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iFunnyNode 3.0.7

This is an iFunny API Wrapper written in ES6 Node JS.
This project is nearly complete, with only a few features not implemented.
Chats have been implemented!
I couldn't have done it without the amazing help from my good friend Tobi/Pain so big thanks to him for everything having to do with Chats.\

  • This wrapper was written from scratch, taking inspiration from, discord.js, ifunnyapi, and iFunny.js. iFunny.js played a huge role in developing this client, so the author of that was listed as a contributor.

How do I use the module?

To install, type npm install ifunnynode in your terminal or sudo npm install ifunnynode if you're on linux

// ES6
import Client from "ifunnynode";
const client = new Client();

// Login event
client.on("login", (logged_in) => {
	console.log(logged_in ? "Made login request" : "Used stored bearer");

client.chats.on("message", async (ctx) => {

client.login({ token: "token" });
// CommonJS
const Client = require("ifunnynode").default;
const client = new Client();

// Login event
client.on("login", (logged_in) => {
	console.log(logged_in ? "Made login request" : "Used stored bearer");

// Message event
client.chats.on("message", async (ctx) => {

client.login({ token: "token" });
// Typescript
import Client from "ifunnynode";
import type { Context } from "ifunnynode"; // Should have full TypeScript support, excluding events (will be worked on)
const client: Client = new Client();

// Login event
client.on("login", (logged_in: boolean) => {
	console.log(logged_in ? "Made login request" : "Used stored bearer");

// Message event
client.chats.on("message", async (ctx: Context) => {

client.login({ token: "token" });

Logging in

Logging in for the first time isn't as simple as it used to be due to iFunny updating their API
iFunny will sometimes return a captcha error, so you'll need to solve them

  1. Create a try block with your login method being called there
  2. Add a catch block and check for err.captcha_url
    1. Open the captcha url in a browser and solve it
    2. Attempt to login in again with the same credentials
  3. You're done!

How do I get a basic token?

// CommonJS
const Client = require("ifunnynode").default;
const client = new Client();
console.log(client.basic_token); // Store this yourself
// ES6 or TypeScript
import Client from "ifunnynode";
const client = new Client();
console.log(client.basic_token); // Store this yourself
import Client from "ifunnynode";

// Get your credentials
const EMAIL = process.env.IFUNNY_NODE_EMAIL;
const BASIC_TOKEN = process.env.IFUNNY_BASIC_TOKEN ?? new Client().basic_token; // Generates a new basic token.

 * The wrapper doesn't store the basic token,
 * which needs to be reused to login,
 * so you'll wanna store this before attempting a login.
 * You can avoid having to store the basic token if you use a service like 2captcha to solve captchas programatically.

// It's a good idea to use the same basic token for captcha requests, but you aren't required to pass in a basic token.
const client = new Client({
	basic: BASIC_TOKEN,

// Login event emits a boolean if it had to generate a new bearer token.
client.on("login", async (new_bearer) => {
	console.log(`new bearer ${new_bearer}`);

(async () => {
	try {
		// Since we don't have a bearer token stored, we need to pass an email and a password
		await client.login({
			email: EMAIL,
			password: PASSWORD,
	} catch (err) {
		// check if error was CaptchaError
		if (err.captcha_url) {
			// Open this url in the browser and solve it, then make the request again, using the same basic token
		} else {
			// NOT a CaptchaError
			throw err;

Basic command example

// Import the Client from npm
import Client from "ifunnynode";

// Construct the client
const client = new Client({
	token: "bearer",
	basic: "basic_token",

// Since we already have a bearer, we don't need to pass any arguments

// On Client.login, execute a callback so that we know the client is valid
client.on("login", async () => {
	// Log info to the console (optional)
	console.log(`Client logged in as ${await client.nick} (${client.id_sync})`);

	// Connect to chats

 * Gets the stats of the user and returns them as a string
 * @param {User} user
async function stats(user) {
	let str = "";
	str += `Total Posts: ${await user.post_count}\n`;
	str += `Features: ${await user.feature_count}\n`;
	str += `Total Smiles: ${await user.smile_count}\n`;
	str += `Total Subscribers: ${await user.subscriber_count}\n`;
	str += `Total Subscriptions: ${await user.subscription_count}`;
	return str;

	/** @param {Context} ctx */
	async (ctx) => {
		// Ignore self
		if ( return; // Bot will not respond to itself

		//if (! return; // Bot will ONLY respond to itself

		// This isn't how you *should* handle it, but how you *can* handle it.
		// Command with name "mystats" that sends the users profile stats
		if (ctx.message.content === "!mystats") {
			await stats(; // Send the user their stats


Node.js API wrapper to interact with iFunny







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