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SAMPLE PROJECT β†’ A simple & fast dependency injection framework (IOC Container) written in Swift for iOS. Includes a demo-app too. Perhaps a nice example of a professionally written project πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


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πŸ“¦ SwincyBox

A Swift dependency injection (IOC Container) framework for iOS, supporting the "inversion of control" principle.


This small yet powerful iOS framework operates within 201 lines of code applying principles from Swift Generics and light recursion for dependency resolution. A simple Box is all that is required to first register any dependencies known as Services, followed by repeated calls to resolve.

This framework supports the Any type for registration and resolution of both Classes and Structs.


  • Transient life cycle (creating a new instance per call)
  • Permanent life cycle (singletons essentially)
  • Supports POP (Protocol Oriented Programming)
  • Multiple box support
  • Storyboard support (using @propertyWrapper)

Supported Types

  • Reference and value types of type Any.


  1. Drag & drop the SwincyBox.xcframework file into any Xcode project.
  2. Import SwincyBox at the top of each file. For example...
import UIKit
import SwincyBox // πŸ‘ˆ this imports SwincyBox

Framework File Generation

  1. Open the Terminal mac app.
  2. Change directory to "Framework Development/SwincyBox".
  3. Copy & paste the contents of the "Building Framework File" found within the framework Xcode project into the terminal. Press enter.
  4. Locate the newly created SwincyBox.xcframework file within the build folder "Framework Development/SwincyBox/build".

A Basic Example

For a basic example let's consider using a new Box for a car creation factory. First, we'll need to declare a Car class and immediatey register a factory method to generate new instances with each call.

class Car { }
let box = Box()
box.register() { Car() }

Now we are ready to create our Car objects by simply telling our Box what Type we need to create.

let car = box.resolve() as Car

It's that simple!

An Example Using Keys

We can also use keys to retrieve specific services registered with the same Type.

box.register(key: "BMW") { Car() }
box.register(key: "Mercedes") { Car() }

let bmw = box.resolve(key: "BMW") as Car
let mercedes = box.resolve(key: "Mercedes") as Car

Dependency Injection Explained

A typical example of dependency injection is when Class A also requires the usage of Class B. To prevent Class A from creating Class B we can invert the control flow by simply passing in this already-instantiated type into the constructor of Class A. Look at the following example:

class B {}

class A {
    let b: B
    init () {
        self.b = B()

Class A is creating an instance of Class B inside its constructor. This is considered bad practice as it tightly couples Class A to Class B. Such tight coupling means that we cannot mock a test object and assign it to stored property B.

Now let's consider refactoring with dependency injection.

class A {
    let b: B
    init (b: B) {
        self.b = b

let b = B()
let a = A(b: b)

Class A is also very easy to test as we can simply pass in the dependency of Class B. In fact, we could easily create a mocked Class B and control its behaviour specifically for our tests.

This is a widely accepted solution to handle dependencies and our SwincyBox framework compliments this design very well.

let box = Box()
box.register() { A(b: B()) }
let instanceOfClassA = box.resolve() as A

For more information watch this Google Tech Talk

A Detailed Example

Let's build a virtual showroom of cars. The Car manufacturer will be BMW and each Car will contain one Volkswagen (VW) Engine. We'll keep our Showroom simple and only stock two vehicles, a sports car and a more-reliable family car.

As engineers, we'll build a general Showroom class storing two Car properties. One Car will be selected and displayed inside the shop window.

protocol Vehicle { } 	
class Car: Vehicle { }

class BMWX3: Car { }
class BMWRoadster: Car { }

box.register(key: "familyCar") { BMWX3() as Car } 
box.register(key: "sportsCar") { BMWRoadster() as Car }
let familyCar = box.resolve(key: "familyCar") as Car
let sportsCar = box.resolve(key: "sportsCar") as Car

Our Box πŸ“¦ can now provide Car objects. What's amazing though is that we registered a BMWX3 Car (with a key) to be used for the Car type. This allows us to create a Showroom of Car types that can simply be passed in (as parameters) without any knowledge of the subclass type.

class Showroom {
    let familyCar: Car
    let sportsCar: Car
    init (_ familyCar: Car, _ sportsCar: Car) {
        self.familyCar = familyCar
        self.sportsCar = sportsCar
let showroom = Showroom(box.resolve(key: "familyCar"), box.resolve(key: "sportsCar"))

Our Showroom utilises DI (Dependency Injection), it's not tightly coupled to the manufacturer and thus provides control over testing as we control each internally-used dependency.

Also, in the future, we can register different Car objects, such as if the manufacturer changes or we rotate the stock for later models.

box.register(key: "sportsCar") { MercedesAMG() as Car } // Now it's Mercedes!

If the manufacturer changes our code remains the same! πŸ‘

POP (Protocol Oriented Programming)

In this example, we'll register concrete types against a protocol. Each time we resolve the Vehicle protocol we'll recieve a Car object from SwincyBox. However, in our code we now have the flexibility of refering to the Vehicle protocol without any understanding of the concrete types used.

protocol Transmission {}
protocol Vehicle {
    var engine: Transmission { get }

class Engine: Transmission { }
class Car: Vehicle {
    let engine: Transmission
    init(engine: Transmission) {        
        self.engine = engine
box.register() { Car(engine: Engine()) as Vehicle }
let vehicle = box.resolve() as Vehicle

Circular Dependencies

⚠️ WARNING - Avoid Circular Dependencies In Your Architecture

Circular dependencies can cause retain cycles and are usually caused by poor architectural descisions. 😬

Let's consider a scenario where two classes reference each other. In the example below we have a CrashTestDummy class which requires a property reference to an associated SafetyTestCar. Also though, each instance of SafetyTestCar will require a reference to a CrashTestDummy.

