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NC News Project

React HTML CSS Netlify

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This project demonstrates the ability to connect a backend API to a frontend application, creating RESTful APIs, and building a full-stack experience. The project showcases various components and functionalities, including user authentication, article browsing, commenting, voting, and topic filtering.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React.js with React Router for client-side routing
  • Styling: Material-UI for component styling
  • Backend: Express.js for building the API
  • Database: SQL for storing data
  • Deployment: The project is deployed on Render


  1. User Authentication: Users can log in with their username. Validation is performed to check if the user exists in the database.

  2. Article Listing: Articles are displayed based on various sorting criteria such as date, comment count, and votes. Users can navigate through articles and view detailed information about each article.

  3. Commenting: Logged-in users can post comments on articles. Comments are associated with the respective articles and are displayed below each article.

  4. Voting: Users can vote on articles. Each user can cast only one vote per article, and the vote count is updated in real-time.

  5. Topic Filtering: Articles can be filtered based on topics. Users can click on topic buttons to view articles related to specific topics.

  6. Error Handling: The application handles errors gracefully and displays appropriate error messages to users when encountering issues such as invalid user input or failed API requests.

How to Run the Project

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd nc-news
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Start the frontend and backend servers: npm start
  5. Access the application in your browser at http://localhost:3000

Project Structure

  • /components: Contains React components for different parts of the application such as articles, comments, login, header, etc.
  • /context: Includes context providers and consumers for managing global state within the application.
  • /utils: Utility functions such as date formatting are stored here.
  • App.js: Main entry point of the frontend application where routes are defined.



A news website frontend with likes, commenting, accounts and articles.






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