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MU Collective Website

This is (currently) an in-progress repo for renewal. This website will be built on Jekyll.


Hyeok Kim - rebuilding the template 👨‍💻.

Lily Ge - building the individual md files and managing the website after it is done 👩‍✈️.

Fumeng Yang - writing documentation & nudging style 🤹‍♀️

How to update (for everyone)

First, you should find the information you need to prepare on this page (looking for [for everyone] notation).

Second, you send them to the master person in the Slack channel #logo-and-website (e.g., @) or via DM. The 2022-23 master is Lily Ge; Hyeok Kim and Fumeng Yang also have knowledge about this if you have any questions.

How to update (for the master person)

Basically, we keep everything (images, pdf, metadata, etc.) on Github. If you are not a developer, you should not need a local setup. The 2022-23 master is Lily Ge; Hyeok Kim and Fumeng Yang also have knowledge about this if you have any questions.

In sum, you only need to touch _data, _posts, and assets. Hyeok: "If you are touching anything else, it means you are doing something wrong."

After your edits, wait for a few minutes and check out Mu website and you should be able to see the updates.

Add a paper :page_facing_up

The two folders you have to pay attention to are:

  • _posts: This folder provides information for papers. You need to add a new *.md file when you want to add a paper.
  • assets: This folder provides the actual thumbnails and PDFs.

[for everyone] To add a paper, you need to prepare the followings:

  • a unique ID: say awesome-paper and it is published in yyyy. This ID is used everywhere to grab information for rendering the website.
  • a .md file (see below) that will be uploaded to _posts : you must name it The month and date aren't important. You can use any values. The master person prepares this file.
  • the paper PDF that will be uploaded to assets/papers/: you must name it yyyy-awesome-paper.pdf
  • a teaser/banner that will be uploaded to assets/images/: you must name it paper-banner-awesome-paper.png|jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp. The width should be less than 1200px. On mobile devices, the image will be scaled to a width less than 400px, so try to avoid using too small details or letters.
  • a thumbnail that will be uploaded to assets/images/: you must name it paper-thumb-awesome-paper.png|jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp. We strongly suggest to use a 5:3 aspect ratio and width less than 300px to best appear in the website (ideal size: 200px by 120px).
  • authors, abstract, venue, year, awards
  • other links you want to show and their names

The .md file

This file must be called It provides entries to render a paper. Again, you must specify year like but months and days are not important.

A toy example is below. You can copy it as your template file. ([for everyone] Here, you can get a sense of what information you need to prepare, but the master person will prepare the .md.)

layout: paper
category: paper 
title:  "This is an awesome paper"
authors: "Author 1, Author 2, Author 3"
venue: "The Lucky Conference/Journal"x
thumb: "assets/images/paper-thumb-awesome-paper.png"
banner: "assets/images/paper-banner-awesome-paper.png"
caption: "The caption for the banner/teaser."
pdf: "assets/papers/yyyy-mm-dd-awesome-paper.pdf"
bestPaper: true
honorable: false
github: ""
supplementary: ""
  - name: "Gallery"
    link: ""

<!-- abstract -->
This is our awesome paper published at the Lucky Conference. 

<h3><svg xmlns="" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-bookmark" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
  <path d="M2 2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v13.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.777.416L8 13.101l-5.223 2.815A.5.5 0 0 1 2 15.5V2zm2-1a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v12.566l4.723-2.482a.5.5 0 0 1 .554 0L13 14.566V2a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H4z"/>
</svg> Citation</h3>
<div class="bibtex">
<!-- bibtex -->

<div class="apa">
<!-- apa -->


  • layout: paper - this must be paper.
  • category: paper - This can take more than one keyword, like paper quant-uncerntainty. The second keyword is used to put the paper under a research area, which you can find under _data/research_area.yml (the cat field.) If you don't know, leave it as paper.
  • title...pdf - ordinary stuff. Notice that you must follow the naming style!
  • (optional) bestPaper and honorable - true or false. You can also skip it.
  • (optional) github and supplementary - You can also skip it.
  • (optional) additionals - additional links and a name to show. You can also skip it.
  • To get citation: access the original publisher's website to get the Bibtex (strongly recommended) and APA format (optional).
    • As long as you have DOI, details other than authors, year, title, venue are not required.
    • For Bibtex, use this tool to standardize.


  • upload to _posts
  • upload yyyy-awesome-paper.pdf to assets/papers
  • upload paper-banner-awesome-paper.png and paper-thumb-awesome-paper.png to assets/images

You are all set.

Add a new person :frowning_person

[for everyone] You need to prepare the followings:

  • A 1x1 headshot named people-first-last.png|jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp. (Fumeng: I don't know if you want to use a gif, but it is possible?) You must follow the naming style people-....

You only have to edit _data/people.yml file and upload the image to assets/images.

[for everyone] An example:

  - name: Jessica Hullman
    role: Ginni Rometty Associate Professor
    department: Computer Science
    school: Northwestern University
    image: assets/images/people-jessica-hullman.jpeg


  • For a faculty/current student, you should provide their name, role (professor, phd student, post doc, etc), department, school, image, and website url (link).
  • For alumni, you should provide their name, current position, and website url (link).

Edit research area :mortar_board

You only need to edit _data/research_areas.yml file.

An example:

- name: Communicating unquantified uncertainty 
  category: unquant-uncertainty 
  desc: We aim at communicating unquantified uncertainty. 
    - "assets/images/research-image-...."


  • name is the name to show in the list
  • category is the catergory, which will be used to match and grab papers.
  • desc is the description.
  • image is the list of related images to show (suggestion: upto 2). You can list images in the YAML list format.

Add or edit a public release :earth_americas

[for everyone] You need to prepare the followings:

  • URLs to your release.
  • The categories of your releases: software, prototype, or something else. Examples are listed below.

There are two files _data/prototype.yml and _data/software.yml. Our suggestion is that if it is a concrete thing, then it belongs to software. The entry should be very much self-explanatory.

An example from _data/prototype.yml:

- title: Cicero
  contributor: Hyeok Kim
  type: JS library
    - type: Gallery
  description: Cicero is a declarative grammar for responsive visualization transformatons.

An example from _data/software.yml:

 title: ggidst
  contributor: Matthew Kay
  type: R package
    - type: Documentation
    - type: Code Repository
    - type: CRAN
  description: ggdist is an R package that provides a flexible set of ggplot2 geoms and stats designed especially for visualizing distributions and uncertainty.

Add or edit a talk :speech_balloon

You only need to edit _data/talk.yml file.

- title: Uncertainty visualization with tidybayes and ggdist
  year: 2021
  contributor: Matthew Kay
  venue: Bayes@Lund

Edit text on homepage on the top

  • Text on the top left section: _data/home_text.yml

How to update (for developer)


Take a look on this document for installing and configuring and this document for testing.

How to run it locally

  1. Install Ruby. Guide If you could not open the link, try Incognito/Privacy mode or Safari browser. The followings are an overview: a. brew install ruby-install chruby.
    b. ruby-install -V At the end of installation, there are two lines source /usr/local/....
    c. open -e ~/.zshrc and add the two lines from the above as well as chruby ruby-3.1.2 This is the version we are going to use. d. Restart your terminal and run ruby-install ruby 3.1.2.
    e. It takes a few minutes and you confirm the version of ruby 3.1.2 by running ruby -v. If not, try to open a new Terminal.
  2. Install Jekyll: gem install jekyll You might need to run this using sudo.
  3. Run: jekyll serve


MU Collective Website (in progress)






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