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This is a package-in-progress in which I am implementing the DMRG algorithm over matrix product states as explained in Schollwöck’s The density-matrix renormalization group in the age of matrix product states. A similar project has been undertaken in LatticeSweeper.jl.

I’m not longer actively developthing this library, but I think it still has value as an educational resource for those wanting to learn DMRG. Julia made it possible for me to implement this package using syntax which is very close to the math written in the online literature.

To acquire this package, simply open a julia repl (obtained from and type

using Pkg; Pkg.add("")

Example: Transverse Field Ising Model

Click me!

Suppose we didn’t realize the one dimensional transverse field Ising model was exactly solvable and we wanted to study it with DMRG.

The TFIM Hamiltonian is written

H = - ∑ᵢ σᶻᵢσᶻᵢ₊₁ - ∑ᵢ g σˣᵢ 

which in MPO form can be written as

H = W¹ W² W³... Wᴸ⁻¹ Wᴸ
                   [ 𝟙    𝟘    𝟘] [ 𝟙    𝟘    𝟘]     [ 𝟙    𝟘    𝟘] [ 𝟙  ]
  = [-gσˣ  σᶻ   𝟙] | -σᶻ  𝟘    𝟘| | -σᶻ  𝟘    𝟘| ... | -σᶻ  𝟘    𝟘| |-σᶻ |
                   [-gσˣ  σᶻ   𝟙] [-gσˣ  σᶻ   𝟙]     [-gσˣ  σᶻ  𝟙] [-gσˣ]

We can study this Hamiltonian using MatrixProductStates.jl as follows:

First, make a function for generating the Hamiltonian given a coupling strength g = h/J and a system length L:

using MatrixProductStates

function H_TFIM(g, L)
    id = [1  0; 
          0  1]
    σˣ = [0  1; 
          1  0]
    σᶻ = [1  0; 
          0 -1]
    W_tnsr = zeros(Complex{Float64}, 3, 3, 2, 2)
    W_tnsr[1, 1, :, :] = id    
    W_tnsr[2, 1, :, :] = -σᶻ  
    W_tnsr[3, 1, :, :] = -g*σˣ
    W_tnsr[3, 2, :, :] = σᶻ   
    W_tnsr[3, 3, :, :] = id   

    return MPO(W_tnsr, L) # MPO will assume that W¹ = W_tnsr[end:end, :, :, :] and Wᴸ = W_tnsr[:, 1:1, :, :]

Ground State

Suppose we want to know the ground state of this system for g=0.8 and L=12 and we have no idea what the MPS form of the ground state looks like a-priori.

g = 1.1; L = 12;

d    = 2;   # This is the local Hilbert space dimension for each site
Dcut = 100; # This is the maximum bond dimension we'll allow our matrix product state to take

H = H_TFIM(g, L)
ψ = randn(MPS{L, Complex{Float64}}, Dcut, d) # Generate a completely randomized matrix product state

ϕ, E₀ = ground_state(ψ, H, quiet=true) #Set quiet to false (the deault) to turn off notifications about the algorithm's progress

We now have the ground state ϕ, and an estimate of it’s energy eigenvalue E₀!

Note that 12 sites can be easily studied with far less computational cost as an exact diagonalization, but I didn’t want to suggest doing something like L=50 right off the bat since that took ~90 minutes on my machine.

We can make sure that this state’s energy matches our estimate:

julia> ϕ' * H * ϕ  E₀ # computing ⟨ϕ|H|ϕ⟩

and we can varify that it’s approximately an eigenstate:

julia> ϕ' * H * H * ϕ  ' * H * ϕ)^2 # computing ⟨ϕ| H^2 |ϕ⟩ ≈ (⟨ϕ|H|ϕ⟩)^2


We can take advantage of the two_point_correlator function to study spin-spin correlations in the TFIM

using UnicodePlots

σᶻ = [1 0 
      0 -1]

zz(i, j) = two_point_correlator(i=>σᶻ, j=>σᶻ, 12)

js = 2:12

zzs = [realize'*zz(1, j)*ϕ) for j in js] #realize will convert complex numbers with a small imaginary part to real.

lineplot(js, zzs, canvas=DotCanvas, ylim=[0, 1.01], width=80, height=30, 
         ylabel="⟨σᶻ₁σᶻⱼ⟩", xlabel="lattice site j", title="Spin-Spin Correlation for g = $g")
                                      Spin-Spin Correlation for g = 1.1
         1.01 │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
⟨σᶻ₁σᶻⱼ⟩      │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │:                                                                               │ 
              │ '.                                                                             │ 
              │   '.                                                                           │ 
              │     '.                                                                         │ 
              │       '.                                                                       │ 
              │         ''.                                                                    │ 
              │            ''..                                                                │ 
              │                ''...                                                           │ 
              │                     ''....                                                     │ 
              │                           ''''....                                             │ 
              │                                   '''''.......                                 │ 
              │                                               '''''''.........                 │ 
              │                                                               '''''''''........│ 
            0 │                                                                                │ 
              2                                                                               12
                                               lattice site j

which shows exponentially decaying correlations in the ground state, as expected for g > 1. We can also redo our calculation in the ordered phase:

g = 0.8;

