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4.29v - last angular version

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@remdex remdex released this 27 Feb 12:19
· 1426 commits to master since this release

This is the last version before Svelte migration and Mail module support.

  1. New chat attribute First response time (agent) attribute frt.
  2. New chat attribute Max response time (agent)attribute mart.
  3. New chat attribute Average response time (agent) attribute aart.
  4. All new attributes is represented in chat statistic/search/chat right column.
  5. Agents can have personal theme by having 'lhabstract','use' and 'lhtheme','personaltheme' permissions.
  6. To update present chats with new attributes values you can run php cron.php -s site_admin -c cron/util/update_times -p <chat_id_to_update_from>

execute doc/update_db/update_300.sql for update