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This is repository for picking up plastic strawberries with a Viper 300 robotic arm.

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Robot in the Lab


For this project it was used the robotic arm ViperX-300, which is a robot that belongs to the Interbotix X-Series family of arms featuring the DYNAMIXEL X-Series Smart Servo Motors. ViperX-300 enables access to DYNAMIXEL Wizard Software as well as ROS. This robot has 5 degrees of freedom and a full 360 degree of rotation, the reach is 750mm, total span 1500 mm, the working payload is 750g, and it has wrist rotate.

For the detection part was used an Intel RealSense Depth Camera D415, which can be used indoor as outdoor, although, the documentation says it works within 0.5m to 3m, the minimum distance can reach is 0.3m, any distance less than this will detect as 0.0; also, it has stereoscopic depth technology, anccuray of <2% at 2m, the resolution in both (RGB and Depth) is up to 1280x720.

This experiment remained just using simple CV according to the three different types of strawberries, smiluting the different stages of ripeness: Green-YellowRedish-Red; obtaining good results. However, this could be made with the use of Machine Learning getting a better results.

A great disadvantage using CV is that the effectiveness of the code can vary depending of the quantity of light, and if something else has a similar shape or colour will detect wrongly, but for demostration purposes it works fine.


  • To make a code to detect the three different types of strawberries: red, green, yellow-redish.
  • To make a code for the movement of the robot according to detected strawberry


The first step that have to do is to install the software to use the robot depending on the type of architecture, that can be AMD64 (for most laptops, computers and NUCs) or ARM64 (Raspberry Pi 4B). In references you can see which robots can be used with this software (Interbotix_xsarms).

Robotic Arm


  • One of the X-Series Robot Arm Kits
  • Computer running Ubuntu Linux 20.04 or 22.04

Procedure of installation

You should open the terminal where you want it to be downloaded, where it says "humble", you should put the distrabution that you have.

ROS Distro Manipulators Rovers Turrets Crawlers
ROS 2 Rolling
ROS 2 Iron
ROS 2 Humble ✔️
ROS 2 Galactic ✔️ ✔️
ROS 1 Noetic ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
ROS 1 Melodic


sudo apt install curl
curl '' >
chmod +x
./ -d humble


Check that the udev rules were configured correctly and they are triggered bu the U2D2. Important!!! The U2D2 must be plugged into the USB port to show up the name as ttyDXL.

ls /dev | grep ttyDXL

Interbotix ROS Packages

Check that the Interbotix ROS packages were installed correctly.

source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
source ~/interbotix_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 pkg list | grep interbotix

... interbotix_common_modules interbotix_common_sim interbotix_common_toolbox interbotix_perception_modules interbotix_perception_msgs interbotix_perception_pipelines interbotix_perception_toolbox interbotix_ros_xsarms interbotix_ros_xsarms_examples interbotix_ros_xseries interbotix_tf_tools interbotix_xs_driver interbotix_xs_modules interbotix_xs_msgs interbotix_xs_ros_control interbotix_xs_rviz interbotix_xs_sdk interbotix_xs_toolbox interbotix_xsarm_control interbotix_xsarm_descriptions interbotix_xsarm_dual interbotix_xsarm_joy interbotix_xsarm_moveit interbotix_xsarm_moveit_interface interbotix_xsarm_perception interbotix_xsarm_ros_control interbotix_xsarm_sim ...

If the next packages have been missed, you should check the installation process. interbotix_xs_sdk, interbotix_xs_msgs, interbotix_common_modules, and interbotix_xs_modules.