H = H_TFIM(g, L)

ϕ, Eₒ = ground_state(ψ, H, quiet=true)

ordered_zzs = [realize'*zz(1, j)*ϕ) for j in js]

lineplot(js, realize.(ordered_zzs), canvas=DotCanvas, ylim=[0, 1.01], width=80, height=30, 
         ylabel="⟨σᶻ₁σᶻⱼ⟩", xlabel="lattice site j", title="Spin-Spin Correlation for g = $g")
                                      Spin-Spin Correlation for g = 0.8
         1.01 │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │.                                                                               │ 
              │ ''.                                                                            │ 
              │    ''..                                                                        │ 
              │        '''....                                                                 │ 
⟨σᶻ₁σᶻⱼ⟩      │               ''''''.........                                                  │ 
              │                              ''''''''''''...........                           │ 
              │                                                     '''''''......              │ 
              │                                                                  '''....       │ 
              │                                                                         '..    │ 
              │                                                                            ''..│ 
              │                                                                               '│ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
              │                                                                                │ 
            0 │                                                                                │ 
              2                                                                               12
                                               lattice site j

Source Code

This readme is a literate document containing all of the source and test code for the package. Check it out, I think it’s surprisingly legible. The sections Matrix Product States, Matrix Product Operatiors, Compression and Iterative Ground State Search are based directly on the math written in Schollwöck’s review.

Module Definition


module MatrixProductStates

using LinearAlgebra, TensorOperations, TensorCast, LowRankApprox, Arpack, Strided, SparseArrays
#using ProgressMeter

export *, /, ==, , isequal, adjoint, getindex, randn
export MPS, MPO, left, right, compress, imag_time_evolution, rightcanonical, leftcanonical 
export ground_state, two_point_correlator, realize





export , realize

abstract type Direction end

struct Left  <: Direction end # Often useful to dispatch on direction an algorithm is going
struct Right <: Direction end

const left  = Left()
const right = Right()

A  B = kron(A, B)

realize(x::Number) = error("Unrecognized numerical type")
realize(x::Real) = x
function realize(x::Complex; ϵ=1e-10)
    abs(imag(x)) < ϵ || error("Non-zero imaginary component, $(imag(x))")

dg(M::Array{T, 4}) where {T} = permutedims(conj.(M), (2, 1, 3, 4))
dg(M::Array{T, 3}) where {T} = permutedims(conj.(M), (2, 1, 3))

not(x) = ~x

Matrix Product States


    MPS{L, T<:Number}

Matrix product state on L sites. 

The `i`th tensor in the state has indices `[aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ, σⁱ]` where
`(aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ)` are bond indices and `σⁱ` is the physical index.

A four site MPS would be diagrammatically represented

    σ¹          σ²          σ³          σ⁴
    |           |           |           | 
    •--(a¹ a¹)--•--(a² a²)--•--(a³ a³)--•     

Note that `a⁰` and `aᴸ` must be of dimension 1.
struct MPS{L, T<:Number} 

Base.isequal::MPS, ϕ::MPS)     = (isequal.tensors, ϕ.tensors))
Base.isapprox::MPS, ϕ::MPS)   = isapprox.tensors, ϕ.tensors)

Base.eltype(::Type{MPS{L, T}}) where {L, T} = T

Base.length(::MPS{L, T}) where {L, T} = L

Base.size(::MPS{L, T}) where {L, T} = (L,)
Base.getindex::MPS, i::Int) = getindex.tensors, i)

Base.:(*)(ψ::MPS{L, T}, x::Number) where {L, T} = MPS{L,T}.tensors .* x)
Base.:(*)(x::Number, ψ::MPS) = ψ * x
Base.:(/)(ψ::MPS{L,T}, x::Number) where {L, T} = MPS{L,T}.tensors ./ x)
Base.copy::MPS{L, T}) where {L, T} = MPS{L,T}(copy.(ψ.tensors))

function Base.randn(::Type{MPS{L, T}}, D::Int, d::Int) where {L, T}
    tensors = [randn(1, D, d), [randn(D, D, d) for _ in 2:(L-1)]..., randn(D, 1, d)]
    MPS{L, T}(tensors) |> leftcanonical |> rightcanonical

Create an `MPS` representing a product state (all bonds have dimension 1),
where each site is described by the corresponding element of `vs`.
function MPS(vs::Vector{Vector{T}}) where {T}
    L = length(vs)

    tensrs = Vector{Array{T,3}}(undef, L)
    for i in 1:L
        tensrs[i] = reshape(copy(vs[i]), 1, 1, :)


