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ChatCibrx is an open-source, localhost-running chat application built using Node.js, Express, EJS, and MongoDB. It's designed to facilitate real-time communication through both group and private messaging. The application includes a unique feature where the first user registered as 'admin' is automatically granted administrative privileges. Moreover, it hosts a bot within group chats, which users can interact with by issuing the /help command to discover more about the available commands and features.


  • Rate Limiting: Manages API calls, ensures service reliability, maintains security.
  • Real-Time Messaging: Support for both private and group chats.
  • Built-in Bot: A chat bot available in group chats to guide users through commands and features.
  • Admin Privileges: Automatic admin rights granted to the first user registered with the username 'admin'.
  • MongoDB Integration: Utilizes MongoDB for data storage, ensuring a robust and scalable database solution.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:


Follow these steps to set up the ChatCibrx on your local machine:

git clone
cd ChatCibrx
npm install @rednexie/cache.db bcrypt colors cookie-session ejs express-fileupload express-rate-limit express-session express he ip mongodb xss
  • When the installation is done, start the chat:
node .

The chat application will now be running at http://localhost:3000 and also on your local IP.

Setting Up MongoDB Collections

Before starting the chat application, ensure the following collections are created in your MongoDB database:

  • users - to store user registration and authentication information.
  • writeups - for storing group chat messages or announcements.
  • messages_group - to keep records of messages sent in group chats.
  • messages_private - for storing private messages exchanged between users.

These collections will automatically be populated as you use the application.

How to Use

After starting the application, navigate to http://localhost:3000 or your local IP on your web browser to access the ChatCibrx. Register as a new user, or log in if you already have an account, and explore the features available. Remember, the first user to register as 'admin' will receive administrative privileges.


We welcome contributions to ChatCibrx! If you have suggestions or improvements, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.


ChatCibrx is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3. See the LICENSE file for more details.