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Releases: Lindt8/GCR_SpecGen

GCR-SpecGen release v1.0

20 Feb 03:43
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GCR-SpecGen: Galactic Cosmic Ray Spectra Generator

This is a Jupyter notebook for conveniently generating GCR spectra using the GCR model developed by Dr. Daniel Matthiä. The notebook allows for selection of which source ions are of interest and the desired level of solar modulation, either set manually or calculated automatically from a date or range of dates. It yields a brief summary of the GCR spectra, text files containing each ion's full spectrum (formatted in a "raw" tabular form and as source cards ready for use in MCNP and PHITS simulations), and a plot showing the selected spectra under the specified level of solar modulation.

Feature list:

  • Selection of any GCR ions of Z=1-28 (H-Ni)
  • Level of solar modulation can be set manually or calculated automatically using entered date(s).
  • Outputs spectra ready for direct implementation into MCNP and PHITS input files or for more general use.