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🛒 Mini Online-Shop

This exercise covers the JavaScript concepts of classes and instance objects

Your task is to create a Product and Cart class representing an online shop.

1. Product

Write a Product class that should have 2 properties

  • a name as a string
  • a price as a number

The constructor should take 2 parameters initializing those properties. For examples

const tracksuit = new Product("Adidas tracksuit", 150.00)
const shoes = new Product("Puma running shoes", 85.99)
const socks = new Product("Socks set", 4.99)

The class should also have 2 methods

  • toText() - returning a string with the products name, gross price and the contained VAT.
  • containedVAT() - returning 16% of the products price as VAT (value-added tax)
tracksuit.toText() // Adidas tracksuit 150.00 € in total. 24.00 € VAT incl. (16%).
tracksuit.containedVAT() // 24.00 € VAT incl.

2. Cart

Write another class Cart, which should have one property

  • products, an array of products

On creation of an instance of Cart, there will be no products, so the array is empty. Your constructor will not take in any parameters.

Create two methods for the Cart class:

  • addProduct(shoppedProduct) that takes one parameter
    • The method should first test, if shoppedProduct is an instance of the Product class mdn instanceof
    • if shoppedProduct is an instance of Product add it to the array of products and return a string with the amount of products in the cart.
    • if shoppedProduct is not an instance of Product, return a string and state that the product is not available in the shop
  • getProductInfoCart() that takes no parameters
    • the method should iterate over the array of products
    • for every product contained in the list, call the toText() method and print them to the console.
  • getTotalItemsPrice() that takes no parameters
    • the method should iterate over the array of products calculating the total price of the items currently in the cart, returning it as a string

3. Test your cart with products

Hint: you might need to use console.log() to see what was returned.

First create an instance of Cart and add your products to your shopping cart. For example:

const cart = new Cart()
cart.addProduct("potato") // This is not available in our shop!
cart.addProduct(tracksuit) // Your shopping cart now contains 1 products
cart.addProduct(shoes) // Your shopping cart now contains 2 products
cart.addProduct(socks) // Your shopping cart now contains 3 products

Then call your carts getProductInfoCart() and getTotalItemsPrice() methods. For example:

// Adidas running shoes 150.00 € in total. 24.00 € VAT incl. (16%).
// Puma tracksuit 100.00 € in total. 16.00 € VAT incl. (16%).

// The total for 2 items in your cart amounts to 249.99 €.


exercise for students to practice classes / inctanceof







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