_repo sets the URL to the borg repository.


The mandatory variable borgbackup_passphrase sets the passphrase to interact with the borg repository.

borgbackup_archivenameformat: "{{ ftp_host }}-{{ _borgbackup_timeformat }}"

The optional variable borgbackup_archivenameformat sets the name format used for naming the borg archives.


The optional variable borgbackup_archivenameprefix defines a prefix in front of borg archive names. This feature is untested.

borgbackupftp_nolog: true

The optional variable borgbackupftp_nolog determines whether secrets should be logged or not.

Background variables

These variables define specific defaults which can be overriden, if wanted.

_borgbackup_timeformat: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"

The optional variable _borgbackup_timeformat time format used by the borg --timestamp parameter (a strptime string). This probably never needs to change.

borgbackup_timeout: [null, 600]

The optional variable [null, 600] defines timeouts for the borg create command via a 2 item array. The first item defines the timeout when no archive already exists (usually the first archive takes very long) and the second item defines the timeout when at least one archive already exists.

borgbackup_timeout_prepare: null

The optional variable borgbackup_timeout_prepare defines the timeout when checking out the last borg archive. Of course, this is only relevant when borgbackup_perform and ftp_speedup are true.

Internal variables

These are variables internally created by the role. Please do not use them in your code.


The internal variable _result_tmpdir_dest stores the path to the generated tmp directory for storing the downloaded FTP contents.


The internal variable _result_ftp_download stores the task result of the lftp download task. This is needed in order to determine if files were actually downloaded which influences the changed state of the task.


The internal variable _result_borglist_raw contains the string response from the borg list command which is used to determine the latest archive in the borg repository.


The internal variable _result_borglist contains the JSON response from the borg list command which is used to determine the latest archive in the borg repository.


The internal variable _borgbackup_timeout contains the actual timeout value which is derived from _result_borglist and borgbackup_timeout.


The internal varialbe _nullval stores the value null because Ansible would complain if used directly.


  • The community.general collection: ansible-galaxy collection install --force community.general

Example Playbooks

Normal usage

# This downloads an FTP directory and creates a borg archive of it
- hosts: localhost
    - role:
        name: maxvalue.borgbackup_ftp
        ftp_user: THATSME
        ftp_src: /my/remote/ftp/dir
        borgbackup_repo: borguser@borghost:22/path/to/borg/repo
        borgbackup_sshcommand: ssh -i /home/myname/.ssh/borgbackup_ed25519
        borgbackup_passphrase: HEREISMYBORGPASSPHRASE

Only download an FTP directory

# This downloads an FTP directory
- hosts: localhost
    - role:
        name: maxvalue.borgbackup_ftp
        ftp_user: THATSME
        ftp_dest: /the/path/where/to/download/to
        borgbackup_perform: false




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Author Information

This role was created in 2022 by Max Fuxjäger: