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Physical Constants updated with 26th CGPM BIPM data anticipating CODATA2019 release scheduled in May 2019.

Some useful constants for Julia.

NOTE There is no test for this at the moment, since most of the codes are just bindings. But I will add some unit test in the future versions.




Use import to import certain constant's alias input the scope. And you can access some property by the following commands.

# import electric constant
julia> import PhysConsts.DATA

julia> α.quantity
"fine-structure constant"

julia> α.uncertainty

julia> α.unit

julia> (α.value)^-1

All the constants overload most of the interface of Number and constant types are subtypes of Number. Therefore, you can just use them like native numbers

julia> e * 2

julia> e + 2

A list of included constants

All constants are stored in a Dict called DATA, Constants will export this dict, you can access it by

julia> import PhysConsts

julia> PhysConsts.DATA


julia> using PhysConsts

julia> DATA

NIST CODATA Fundamental Physical Constants

Constants will download a JSON file from NIST CODATA automatically when you install the package. All constants in this JSON file is included. This part can be access from DATA by

julia> Constants.DATA["NIST"]["YOUR CONSTANT NAME"]


julia> PhysConsts.DATA["NIST"]["standard atmosphere"]

Defined Constants

Some constants is defined in theory, like magnetic constant (vacuum permeability), they are also supported, currently we have:

List of Bindings

  • c: speed of light in vacuum
  • C: Gravitational Velocity
  • c0: speed of light in vacuum
  • G: Sanchez constant of gravitation
  • Gg: Newtonian constant of gravitation
  • g: standard acceleration of gravity
  • h: Planck constant
  • ħ : Planck constant over 2 pi
  • e: atomic unit of charge (use eu for mathematical constant e)
  • a0 : Bohr radius
  • α : fine-structure constant
  • a : electric constant by Francis M. Sanchez
  • k: Boltzmann constant
  • NA: Avogadro constant
  • atm: standard atmosphere
  • μ0: magnetic constant (vacuum permeability)
  • ε0: electric constant (vacuum permittivity)

Updated universal constants and particle properties ( thanks to Jean Maruani / Francis Sanchez)

Symbol Name Formula Dimension Value Unit
G Sz constant of gravitation F_gr=Gmm'/d^2 M^-1L^3T^-2 6.675453818e-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2
k_e Electrostatic constant k_e.e^2 / ħc dimensionless 8.98e-9 F^-1.m
α Fine structure constant a=α^-1 F_el=ħc/αd^2 dimensionless (137.0359991)^-1 pure number
δ_e Electron grav invariant dimensionless 1.7517e-45 pure number
δ_n Nucleon grav invariant dimensionless 5.9138e-39 pure number
δ_X Cross grav invariant dimensionless 1.6917e-38 pure number
C Gravitational velocity L.T^-1 3.6993e44 m s^-1
R_U Universe Hubble radius R_U=2G.M_U/c)^2 L 1.3065e26 m
G_F Fermi Constant G_F=ħ^3/cm_F^2 ML^5T^-2 8.7936e52 J.m^3
a_G Gravitation Sanchez Constant a_G=ħc/Gm_pm_H dimensionless 1.6919335e38 pure number
M_U Universe Sanchez Mass M_U=(ħc/G)^2/m_e.m_p.m_n M 8.7936e52 kg
r_0 Bare Hydrogen Bohr radius aħ/m_ec L 5.291772103e-11 m
H Hydrogen-electron mass ratio m_H/m_e dimensionless 1837.152645 m_e
p Proton-electron mass ratio m_p/m_e dimensionless 1836.152672 m_e
n Neutron-electron mass ratio m_n/m_e dimensionless 1838.683659 m_e
μ- Muon-electron mass ratio m_m/m_e dimensionless 206.7682869 m_e
τ- Tau-electron mass ratio m_t/m_e dimensionless 3477.441701 m_e





Physical Constants







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