    MPS(v::Vector, L)
Create an `MPS` for `L` sites representing a uniform product state (all bonds
have dimension 1), where each site is described by `v`.
MPS(v::Vector, L) = MPS([v for _ in 1:L])

function, ::MIME"text/plain", ψ::MPS{L, T}) where {L, T}
    d = length.tensors[2][1, 1, :])
    bonddims = [size(ψ[i][:, :, 1]) for i in 1:L]
    println(io, "Matrix product state on $L sites")
    _show_mps_dims(io, L, d, bonddims)

function{L, T}) where {L, T}
    d = length.tensors[2][1, 1, :])
    bonddims = [size(ψ[i][:, :, 1]) for i in 1:L]
    println("Matrix product state on $L sites")
    _show_mps_dims(L, d, bonddims)

function _show_mps_dims(io::IO, L, d, bonddims)
    println(io, "  Physical dimension: $d")
    print(io, "  Bond dimensions:   ")
    if L > 8
        for i in 1:8
            print(io, bonddims[i], " × ")
        print(io, " ... × ", bonddims[L])
        for i in 1:(L-1)
            print(io, bonddims[i], " × ")
        print(io, bonddims[L])

function, ψ::MPS{L, T}) where {L, T}
    print(io, "MPS on $L sites")
Adjoint MPS

function Base.adjoint::MPS{L, T}) where {L,T}
    Adjoint{T, MPS{L, T}}(ψ)

function, ::MIME"text/plain", ψ::Adjoint{T, MPS{L, T}}) where {L, T}
    d = length.parent[2][1, 1, :])
    bonddims = reverse([reverse(size.parent[i][:, :, 1])) for i in 1:L])
    println(io, "Adjoint matrix product state on $L sites")
    _show_mps_dims(io, L, d, bonddims)

function, ψ::Adjoint{T, MPS{L, T}}) where {L, T}
    print(io, "Adjoint MPO on $L sites")t

Base.size(::Adjoint{T, MPS{L, T}}) where {L, T} = (1, L)

function Base.getindex::Adjoint{T, MPS{L, T}}, args...) where {L, T}
    out = getindex(reverse.parent.tensors), args...)
    permutedims(conj.(out), (2, 1, 3))

adjoint_tensors::MPS) = reverse(conj.(permutedims.(ψ.tensors, [(2, 1, 3)])))

MPS Contraction

    Base.:(*)(ψ′::Adjoint{T, MPS{L, T}}, ϕ::MPS{L, T}) where {L, T}
    •--(b¹ b¹)--•--(b² b²)--•--(b³ b³)--•       
    |           |           |           | 
    σ′¹         σ′²         σ′³         σ′⁴
    σ′¹         σ′²         σ′³         σ′⁴
    |           |           |           | 
    •--(a¹ a¹)--•--(a² a²)--•--(a³ a³)--•
function Base.:(*)(ψ′::Adjoint{T, MPS{L, T}}, ϕ::MPS{L, T}) where {L, T}
    ψ = ψ′.parent

    M   = ϕ.tensors[1]
    M̃dg = dg.tensors[1])
    @tensor cont[b₁, a₁] := M̃dg[b₁, 1, σ₁] * M[1, a₁, σ₁]
    for i in 2:L-1
        M   = ϕ.tensors[i]
        M̃dg = dg.tensors[i])

        @tensor cont[bᵢ, aᵢ] := M̃dg[bᵢ, bᵢ₋₁, σᵢ] * cont[bᵢ₋₁, aᵢ₋₁] * M[aᵢ₋₁, aᵢ, σᵢ]
    M   = ϕ.tensors[L]
    M̃dg = dg.tensors[L])
    @tensor M̃dg[1, bᴸ⁻¹, σᴸ] * cont[bᴸ⁻¹, aᴸ⁻¹] * M[aᴸ⁻¹, 1, σᴸ]

Matrix Product Operators


    MPO{L, T<:Number}

Matrix product operator on L sites. The `i`th tensor in the operator
has indices `[aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ, σⁱ, σ′ⁱ]` where `(σⁱ, σ′ⁱ)` are the physical
indices and `(aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ)` are bond indices.

A four site MPS would be diagrammatically represented

    σ¹          σ²          σ³          σ⁴
    |           |           |           | 
    •--(a¹ a¹)--•--(a² a²)--•--(a³ a³)--•     
    |           |           |           | 
    σ′¹         σ′²         σ′³         σ′⁴

Note that `a⁰` and `aᴸ` must be of dimension 1.
struct MPO{L, T<:Number}

    MPO(W::Array{T,4}, L)
Create an `MPO` for `L` sites with all interior sites containing the tensor
`W`. The tensor is assumed to have the usual matrix-of-operators structure,
with the first two indices being the bond (matrix) dimension and the last two
indices being the physical (operator) dimension. The first and last sites only
use the last row and first column of `W`, respectively.

For example, the MPO form of the Hamiltonian for the TFIM is
constructed as with coupling `g` and length `L` is constructed as

    id = [1 0
          0 1]

    σᶻ = [1  0 
          0 -1]

    σˣ = [0 1
          1 0]

    σʸ = [0  -im
          im   0]

    W = zeros(3, 3, 2, 2)
    W[1, 1, :, :] = id
    W[2, 1, :, :] = σᶻ
    W[3, 1, :, :] = -g*σˣ
    W[3, 2, :, :] = -σᶻ
    W[3, 3, :, :] = id

    Ĥ::MPO = Ŵ¹ Ŵ² Ŵ³ ⋅⋅⋅ Ŵᴸ⁻¹ Wᴸ
function MPO(W::Array{T,4}, L) where {T}
    L >= 2 || throw(DomainError(L, "At least 2 sites."))

    tensors = Vector{Array{T,4}}(undef, L)
    tensors[1] = W[end:end, :, :, :] # Row vector.
    for i in 2:(L-1)
        tensors[i] = W # Matrix
    tensors[L] = W[:, 1:1, :, :] # Column vector.


Base.:(==)(O::MPO, U::MPO) = O.tensors == U.tensors
Base.:()(O::MPO, U::MPO)  = O.tensors  U.tensors
Base.getindex(O::MPO, args...) = getindex(O.tensors, args...)

function, ::MIME"text/plain", O::MPO{L, T}) where {L, T}
    d = length(O[2][1, 1, 1, :])
    bonddims = [size(O[i][:, :, 1, 1]) for i in 1:L]
    println(io, "Matrix product Operator on $L sites")
    _show_mpo_dims(io, L, d, bonddims)

function _show_mpo_dims(io::IO, L, d, bonddims)
    println(io, "  Physical dimension: $d")
    print(io, "  Bond dimensions:   ")
    if L > 8
        for i in 1:8
            print(io, bonddims[i], " × ")
        print(io, " ... × ", bonddims[L])
        for i in 1:(L-1)
            print(io, bonddims[i], " × ")
        print(io, bonddims[L])

function, O::MPO{L, T}) where {L, T}
    print(io, "MPO on $L sites")
MPO Contraction

    Base.:(*)(O::MPO, ψ::MPS)

    σ¹          σ²          σ³          σ⁴
    |           |           |           | 
    •--(b¹ b¹)--•--(b² b²)--•--(b³ b³)--•     
    |           |           |           | 
    σ′¹         σ′²         σ′³         σ′⁴
    σ′¹         σ′²         σ′³         σ′⁴
    |           |           |           | 
    •--(a¹ a¹)--•--(a² a²)--•--(a³ a³)--•     
function Base.:(*)(O::MPO{L, T}, ψ::MPS{L, T}) where {L, T}
    tensors = Array{T,3}[]
    for i in 1:L
        W = O.tensors[i]
        M = ψ.tensors[i]

        @reduce N[(bᵢ₋₁, aᵢ₋₁), (bᵢ, aᵢ), σᵢ] :=  sum(σ′ᵢ) W[bᵢ₋₁, bᵢ, σᵢ, σ′ᵢ] * M[aᵢ₋₁, aᵢ, σ′ᵢ]
        push!(tensors, N)
    MPS{L, T}(tensors)

    Base.:(*)(O1::MPO, O2::MPO)

    σ¹          σ²          σ³          σ⁴
    |           |           |           | 
    •--(b¹ b¹)--•--(b² b²)--•--(b³ b³)--•     
    |           |           |           | 
    σ′′¹        σ′′²        σ′′³        σ′′⁴
    σ′′¹        σ′′²        σ′′³        σ′′⁴
    |           |           |           | 
    •--(a¹ a¹)--•--(a² a²)--•--(a³ a³)--• 
    |           |           |           | 
    σ′¹         σ′²         σ′³         σ′⁴    
function Base.:(*)(O1::MPO{L, T}, O2::MPO{L, T}) where {L, T}
    tensors = Array{T,4}[]
    for i in 1:L
        W1 = O1.tensors[i]
        W2 = O2.tensors[i]

        @reduce V[(bᵢ₋₁, aᵢ₋₁), (bᵢ, aᵢ), σᵢ, σ′ᵢ] :=  sum(σ′′ᵢ) W1[bᵢ₋₁, bᵢ, σᵢ, σ′′ᵢ] * W2[aᵢ₋₁, aᵢ, σ′′ᵢ, σ′ᵢ]
        push!(tensors, V)
    MPO{L, T}(tensors)

    Base.:(*)(ψ::Adjoint{T,MPS{L,T}}, O::MPO) where {L,T}

    •--(a¹ a¹)--•--(a² a²)--•--(a³ a³)--•       
    |           |           |           | 
    σ′¹         σ′²         σ′³         σ′⁴
    σ′¹         σ′²         σ′³         σ′⁴
    |           |           |           | 
    •--(b¹ b¹)--•--(b² b²)--•--(b³ b³)--•
    |           |           |           | 
    σ¹          σ²          σ³          σ⁴ 
function Base.:(*)(ψ′::Adjoint{T,MPS{L,T}}, O::MPO{L, T}) where {L,T}
    ψ = ψ′.parent
    tensors = Array{T,3}[]
    Ws = dg.(reverse(O.tensors))
    for i in 1:L
        W = Ws[i]
        M = ψ.tensors[i]

