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Lenddo Data SDK ver 2.22.1

Note: This sdk is deprecated, please use the new Lenddo SDK from . For existing users, you might need to follow th migration guide.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Data Collection Mechanism and Required Permissions
  4. Data SDK Package
  5. Running the sample app
  6. Installation Instructions
    1. Initialize Data Collection
    2. Starting Data Collection
    3. Passing the Provider Access Token
    4. Passing the Application ID
    5. Sending Application Data
  7. Using Form Filling Analytics
    1. Using the TimedWidget Views
    2. Collecting Form Analytics from your TimedWidget
    3. Submitting the Data Collected
    4. Clearing the Data Collected
  8. Configuring the Data SDK
    1. Using WIFI internet connectivity instead of data plan
    2. Set Accent color for Material Theme dialog
    3. Registering a Data Sending Completion Callback
    4. Enabling Log Messages


The Lenddo Data SDK (LenddoDataSDK) allows you to collect information in order for Lenddo to verify the user's information and enhance its scoring capabilities. The LenddoDataSDK collects information in the background and can be activated as soon as the user has downloaded the app, given permissions and logged into the app.


Make sure you have Android Studio properly setup and installed, please refer to the Google Developer site for the instructions Android Studio Download and Installation Instructions. Currently the supported IDE is up to version 2.3.3. The SDK is not compatible with the Beta release of Android Studio. Also, use API 25 Build tools. API 26 build tools are not yet compatible as of this moment.

Before incorporating the Data SDK into your app, you should be provided with the following information:

  • Partner Script ID
  • Lenddo Score Service API Secret

Please ask for the information above from your Lenddo representative. If you have a dashboard account, these values can also be found there.

There may be also other partner specific values that you are required to set.

Data Collection Mechanism and Required Permissions

The LenddoDataSDK captures the following data stored on the phone consistent with the permissions defined (see section on adding permissions):

  • Contacts
  • SMS (Performed Periodically)
  • Call History (Performed Periodically)
  • User's Location (Performed Periodically)
  • User's Browsing history (Performed Periodically)
  • User’s Installed Apps
  • Calendar Events
  • Phone Number, Brand and Model

LenddoDataSDK will use information stored on the users' phone. It is advisable for all permissions to be added to your app to enable LenddoData to extract the necessary information for verification and scoring. The optimal permissions are already defined for you in the Libraries’ AndroidManifest.xml and are automatically added to your app using gradle when you rebuild the app after adding our SDK.

Below is the list of required permissions.

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALENDAR" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG" />
    <uses-permission android:name="" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

If you do not want the all default permissions added, you manually have to remove permissions by editing the lenddodatasdk/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and comment out permissions you do not wish to grant, however please note that the following permissions at the minimum are required for the operation of the SDK and should NOT be removed:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />

It is also important that these permissions are consistent with the privacy policy of your app.

Data SDK Package

The data SDK package contains the following:

  • The LenddoData library that you will use to integrate into you own app
  • A sample app for reference on how to integrate
  • A copy of the Data SDK documentation -

Running the sample app

A sample app is provided with the SDK package for you to test the Data SDK. If you want to proceed immediately to integrating it with your own app, proceed to the section Installation Instructions.

  1. Extract the LenddoData SDK package that was provided to you.

  2. Using Android Studio open the main folder of the extracted package, the main folder should have the following directories and files included:

  3. Android Studio should automatically setup the project for you. Android Studio will occasionally prompt you to install additional components, if so, proceed to download those components first.

  4. You must now edit various files based on the details provided by your Lenddo Contact:

    1. Enter the partner credentials - Go to the file sample_app/src/main/res/values/config.xml

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         <string name="partner_script_id">SET_YOUR_PARTNER_SCRIPT_ID_HERE</string>
         <string name="api_secret">SET_YOUR_API_SECRET_HERE</string>

      Replace SET_YOUR_PARTNER_SCRIPT_ID_HERE and SET_YOUR_API_SECRET_HERE with the credentials provided to you.

    2. Configure optional settings - Go to the file sample_app/src/main/java/lenddo/com/lenddoconnect/ on the onCreate method

      ClientOptions clientOptions = new ClientOptions();
      //Uncomment the next line when you want data to be uploaded only when wifi is available
      //Set your partnerscript id here if available
      //Set the appropriate profile type here
      AndroidData.setup(getApplicationContext(), getString(R.string.partner_script_id), getString(R.string.api_secret), clientOptions);

      You may have to uncomment some options or provide additional information. This is on a case to case basis and will be informed accordingly.

