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Gerard Brull edited this page Apr 16, 2018 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the luxJS wiki

What is lux? (baby don't hurt me....don't hurt more)

luxJS is a fairly opinionated Flux-based architecture for building applications with ReactJS.

Why "luxJS"?

We love the name "Flux" (Latin for "flow") and wanted something that gave an appropriate nod and had a connection with that name. As we adopted React at LeanKit, we really began to feel like we were seeing the web in a new light. In following the Flux principle of uni-directional data flow, we finally felt as if we had clear visibility into state changes (and their repercussions) in our apps. "Lux" is Latin for "light" - and it seemed to cover both the goal of having a connection to Flux and also describing our experience with using React in a Flux-style architecture. Unfortunately, nearly any good name is already taken on npm (and usually by a project that hasn't been touched in 2 years), so we added "JS" in order to stick with the name we know and love - lux.


API Documentation

(This section will be growing and changing for a while!)


There are already a handful of other Flux-style implementations (and they're quite nice) - so why build our own? What were/are our goals? Are we insane? Find out the answer to those - and more - questions by reading about the lux philosophy.