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Downloading data with CLI

Leonid Pyrlia edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 7 revisions

dukascopy-node functionality can be executed both as a node script and as a CLI command.

Prior to version 1.13.0 CLI functionality was distributed as a separate package, but since that version it's now built-in into the dukascopy-node package see

After you install dukascopy-node, you can use it via CLI in the following way:

npx dukascopy-node -i btcusd -from 2019-01-01 -to 2019-01-14 -t m1 -f json


The data file will be saved into the directory specified by -dir (--directory) parameter (which is './download' folder by default).

In case of issues, see Debugging section of the Wiki.