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Mattermost plugin to easily create Grafana annotations.



In Mattermost 5.16 and later, the FYI plugin is included in the Plugin Marketplace which can be accessed from Main Menu > Plugins Marketplace. You can install the plugin and then configure it via the Plugin Marketplace "Configure" button.

In Mattermost 5.13 and earlier, follow these steps:

  1. Go to to download the latest release file in zip or tar.gz format.
  2. Upload the file through System Console > Plugins > Management, or manually upload it to the Mattermost server under plugin directory. See documentation for more details.


Step 1: Generate Grafana API Key

  1. Go to
  2. Set the following values:
    • Name: FYI (or whatever)
    • Role: Editor
  3. Copy the Token

Step 2: Configure plugin in Mattermost

  1. Go to System Console > Plugins > FYI and fill the form
  2. Go to Plugins Marketplace > FYI > Configure > Enable Plugin and click Enable to enable the FYI plugin.


This plugin contains only a server portion (no web app).

Use make to build distributions of the plugin that you can upload to a Mattermost server.

$ make