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Tryton Dockerfile

This Dockerfile will run the steps required to build a working image of Tryton. It also installs postgres. The build is based on the ubuntu base image provided by docker.


Fetch the repository from docker:

docker pull openlabs/tryton-docker

Create a new container using the image:

docker run -d -P 8000 openlabs/tryton-docker
  • The -d option indicates that the container should be run in daemon mode.
  • The -P option and it's value 8000 instructs docker to bind TCP port 8000 of the container to a dynamically allocated TCP port on all available interfaces of the host machine. See ports documentation for a more detailed explanation on how the port exposed by the container is bound to the host running the docker container.

To find the port that tryton in now bound to:

docker ps

The output in the PORTS column should look like>8000/tcp. You should now be able to connect to tryton on the port 49153. (Note: Substitute the port number with what is displayed on your docker host.)

Running from docker container

You can access the docker container and work from within it.:

docker run -i -t openlabs/tryton-docker /bin/bash

On execution of the command a new prompt within the container should be available to you. Remember that postgres and tryton are not started automatically for you when you access the container in this manner. To start both services, run:


To see the current status of the processes:

supervisorctl status

This should show the status of postgres and tryton.

Perhaps, you want to run tryton yourself:

supervisorctl stop tryton
trytond -c /etc/trytond.conf

and you can do everything you normally do with the tryton daemon script.

More details

The docker image entry point is the supervisor daemon which then runs postgres and tryton on separate processes.

The tryton configuration used by tryton is at /etc/trytond.conf

Authors and Contributors

This image was built at Openlabs.

Professional Support

This image is professionally supported by Openlabs. If you are looking for on-site teaching or consulting support, contact our sales and support teams.


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