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Minecraft: Bedrock Edition World Records


Minecraft: Bedrock Edition World Records (mcbewrs) is a world record history site for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition speedrunning heavily inspired by Cole Gilberts mkwrs and fzerowrs.


Development mode

To start the website you must first install all dependencies, add a database, config and user database, then you can just start the server. Consult the documentation for how to configure databases. data/config.json is just

	"db_secret": "foo",
	"token_secret": "bar",
	"port": 5000

After all that you can start the server

npm install
npm start

Self hosting (not recommended)

(First read development mode, specifically about configuring databases and config files.) If you wish to host your own instance it's best to optimise a couple of stuff.

  1. Set up NGINX to serve static files. For example:

    server {
        # Listen to IPv4 and IPv6
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;
        # Change the port to whatever you have in data/config.json
        location /cdn/ {
            # Change the cache control depending on how often static files change
            add_header Cache-Control max-age=696969;
            root /path/to/mcbewrs/public;
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:PORT;
  2. npm run start-production for self hosting and not developer mode



After saving your code please run npm run format to format the code as per the configuration in .clang-format

File structure

  • docs/
    • This is where all the documentation goes.
  • src/data/
    • This is where the important data goes, such as the databases, and the config.json.
    • By default, this directory does not exist. You can set it up by running src/utils/
  • src/public/
    • DO NOT put any sensitive information in the src/public/ folder as that folder is visable to everyone accessing the server.
    • This is where things like stylesheets and assets go.
  • src/routes/
    • This is where the server side code goes for each page. These must be defined in src/app.js to be accessible from the browser.
  • src/utils/
    • This is where the utilities go, such as cron jobs, or javascript functions that are used in other files.
  • src/views/
    • This is where the pug template files go, like the player profiles and navigation bar.