CV libraries

We are going to build our own node of the camera. For that we need to install pyrealsense2 module.

pip install pyrealsense2


Clone this Git-Hub repository in the src folder of the interbotix_ws


Strawberry detection

  • Headers. The first thing is to import all the required modules and to classify the different strawberries, 1 for red, 2 for yellow and 3 for green.

    from __future__ import division
    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    #strawberryFound -> {1 : Red, 2 : Yellow, 3 : Green}
  • find_contours(). We discriminate the possible strawberries according to the area (size) in the image, because if we don't do this part, a lot of small things that have the same colour can appear as "strawberries", the return is the mask and the different contours that we considered they were strawberries.

    def find_contours(image):
    image = image.copy()
    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(image, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    conArea = []
    for i in range(len(contours)):
        if 200 <= cv2.contourArea(contours[i]):
    mask = np.zeros(image.shape, np.uint8)
    cv2.drawContours(mask, conArea, -1, 255, -1)
    return conArea, mask
  • circle_contour(). This function is just to in circle the contours that were found with the previous function. We have to ensure that there are at least 5 points to make the ellipse, if there less it will result in an error. The resulting image is with a circled one.

    def circle_contour(image, contour):
        image_with_ellipse = image.copy()
        for variable in contour:
            if len(variable) <=5:
            ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(variable)
            cv2.ellipse(image_with_ellipse, ellipse, (0,0,0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
        return image_with_ellipse
  • graphic()

    This function as it says with the name will have the main graphic part, taking decision according to the type of strawberry. We ensure they should be in the correct limits (upperXLim and upperYLim)

    If the square is crossing the limits of the screen, we are going to fix it in proportion to the maximum limit either x or y.

    Now that we ensure the strawberry type, we are going to get the real centroid, the one is not dilated extremely. We are going to make a small square to get the average distance and to ignore the ones that less than 0.3 or greater than 0.7 (getting the index of those pixels that are in that range).

    We remove the area if it is a yellow strawberry using a black rectangule (all to zero), because if it remains there, as it has red, in the next part can be detected as a red one.

    We can see that step in the next image.

    We save the information in the next order:

    [Type of strawberry (1,2 or 3), coordinate in X of the centroid, coordinate in Y of the centroid, Average distance]

    If we get more than strawberry that array will be become into a matrix, with all strawberries.

    To finish we put the corresponding text.

    Look up the code to see more in detail the process.

    GRAPHIC OF DISTANCES MATRIX Here you can see that the red square is indeed the centroid, while, the green ones are other pixels that are going to be calculated in the average because they are within the range [0.3, 0.7] .

    def graphic(foundContours,depth_image,savedContours,info,image1,strawberryFound,image_blur_hsv):
        match strawberryFound:
            case 'Yellow':
                typeStraw = 2
                color = (0,0,0)
            case 'Red':
                typeStraw = 1
                color = (150,20,25)
            case 'Green':
                typeStraw = 3
                color = (20,200,25)
        for c in foundContours:
              M = cv2.moments(c)
              if cX+5>640:
                  upperXLim = 640
                  upperXLim = cX+5
              if cY+5>480:
                  upperYLim = 480
                  upperYLim = cY+5
              dist1 = distance>=0.3
              dist2 = distance<=0.7
              ind = np.where(distanceLog)
              avgDist = np.average(distance[ind[0],ind[1]])
              if avgDist <=0.7:
                  if strawberryFound == 'Yellow':
                      x,y,w,h= cv2.boundingRect(c)
                      for i in range(3):
                           image_blur_hsv[y-10:y+h+10,x-10:x+w+10,i] = 0
                  cv2.putText(image1, strawberryFound,(cX-20,c[:,0][:,1].min()-40),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,0.5,color,2)
                  cv2.putText(image1, "X = "+str(cX)+", Y = "+str(cY),(cX-40,c[:,0][:,1].min()-25),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,0.35,color,2)
                  if avgDist>=0.3:
                      cv2.putText(image1, "D= {:.3f} m ".format(avgDist),(cX-30,c[:,0][:,1].min()-10),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,0.5,color,2)
                      cv2.putText(image1, "Close!!",(cX-30,c[:,0][:,1].min()-10),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,0.5,color,2)
        , (cX,cY),2,(0,0,0),-1)
        return savedContours,info,image1,image_blur_hsv
  • find_strawberry().