How would SwincyBox handle this scenario?

class CrashTestDummy {
    var car: SafetyTestCar
    init (car: SafetyTestCar) { = car

class SafetyTestCar {
    var dummy: CrashTestDummy
    init(dummy: CrashTestDummy) {
        self. dummy = dummy

First, let's decide to use a .permanent LifeType inside our Box. This will immediately create an instance of each class upon registration. Speaking in terms of memory management (Apples ARC system), we know the retain count of each object will be at least 1.

But we immediately run into a problem.

box.register(CrashTestDummy.self, life: .permanent) { r in
    let crashTestDummy = CrashTestDummy(car: SafetyTestCar(driver: ??? ))


How do we inject our instance of CrashTestDummy into SafetyTestCar when we can never complete the instantiation process?


Circular dependencies have this problem (amongst many). The solution is of course that we must first complete the instantiation of CrashTestDummy and then connect any references to it afterwards.

We can use a mutable property to accomplish this like so:

class CrashTestDummy {
    var car: SafetyTestCar
    init (car: SafetyTestCar) { = car

class SafetyTestCar {
    var dummy: CrashTestDummy?

Wont this create a retain cycle?

Yes, both classes use a strong reference to each other which creates a retain cycle. This is when both objects increase the retain count of the other object but never decrement it. As the retain count never decrements down to 0, both objects wont ever be released from memory. This is known as a memory leak. πŸš±πŸ’¦

Weak references can solve this problem as they don't increase the retain count. But be careful! Increasing the retain count keeps objects in memory! If we didn't use a LifeType of .permanent in our Box then the object without the increment in retain count would simply be deallocated from memory and our property would be immediately set to nil!


Our solution now becomes:

class CrashTestDummy {
    var car: SafetyTestCar
    init (car: SafetyTestCar) { = car

class SafetyTestCar {
    weak var dummy: CrashTestDummy?

With our registration logic becoming:

box.register(life: .permanent) { SafetyTestCar() }

box.register(CrashTestDummy.self, life: .permanent) { r in
    let car = r.resolve() as SafetyTestCar
    let dummy = CrashTestDummy(car: car)
    car.dummy = dummy

    return dummy

Transient Circular Dependencies

In the previous section we explained .permanent circular dependencies with a supported solution. However, if we adopt the same approach with .transient LifeType services the weak reference quickly is set to nil by the ARC memory management system. Why is that?

Let's consider the following registration code for our Box using a .transient LifeType. The concept is essentially the same as the .permanent registration except each instance can't be connected outside the factory closure which creates new instances per call to resolve. Therefore we must register the same logic for each Type.

box.register(CrashTestDummy.self, life: . transient) {
    let car = SafetyTestCar()
    let dummy = CrashTestDummy(car: car)
    car.dummy = dummy

    return dummy
box.register(SafetyTestCar.self, life: .transient) {
    let car = SafetyTestCar()
    let dummy = CrashTestDummy(car: car)
    car.dummy = dummy

    return car

Resolving CrashTestDummy returns a complete circular reference.

let dummy = box.resolve() as CrashTestDummy
let circularRef = // βœ…

Resolving SafetyTestCar results in a nil value for the dummy property.

let car = box.resolve() as SafetyTestCar
let circularRef = car.dummy?.car // ❌ is nil

If we resolve CrashTestDummy no strong reference is held to the instance of SafetyTestCar. The Box doesn't increment the retain count and neither does the weak reference stored within SafetyTestCar. There is in fact, not even one strong reference to CrashTestDummy and the created instance is deallocated immediately after being returned from the resolve function.

Essentially the solution here (if any) is to understand our architecture and make good architectural descisions!

Shared Box Singleton

We don't include singletons inside the SwincyBox framework as it's not the responsibility of the framework. If we did, it might make life more difficult for client apps that use multiple boxes.

If you wanted to access a single instance of your box then consider creating a simple singleton similar to the following example:

struct App {
    static let box = Box()

To access simply write:

let box =   

Supporting Storyboards

Storyboards can create UIViewControllers automatically which can make dependency injection somewhat difficult.

Swift has a feature that can help, property wrappers. Create a new file to your Xcode project and paste in the following code.

public struct AutoBoxed<T> {
    private var service: T?
    public init() {}
    public var wrappedValue: T {
        mutating get {
            if service == nil {
                service = // Change this to your shared box
            return service!
        set { service = newValue }
    public var projectedValue: T {
        return service!

Then you can simply prefix your properties with @AutoBoxed. The service should be automatically resolved using the box supplied within your implementation of @AutoBoxed.

class ShowroomViewController: UIViewController {

    @AutoBoxed var showroom: Showroom


@ MatthewpHarding πŸ”—

let myLife = [learning, coding, happiness] 



SAMPLE PROJECT β†’ A simple & fast dependency injection framework (IOC Container) written in Swift for iOS. Includes a demo-app too. Perhaps a nice example of a professionally written project πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ







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