        @reduce N[(bᵢ₋₁, aᵢ₋₁), (bᵢ, aᵢ), σᵢ] :=  sum(σ′ᵢ) W[bᵢ₋₁, bᵢ, σᵢ, σ′ᵢ] * M[aᵢ₋₁, aᵢ, σ′ᵢ]
        push!(tensors, N)
    adjoint(MPS{L, T}(tensors))



function compress::MPS{L, T}, to_the::Right; Dcut::Int=typemax(Int)) where {L, T}
    tensors = Array{T, 3}[]
    B = ψ[1]
    d = length(B[1, 1, :])
    @cast Bm[(σ¹, a⁰), a¹] |= B[a⁰, a¹, σ¹]
    U, S, V = psvd(Bm, rank=Dcut)
    #S = S/√sum(S .^ 2)

    @cast A[a⁰, a¹, σ¹] |= U[(σ¹, a⁰), a¹] (σ¹:d)
    push!(tensors, A)
    for i  2:L
        B = ψ[i]
        d = length(B[1, 1, :])

        @tensor M[aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ, σⁱ] := (Diagonal(S)*V')[aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ⁻¹′] * B[aⁱ⁻¹′, aⁱ, σⁱ]
        @cast   Mm[(σⁱ, aⁱ⁻¹), aⁱ] |= M[aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ, σⁱ]
        U, S, V = psvd(Mm, rank=Dcut)
        #S = S/√sum(S .^ 2)

        @cast A[aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ, σⁱ] |= U[(σⁱ, aⁱ⁻¹), aⁱ] (σⁱ:d)
        push!(tensors, A)
    MPS{L, T}(tensors), Left()

leftcanonical(ψ) = compress(ψ, right)[1]

function compress::MPS{L, T}, to_the::Left; Dcut::Int=typemax(Int)) where {L, T}
    tensors = Array{T, 3}[]
    A = ψ[L]
    d = length(A[1, 1, :])
    @cast Am[aᴸ⁻¹, (σᴸ, aᴸ)] |= A[aᴸ⁻¹, aᴸ, σᴸ]
    U, S, V = psvd(Am, rank=Dcut)
    #S = S/√sum(S .^ 2)    

    @cast B[aᴸ⁻¹, aᴸ, σᴸ] |= V'[aᴸ⁻¹, (σᴸ, aᴸ)] (σᴸ:d)
    push!(tensors, B)
    for i  (L-1):-1:1
        A = ψ[i]
        d = length(A[1, 1, :])
        @tensor M[aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ, σⁱ]    := A[aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ′, σⁱ] * (U * Diagonal(S))[aⁱ′, aⁱ]
        @cast   Mm[aⁱ⁻¹, (σⁱ, aⁱ)] |= M[aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ, σⁱ]
        U, S, V = psvd(Mm, rank=Dcut)
        #S = S/√sum(S .^ 2)

        @cast B[aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ, σⁱ] |= V'[aⁱ⁻¹, (σⁱ, aⁱ)] (σⁱ:d)
        push!(tensors, B)
    MPS{L, T}(reverse(tensors)), Right()

rightcanonical(ψ) = compress(ψ, left)[1]

compress(ψ; Dcut) = compress(ψ, left, Dcut=Dcut)[1]

Iterative Ground State Search


function R_exprs::MPS{L, T}, H::MPO{L, T}) where {L, T}
    R_exs = Array{T, 3}[]
    R_ex = ones(T, 1, 1, 1)
    for l in L:-1:2
        R_ex = iterate_R_ex(ψ[l], H[l], R_ex) 
        push!(R_exs, R_ex)

# function preallocate_hs(ψ::MPS{L, T}) where {L, T}
#     h_tnsrs = map(ψ.tensors) do M
#         Dˡ⁻¹, Dˡ, d = size(M)
#         Array{T, 6}(undef, d, Dˡ⁻¹, Dˡ, d, Dˡ⁻¹, Dˡ)
#     end
# end

function sweep!(::Right, ψ::MPS{L, T}, H::MPO{L, T}, R_exs) where {L, T}
    L_exs = Array{T, 3}[]
    L_ex  = ones(T, 1, 1, 1)
    E = zero(T)
    for l in 1:(L-1)
        W = H[l]
        E, A, SVp = eigenproblem(right, ψ[l], L_ex, W, R_exs[l])
        ψ.tensors[l] = A

        L_ex = iterate_L_ex(A, W, L_ex)
        push!(L_exs, L_ex)

        Bp1 = ψ.tensors[l+1]
        @tensor Mp1[sⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ, σⁱ] := SVp[sⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ⁻¹] * Bp1[aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ, σⁱ]
        ψ.tensors[l+1] = Mp1
    L_exs, E

function sweep!(::Left, ψ::MPS{L, T}, H::MPO{L, T}, L_exs) where {L, T}
    R_exs = Array{T, 3}[]
    R_ex  = ones(T, 1, 1, 1)
    E = zero(T)
    for l in L:-1:2
        W = H[l]

