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Releases: Lateralus138/colorstatic

Stable Release

15 Jun 05:08
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ColorStatic (C++ Edition)

Random color animations by character frames for fun in the command line. The default, especially at a low font size looks like old television static. Many options and cool things you can do.

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Current Linux MD5

Linux MD5

Current Debian MD5

Debian MD5

Find the current stable released executables and archived source files here. In most cases you will probably want the 64 Bit version (X64), but there is a X86 - 32 Bit version if you like. For Linux there is the Linux executable and Debian installer. There is a MacOS build, but it is not guaranteed to work 100%. If anyone wants to fork or submit to the MacOs version then please be my guest.

For any version of the binary you'll probably want to change the name of the executable to just: colorstatic.