  5. Run the app. You will be presented with a sample form that allows you to start data collection as well as see various status messages. Enter a unique value for the application ID and click on send to start the data collection process. Note that the application ID would correspond to the user in your own application.

  6. Notify your Lenddo representative to check on the data that have been collected and if changes are necessary.

Installation Instructions

Extract the LenddoData SDK package that was provided if you have not done so already, it should contain the lenddodatasdk folder. Import that folder to your project as a new module.

In the settings.gradle of your project

include ':lenddodatasdk'

Then add lenddodatasdk as a dependency in your main apps, build.gradle, as below:

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])


    compile project(':lenddodatasdk')

In the build.gradle of your app, set the targetSdkVersion to at most 22 to automatically accept the Android Permissions. Setting targetSdkVersion to 23 will trigger the new Android M Permission Model and the Lenddo Data SDK will popup a request for the required permissions. In this case, the user must accept all permission requests for the data sdk to function properly. click here for references

defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 16
        targetSdkVersion 22

Initialize Data Collection

You need to add an Application class to your app (If it does not already have one). See below for an example:




public class  SampleApp extends Application {
   public void onCreate() {

       ClientOptions clientOptions = new ClientOptions();

       //Uncomment the next line when you want data to be uploaded only when wifi is available

       AndroidData.setup(getApplicationContext(), getString(R.string.partner_script_id),

If you already have an Application class, then simply add the AndroidData.setup() call to the onCreate method of your Application class as shown above.

Note that you need to set the secret key and api key provided to you by Lenddo here:


Your Lenddo contact will inform you if this is something you need to change.

If you did not have an application class before, you need to add a android:name attribute to the application tag in to your main application’s AndroidManifest.xml (below is an example):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <manifest xmlns:android=""


Starting Data Collection

You may start data collection at any time, though ideally it is done after a user has successfully logged in to your app and before the Lenddo Onboarding SDK is started. You are required to pass a string that identifies the user (e.g. user id) as the second parameter. This allows you and our data science team to associate acquired data with the specific user at a later point in time. Below is the sample code to trigger data collection:

AndroidData.startAndroidData(this, “USER_ID_OR_APPLICATION_ID”);

Please note that you only need to do this once for the current user. Data collection will automatically start even on the next session of your app unless your app was uninstalled or had its data cleared.

Once integration has been completed and you have started Data Collection during testing, notify your Lenddo representative to check on the data that have been collected and if changes are necessary.

Passing the Provider Access Token

To enhance the amount of data collected, the Lenddo Data SDK accepts provider access tokens from different providers. Below is an example on how it is done for Facebook:

String provider = AndroidData.PROVIDER_FACEBOOK;
// This is the ID that uniquely identifies the user on the selected Provider. For Facebook this would be the Facebook ID.
String providerId = "Your Network ID";
// This is the Access token you receive after finishing the oAuth 2.0 Sequence.
String accessToken = "Your Network Access Token";
String extraData = "Optional extra data. refreshtoken for KakaoStory";
long expiration;  // Network Expiration timestamp

// The extradata variable passed to setProviderAccessToken must be an instance of JsonObject
JsonObject extra_data_json = new JsonObject();
extra_data_json.addProperty("refresh_token", extraData);

AndroidData.setProviderAccessToken(context, provider, providerId, accessToken, extra_data_json, expiration);

Supported provider strings are as follows:


Passing the Application ID

Depending on your requirements, you may need to pass an "application ID" which is required when your app or service processes application forms.

To do this you can use AndroidData.startAndroidDataWithApplicationId() instead of AndroidData.startAndroidData() which takes an "application ID" value that you can pass along.

If the application ID is not yet available at the time you want to start android data collection, you may instead use AndroidData.setApplicationId() which you can call at a later point in time.

Sending Application Data

LenddoSDK let partner send application data which contains verification data that is use for verification purposes and partner data that might also be helpful for verification but unlike verification data, partner data is a free form data. Below is an example on how to send application data.