        E, US, B = eigenproblem(left, ψ[l], L_exs[l-1], W, R_ex)
        ψ.tensors[l] = B

        R_ex = iterate_R_ex(B, W, R_ex) 
        push!(R_exs, R_ex)

        Am1 = ψ.tensors[l-1]
        @tensor Mm1[aˡ⁻², sˡ⁻¹, σˡ⁻¹] :=  Am1[aˡ⁻², aˡ⁻¹′, σˡ⁻¹] * US[aˡ⁻¹′, sˡ⁻¹]
        ψ.tensors[l-1] = Mm1
    R_exs, E

function h_matrix(L_ex::Array{T,3}, W::Array{T,4}, R_ex::Array{T,3}) where {T}
    @tensor h[σˡ, aˡ⁻¹, aˡ, σˡ′, aˡ⁻¹′, aˡ′] := L_ex[bˡ⁻¹, aˡ⁻¹, aˡ⁻¹′] * W[bˡ⁻¹, bˡ, σˡ, σˡ′] * R_ex[bˡ, aˡ, aˡ′]
    @cast h[(σˡ, aˡ⁻¹, aˡ), (σˡ′, aˡ⁻¹′, aˡ′)] := h[σˡ, aˡ⁻¹, aˡ, σˡ′, aˡ⁻¹′, aˡ′]

function eigenproblem(dir::Direction, M::Array{T, 3}, L_ex::Array{T, 3}, W::Array{T, 4}, R_ex::Array{T, 3}) where {T}
    @cast v[(σˡ, aˡ⁻¹, aˡ)] |= M[aˡ⁻¹, aˡ, σˡ]
    h = h_matrix(L_ex, W, R_ex)
    λ, Φ = eigs(h, v0=v, nev=1, which=:SR)
    E  = λ[1]::T 
    v⁰ = (Φ[:,1])::Vector{T}

    (E, split_tensor(dir, v⁰, size(M))...)

function split_tensor(::Right, v⁰::Vector, (Dˡ⁻¹, Dˡ, d))
    @cast Mm[(σˡ, aˡ⁻¹), aˡ] := v⁰[(σˡ, aˡ⁻¹, aˡ)] (aˡ⁻¹:Dˡ⁻¹, aˡ:Dˡ, σˡ:d)
    U, S, V = svd(Mm)
    @cast A[aˡ⁻¹, aˡ, σˡ] |= U[(σˡ, aˡ⁻¹), aˡ] (σˡ:d, aˡ⁻¹:Dˡ⁻¹, aˡ:Dˡ)
    A, Diagonal(S)*V'

function split_tensor(::Left, v⁰::Vector, (Dˡ⁻¹, Dˡ, d))
    @cast Mm[aˡ⁻¹, (σˡ, aˡ)] |= v⁰[(σˡ, aˡ⁻¹, aˡ)] (aˡ⁻¹:Dˡ⁻¹, aˡ:Dˡ, σˡ:d)
    U, S, V = svd(Mm)
    @cast B[aˡ⁻¹, aˡ, σˡ] |= V'[aˡ⁻¹, (σˡ, aˡ)] (σˡ:d)
    U*Diagonal(S), B

function iterate_R_ex(B, W, R_ex) where {T}
    @tensoropt R_ex′[bⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ⁻¹, aⁱ⁻¹′] := (conj.(B))[aⁱ⁻¹,aⁱ,σⁱ] * W[bⁱ⁻¹,bⁱ,σⁱ,σⁱ′] * B[aⁱ⁻¹′,aⁱ′,σⁱ′] * R_ex[bⁱ,aⁱ,aⁱ′]

function iterate_L_ex(A, W, L_ex) where {T}
    @tensoropt L_ex′[bˡ, aˡ, aˡ′] := L_ex[bˡ⁻¹,aˡ⁻¹,aˡ⁻¹′] * (conj.(A))[aˡ⁻¹,aˡ,σˡ] * W[bˡ⁻¹,bˡ,σˡ,σˡ′] * A[aˡ⁻¹′,aˡ′,σˡ′]

    ground_state(ψ::MPS{L, T}, H::MPO{L, T}; maxiter=10, quiet=false, ϵ=1e-8) where {L, T}

Perform the finite system density matrix renormalization group
algorithm. First this will build up the R expressions, then do right
and left sweeps until either
 1) The state converges to an eigenstate `ϕ` such that
    ϕ' * H * H * ϕ ≈ (ϕ' * H * ϕ) 
to the requested tolerance `ϵ`
 2) The energy eigenvalue stops changing (possible signaling the algorithm is 
stuck in a local minimum)
 3) The number of full (right and left) sweeps exceeds `maxiter`. 

