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Protein Regression Assessment


Use anaconda to install the required virtual environment from the listed environment_*.yml files,

conda create --name protein_regression --file environment_*.yml (replace the asterisk with the correct system specifications). Note that the environment_nix_SLURM.yml also applies to common Linux distributions.


You are free to set up your own environment. Please note that in order to run the experiments the project environment should contain at least the following libraries (in non-conflicting version specifications):

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • tensorflow
  • tensorflow-probability
  • gpflow
  • scikit-learn
  • mlflow

and either NVIDIA-CUDA support or MacOS (M1) metal support.

Replicating results

After installing the protein_regression enviroment and activating it, please download the required data into the ./data directory.

To run the experiments in the default configuration: python

To run the optimization requirements: python

Running specific settings and experiments

To run specific experiments settings provide the specifications as input flags to the experiment scripts. For example, we want to run the Beta-Lactamase experiments using an esm-1b embedding with a linear GP regressor using a RandomCV protocol: python -d 1FQG -r esm -m GPLinearFactory -p 0.

See the python --help for more details.

Project Structure

  • ./algorithms/ contains abstract and implementation of the regressors,
  • ./data/ contains scripts to compute embeddings/representations, and splitting protocols,
  • ./data/files contains the required data-sets to run experiments, which includes (original .csv files, embeddings, MSA files), the persisted files are in pickle format,
  • ./notebooks/ contains jupyter notebooks to replicate the figures from the manuscript; requires that experiments have run and completed succesfully,
  • ./notebooks/figures_main.ipynb contains the figures for the main manuscript,
  • ./notebooks/figures_supplementary.ipynb contains the figures for the supplementary material,
  • ./results/ directory for experimental results, ./results/cache/ caching of dictionaries obtained from MlFlow, ./results/figures/ saved figures obtained from ./make_plot_*.py scripts, ./results/mlruns output of MlFlow experiments,
  • ./test/ contains pytest modules for specific tests, i.e. data-loading and consistency, tests of custom CV splitters, custom UC/UQ code,
  • ./uncertainty_quantification/ module for UC/UQ code
  • ./util/ miscalleanous utility code, used for encoding of data, pre-, and post-processing
  • ./util/mlflow/ MlFlow specific utility module, defines variables, constants, loading functions, etc.
  • ./visualization/ module required to generate figures; required by ./make_plot_*.py scripts,
  • ./ run script for all experiments; calls ./ with experiments specifications,
  • ./ run script for all experiments with the optimization protocol; calls ./ with experiment specifications,
  • ./schedule_experiments_slurm*.sh shell scripts to schedule slurm runs as assay jobs, requires files under ./slurm_configs/ as experiment input parameters,


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