    // Set up application data
    ApplicationPartnerData data = new ApplicationPartnerData();

    // Use Application Id as reference number
    data.reference_number = "APPLICATION_ID";
    // Initialize partner data (you can add any data (key-values pair))
    data.application = new JsonObject();

    // Initialize verification data
    data.verification_data = new ApplicationPartnerData.verification_data();
    data.verification_data.address = new ApplicationPartnerData.verification_data.address();
    data.verification_data.employment_period = new ApplicationPartnerData.verification_data.employment_period();
    data.verification_data.mothers_maiden_name = new ApplicationPartnerData.verification_data.mothers_maiden_name(); = new; = new;

    // Set Values for verification data = "string"; = "string"; = "string";
    data.verification_data.date_of_birth = "1995-03-08";
    data.verification_data.employer = "string"; = "string"; = "string";
    data.verification_data.mothers_maiden_name.first = "string";
    data.verification_data.mothers_maiden_name.middle = "string";
    data.verification_data.mothers_maiden_name.last = "string"; = "string"; = "";
    data.verification_data.address.line_1 = "string";
    data.verification_data.address.line_2 = "string";
    data.verification_data.address.administrative_division = "string"; = "string";
    data.verification_data.address.country_code = "string";
    data.verification_data.address.postal_code = "string";
    data.verification_data.address.latitude = 0;
    data.verification_data.address.longitude = 0;

    String payload = new Gson().toJson(data).toString()
    AndroidData.sendPartnerApplicationData(context, payload);

Using Form Filling Analytics

Using Lenddo's custom TimedWidgets (TimedEditText, TimedSeekBar, TimedRadioButton) it is possible to get form filling analytics with every user's input in the application form. To do this, your application must make use of the custom views that implements the TimedWidget interface.

Using the TimedWidget Views

To add form filling analytics feature to your application form, replace all android views with custom views that implements the TimedWidget interface. For example, replace all EditText views in your application with the TimedEditText view.

In your root layout container add the following xml namespace

        lenddo:analyticsKeyTitle="firstname" />

Add the following properties, enableFormFillingAnalytics and analyticsKeyTitle to enable the form filling analytics for the TimedEditText and add a key title that will identify this form field.


Collecting Form Analytics from your TimedWidget

To collect the form filling analytics data from your TimedWidget, instantiate and use the TimedWidget object similar to its extended view. Example, for an EditText view use the TimedEditText class.

In your Java code:

        TimedEditText tedt_firstname = (TimedEditText) findViewById(;

To start collecting analytics data with your TimedEditText, simply add the TimedEditText object to the FormFillingAnalytics class


Submitting the Data Collected

Finally, call the submitFormFillingAnalytics() method to submit the data online.


Clearing the Data Collected

After submitting the collected data, the stored analytics data are automatically cleared. You may clear the stored analytics data without submitting the collected data online by calling the reset() method. This will clear all collected form filling analytics data without sending it online.


Configuring the Data SDK

The Lenddo Data SDK has a configuration that can be set programmatically. By setting the ClientOptions object it is possible to configure the Lenddo Data SDK.

Using WIFI internet connectivity instead of data plan

        ClientOptions clientOptions = new ClientOptions();
        AndroidData.setup(getApplicationContext(), PSID, SECRET, clientOptions);

Set Accent color for Material Theme dialog

        ClientOptions clientOptions = new ClientOptions();
        clientOptions.setThemeColor("#aa2255");  // PINK Accent color
        AndroidData.setup(getApplicationContext(), PSID, SECRET, clientOptions);

Registering a Data Sending Completion Callback

The Lenddo Data SDK can be configured to have a callback that will let the calling application run its own code upon data sending completion. The callback has an interface for both a successful data sending and error on data submission.

        ClientOptions clientOptions = new ClientOptions();
        clientOptions.registerDataSendingCompletionCallback(new OnDataSendingCompleteCallback() {
            public void onDataSendingSuccess() {
                // call your routines here (response status code is 20x ~ 30x)
                Log.d("Callback", "Data sending completed successfully!");

            public void onDataSendingError(int statusCode, String errorMessage) {
                // call your routines here
                Log.d("Callback", "Data sending failed! statuscode:"+statusCode+" error:"+errorMessage);
            public void onDataSendingFailed(Throwable t) {
                // call your routines here
                Log.e("Callback", "Network connection failure! " + t.getMEssage());

        String SECRET = "YOUR API SECRET";

        AndroidData.setup(getApplicationContext(), PSID, SECRET, clientOptions);

If a data sending have failed, the Lenddo Data SDK will try to resend the gathered data the next time the call to AndroidData.startAndroidData(activity, applicationId) is encountered. Eventually, the onDataSendingSuccess() method will be called. To remove a callback, pass a null object to registerDataSendingCompletionCallback() method.


Enabling Log Messages

The Lenddo Data SDK log messages are disabled by default and can be enabled manually by setting the following configuration.
