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Releases: LapisRaider/Derpat

Derpat v1.2 (Microsoft Windows Only)

20 Jan 04:57
Choose a tag to compare


  1. Download the .zip folder.
  2. Unzip the folder and run main.exe.
  3. To quit the application, either kill process via task manager or press: CTRL + ALT + 2 + 9 + Y
  4. UwU


  • Application parameters are now loaded via a text file instead of being hardcoded in.
  • You can fully customize the speed, change of state, images, etc through the .txt files in src/assets/data.

Derpat v1.1 (Microsoft Windows Only)

16 Jan 20:27
Choose a tag to compare


  1. Download the .zip folder.
  2. Unzip the folder and run main.exe.
  3. To quit the application, either kill process via task manager or press: CTRL + ALT + 2 + 9 + Y
  4. UwU