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This project makes use of Yarn workspaces, so yarn (v1) is required in your system path.

Getting started

After cloning the repo, run yarn install.

To start developing components and website together, run yarn start and open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Developing components

yarn workspace @loremlabs/monet run storybook

# or
cd monet
yarn storybook

Developing the website

cd website
yarn dev

Production Build

yarn build

# or, build components separately
yarn build-monet #  built monet are in ./monet/dist
yarn build-website # built website is in ./website/build
yarn build-storybooks # built storybooks are in ./monet/dist/storybook and ./website/build/storybook respetively


Only @loremlabs/monet is meant be publishing to npm.

  1. Bump package version for @loremlabs/monet and use same in the dependent @loremlabs/website.
  2. Create a release commit (say, with message x.y.z) and git push.
  3. Create a new release at and publish it. Also add a changelog/release summary (you can edit the it later).
  4. A GitHub Action will then automatically run scripts/ to publish the package to npm with correct directories and file names (don't simply run npm publish locally! Run ./scripts/ if you wish to publish from your computer).