Setting `quiet=true` will suppress notifications about the algorithm's
progress but *not* warnings due to non-convergence.
function ground_state::MPS{L, T}, H::MPO{L, T}; maxiter=10, quiet=false, ϵ=1e-8) where {L, T}
    ϕ = ψ |> copy

    quiet || println("Computing R expressions")
    R_exs = R_exprs(ψ, H)

    converged = false
    count     = 0
    E₀ = zero(T)
    while not(converged)
        quiet || println("Performing right sweep")
        L_exs, E₀′ = sweep!(right, ϕ, H, R_exs)

        quiet || println("Performing left sweep")
        R_exs, E₀  = sweep!(left,  ϕ, H, L_exs)

        count += 1
        if iseigenstate(ϕ, H, ϵ=ϵ)
            quiet || println("Converged in $count iterations")
            converged = true
        elseif count > 1 && E₀  E₀′
                @warn """
Energy eigenvalue converged but state is not an eigenstate.
Consider either lowering your requested tolerance or 
implementing a warm-up algorithm to avoid local minima.
        elseif count >= maxiter
            @warn "Did not converge in $maxiter iterations"
    ϕ, E₀

function iseigenstate::MPS, H::MPO; ϵ=1e-8)
    ϕ = rightcanonical(ψ)
    isapprox' * (H * H * ϕ), (ϕ' * (H * ϕ))^2, rtol=ϵ)

Correlation Functions


    two_point_correlator((i, op_i)::Pair{Int, Matrix}, (j, op_j)::Pair{Int, Matrix}, L)

Create an MPO on `L` sites (with bond dimension 1) representing identity operators everywhere except
sites `i` and `j` where `op_i` and `op_j` are inserted instead. ie.

    𝟙 ⊗ 𝟙 ⊗ ... ⊗ op_i ⊗ 𝟙 ⊗ ... ⊗ op_j ⊗ 𝟙 ⊗ ... ⊗ 𝟙

example: spin-spin correlation function

we can construct ⟨σᶻᵢσᶻⱼ⟩ on a 12 site lattice as
    σᶻ = [1 0; 0 -1]
    two_point_correlator(i=>σᶻ, j=>σᶻ, 12)  
function two_point_correlator((i, op_i), (j, op_j), L)
    d = size(op_i)[1]
    @assert (size(op_i) == (d, d)) && (size(op_j) == (d, d))
    @assert i in 1:L
    @assert j in 1:L
    id = diagm(0 => ones(Complex{Float64}, d))

    op_i_tnsr = reshape(convert(Matrix{Complex{Float64}}, op_i), 1, 1, d, d) 
    op_j_tnsr = reshape(convert(Matrix{Complex{Float64}}, op_j), 1, 1, d, d)
    id_tnsr   = reshape(id, 1, 1, d, d)

    tensors = map(1:L) do l
        O_tnsr = (l == i ? op_i_tnsr : 
                  l == j ? op_j_tnsr : 

Imaginary Time Evolution

I don’t think this works!


# Fixme! this does not appear to find ground states!

function _MPO_handed_time_evolver(hs::Vector{Matrix{T}}, τ, L, d) where {T}
    tensors = Array{T, 4}[]
    for h in hs
        O = exp(-τ*h)
        @cast P[(σⁱ, σⁱ′), (σⁱ⁺¹, σⁱ⁺¹′)] |= O[(σⁱ, σⁱ⁺¹), (σⁱ′, σⁱ⁺¹′)] (σⁱ:d, σⁱ′:d)
        U, S, V = svd(P)

        @cast U[1, k, σⁱ, σⁱ′]     := U[(σⁱ, σⁱ′), k] * (S[k])      (σⁱ:d)
        @cast Ū[k, 1, σⁱ⁺¹, σⁱ⁺¹′] := (S[k]) * V'[k, (σⁱ⁺¹, σⁱ⁺¹′)] (σⁱ⁺¹:d)
        push!(tensors, U, Ū)
    MPO{L, T}(tensors)

function MPO_time_evolvers(h1::Matrix, hi::Matrix, hL::Matrix, τ, L, d)
    if iseven(L)
        odd_hs  = [h1, [hi for _ in 3:2:(L-1)]...]
        even_hs = [[hi for i in 2:2:(L-1)]..., hL]
        odd_hs  = [h1, [hi for _ in 3:2:(L-1)]..., hL]
        even_hs = [hi for i in 2:2:(L-1)]
    Uodd  = _MPO_handed_time_evolver(odd_hs, τ, L, d)
    Ueven = _MPO_handed_time_evolver(even_hs, τ, L, d)
    Uodd, Ueven

function imag_time_evolution::MPS{L, T}, h1::Matrix{T}, hi::Matrix{T}, hL::Matrix{T}, 
                             β, N, Dcut) where {L, T}
    @warn "This probably still doesn't work!"
    τ = β/N
    d = length(ψ[1][1, 1, :])
    ϕ = ψ  # Ground state guess
    dir = left
    Uodd, Ueven = MPO_time_evolvers(h1, hi, hL, τ, L, d)
    for _ in 1:N
        ϕ1, dir = compress(Uodd  * ϕ,  dir, Dcut=Dcut)
        ϕ,  dir = compress(Ueven * ϕ1, dir, Dcut=Dcut)
        #ϕ,  dir = compress(Uodd  * ϕ2, dir, Dcut=Dcut)



using Test, MatrixProductStates, SparseArrays, Arpack

@testset "TFIM   " begin
    g = 1.0; L = 7

    function H_TFIM(g, L)
        id = [1  0; 
              0  1]
        σˣ = [0  1; 
              1  0]
        σᶻ = [1  0; 
              0 -1]
        W_tnsr = zeros(Complex{Float64}, 3, 3, 2, 2)
        W_tnsr[1, 1, :, :] = id    
        W_tnsr[2, 1, :, :] = -σᶻ  
        W_tnsr[3, 1, :, :] = -g*σˣ
        W_tnsr[3, 2, :, :] = σᶻ   
        W_tnsr[3, 3, :, :] = id   

        return MPO(W_tnsr, L)
    H = H_TFIM(g, L)
    ψ = randn(MPS{L, Complex{Float64}}, 100, 2)
    ψ̃ = compress(ψ, left, Dcut=80)[1] # Note: no actual information is lost in this 
    # compression because of the small size of the chain

    @test              ψ̃'ψ̃  1
    @test          ψ'ψ/ψ'ψ  ψ̃'ψ̃
    @test ((ψ'*(H*ψ))/ψ'ψ)  (ψ̃' * (H * ψ̃))/ψ̃'ψ̃
    @test ((ψ'*(H*ψ))/ψ'ψ)  (ψ̃' * (H * ψ))/ψ̃'ψ

    ϕ, E₀ = ground_state(ψ, H, quiet=true)
    @test ϕ' * H * H * ϕ '*H*ϕ)^2

@testset "Hubbard" begin

    id = [1 0
          0 1]
    c  = [0 0
          1 0] #Anti commuting matrix
    c_up = c   id
    c_dn = id  c
    id²  = id  id
    n_up = c_up' * c_up
    n_dn = c_dn' * c_dn

    P_up = (id² - 2c_up'*c_up) # Spin up parity operator
    P_dn = (id² - 2c_dn'*c_dn) # Spin down parity operator

    function H_hub(U, μ, L)
        W_tnsr = zeros(Complex{Float64}, 6, 6, 4, 4)
        W_tnsr[1, 1, :, :] = id²
        W_tnsr[2, 1, :, :] = c_up'
        W_tnsr[3, 1, :, :] = c_dn'
        W_tnsr[4, 1, :, :] = c_up
        W_tnsr[5, 1, :, :] = c_dn
        W_tnsr[6, 1, :, :] = U*(n_up * n_dn) - μ*(n_up + n_dn)
        W_tnsr[6, 2, :, :] =  c_up  * P_up  # Must multiply by the parity operator to get 
        W_tnsr[6, 3, :, :] =  c_dn  * P_dn  # correct off-site commutation relations!
        W_tnsr[6, 4, :, :] = -c_up' * P_up
        W_tnsr[6, 5, :, :] = -c_dn' * P_dn
        W_tnsr[6, 6, :, :] = id²
        MPO(W_tnsr, L)

    function solve_hub(U, μ, L; retfull=true, quiet=true)
        H = H_hub(U, μ, L)
        ψ = randn(MPS{L, Complex{Float64}}, 100, 4)
        (ϕ, E₀), t, bytes = @timed ground_state(ψ, H, ϵ=1e-5, quiet=quiet)

        (ϕ=ϕ, E₀=E₀, H=H, t=t, Gbytes=bytes/1e9)

    function Hub_ED(U, μ, L,)
        Û = U*(n_up * n_dn) - μ*(n_up + n_dn)
        c_dg_up(i) = foldl(, sparse.([i==j ? c_up' : id² for j in 1:L]))
        cup(i)     = foldl(, sparse.([i==j ? c_up  : id² for j in 1:L]))
        c_dg_dn(i) = foldl(, sparse.([i==j ? c_dn' : id² for j in 1:L]))
        cdn(i)     = foldl(, sparse.([i==j ? c_dn  : id² for j in 1:L]))
        Ûf(i)      = foldl(, sparse.([i==j ?: id² for j in 1:L]))
        function c_dg_c(i) 
            out = c_dg_up(i)*cup(i+1) + c_dg_dn(i)*cdn(i+1)
            out + out'
        H = -sum(c_dg_c, 1:(L-1)) + sum(Ûf, 1:L)

        λ, ϕ = eigs(H, nev=1, which=:SR)

    U = 3.0; μ = -1.0; L = 4
    H = H_hub(U, μ, L)

    ϕ, E₀ = solve_hub(U, μ, L, retfull=true, quiet=true)
    @test ϕ' * H * H * ϕ '*H*ϕ)^2  # Make sure energy is eigenvalue
    @test ϕ' * H * ϕ  E₀              # make sure eigenvalue matches one produced by alogrithm
    @test ϕ' * H * ϕ  Hub_ED(U, μ, L) # check against exact diagonalization