    Part 1

    This is the longest unction of this code. So, we are going to explain the main parts. At the beginning there is a supposition that there are no strawberries. We make a copy of the image, we blur it to remove part of the noise. The original image comes as BGR, so we convert it into a RGB, and we convert it again but in HSV because it is easier to work with the images with this format.

    At the end we become all the pixels that have bigger distance than 0.7 m into black in the HSV image, because we want to ignore them when we detect the strawberries, since if they are not eliminated things that have the enough size to be considered as strawberry but a little far away can be detected; however, this is not desired insamuch as it can affect the detection due to things that are out of desired range (0.3m to 0.7m) .

    activate = [0,0,0] # YELOW, RED, GREEN
    here = False
    strawberryFound = 'Nothing'
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    image1 = image.copy()
    image_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(image1, (5, 5), 0)
    image_blur_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image_blur, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
    matrix = depth_image <= 0.7 
    for i in range(3):
        image_blur_hsv[:,:,i] = image_blur_hsv[:,:,i]*matrix

    Part 2

    We create the different ranges according to the colours, redish and yellow. We make several kernels depending on the task. We erode to remove all the small dots that can interfere with the detection. For the dilatation we have two cases one to exagerate the area of intersection and another smaller one to not deform the strawberry's shape. If there's intersection, it means it's a real strawberry, if there's not, it means it's not a strawberry.

    You can see the process in the next images, to see more examples go the folder CV Process

    Original image

    Mask Yellow

    Yellow Eroded

    Yellow Dilated

    Yellow Dilated Comparison

    Yellow Closed

    Yellow Closed Comparison

    Yellow Clean

    Yellow Clean Comparison

    Mask Yellow-Redish

    Mask Yellow-Redish Comparison

    We get the sum of the number of pixels that are in the intersection. And finding the contour of all that have intersection.


    The next explanation is just for yellow-redish strawberry.

    Case strawberry



    Case no strawberry

    min_redish = np.array([0, int(150), int(110)])
    max_redish = np.array([int(9/255*179), 255, 255])
    min_redish2 = np.array([int(250/255*179), int(150), int(110)])
    max_redish2 = np.array([int(255/255*179), 255, 255])
    maskRedish1 = cv2.inRange(image_blur_hsv, min_redish, max_redish)
    maskRedish2 = cv2.inRange(image_blur_hsv, min_redish2, max_redish2)
    maskRedish = maskRedish1 + maskRedish2
    min_yellow1 = np.array([int(9/255*179),int(125),int(125)])
    max_yellow1 = np.array([int(30/255*179),int(255),int(255)])
    maskYellow = cv2.inRange(image_blur_hsv,min_yellow1,max_yellow1)
    smallKernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (5, 5))
    mediumKernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (7, 7))
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (10, 10))
    bigKernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (12, 11))
    maskYellow_eroded = cv2.erode(maskYellow, smallKernel, iterations = 1)
    maskYellow_dilated = cv2.dilate(maskYellow_eroded,kernel, iterations=1)
    maskYellow_closed = cv2.morphologyEx(maskYellow_dilated, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
    maskYellow_clean = cv2.morphologyEx(maskYellow_closed,cv2.MORPH_OPEN,smallKernel)
    maskYellow_dilatedCom = cv2.dilate(maskYellow_eroded,mediumKernel, iterations=2)
    maskYellow_closedCom = cv2.morphologyEx(maskYellow_dilatedCom, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
    maskYellow_cleanCom = cv2.morphologyEx(maskYellow_closedCom, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
    maskRedish_eroded = cv2.erode(maskRedish, smallKernel, iterations = 1)
    maskRedish_dilated = cv2.dilate(maskRedish_eroded,kernel, iterations=1)
    maskRedish_closed = cv2.morphologyEx(maskRedish_dilated, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
    maskRedish_clean = cv2.morphologyEx(maskRedish_closed,cv2.MORPH_OPEN,smallKernel)
    maskRedish_dilatedCom = cv2.dilate(maskRedish_eroded,kernel, iterations=2)
    maskRedish_closedCom = cv2.morphologyEx(maskRedish_dilatedCom, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
    maskRedish_cleanCom = cv2.morphologyEx(maskRedish_closedCom, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
    mask_bwa = cv2.bitwise_and(maskYellow_cleanCom,maskRedish_cleanCom)
    sumMaskBWA = sum(sum(mask_bwa>0)) 
    info =[]
    cX = 0
    cY = 0
    contours = []
    cont,_=cv2.findContours(mask_bwa, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE

    Part 3

    If the pixels number is greater than 200, and the strawberryFound changed to 'Yellow' now it is not 'nothing', we used the clean masks of Redish and Yellow, we find the centroids of the intersected sections but we have to check if those are within the contours we found (if it is not, it's not a real strawberry), if it is inside, it will be greater or equal to 0.

    If we have a yellow strawberry, "here" to true, so we can return the changed image with the circled one.

    if sumMaskBWA > 200:
          strawberryFound = 'Yellow'
          maskYellowRedish = maskRedish_clean + maskYellow_clean
          redishContour, maskRedish_strawberries = find_contours(maskYellowRedish)
          for particular in redishContour:
              for c in cont:
                  M = cv2.moments(c)
                  inside = cv2.pointPolygonTest(particular,(cX,cY),False)
                  if inside >=0:
    savedContours = []
    if strawberryFound == 'Yellow':
        here = True
        savedContours,info, image1, image_blur_hsv = graphic(contours,depth_image,savedContours,info,image1,strawberryFound,image_blur_hsv)

    Part 5

    The last part it just to circle all the found contours. And we make a cross in the middle of the screen to just for ilustration. If there's nothing detected, the image is returned itself.

    The last three lines is for ordering in an ascending order the set of strawberries (first the red, second the yellow, third the green).

    circled1 = circle_contour(image1, savedContours)
    if here:
        bgr = cv2.cvtColor(circled1, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
        bgr = cv2.cvtColor(image1, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
    bgr = cv2.line(bgr,(320,0),(320,480),color=(0,0,0),thickness=1)
    bgr = cv2.line(bgr,(0,240),(640,240),color=(0,0,0),thickness=1)
    if len(info) == 0:
        return bgr,[[]]
    temp = np.array(info)
    info = temp[np.lexsort((temp[:,0],))]
    return bgr,info

    Result image

Camera Node

  • Headers. The first thing is to import all the required modules.

    import rclpy  
    from rclpy.node import Node 
    from sensor_msgs.msg import Image  
    from std_msgs.msg import Float32MultiArray   
    from std_msgs.msg import MultiArrayDimension 
    from cv_bridge import CvBridge               
    import numpy as np     
    from robot_pkg.strawberryDetection import find_strawberry as detector  
    import pyrealsense2 as rs                                             
  • Class and constructor We create the needed publishers, and we create the required objects to set up the camera. class RealSenseCameraNode(Node): # The constructor def init(self): super().init('realsense_camera_node') self.bridge = CvBridge() self.info_publisher = self.create_publisher(Float32MultiArray,'strawberry_info',1) self.color_publisher = self.create_publisher(Image, 'realsense/image', 1) self.pipeline = rs.pipeline() self.config = rs.config() self.configure_pipeline() self.timer = self.create_timer(0.1, self.publish_images)

  • configure_pipeline(self). Now we give the corresponding configurations.

      def configure_pipeline(self):
        self.pipeline_wrapper = rs.pipeline_wrapper(self.pipeline)
        self.pipeline_profile = self.config.resolve(self.pipeline_wrapper)
        self.device = self.pipeline_profile.get_device()
        self.config.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.z16, 30)
        self.config.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.bgr8, 30)
  • publish_images(self). We publish the images that we get, both the depth and the color ones. And also we send information regarding the strawberries types.

    def publish_images(self):
        info =[[]]
        frames = self.pipeline.wait_for_frames()
        depth_frame = frames.get_depth_frame()
        color_frame = frames.get_color_frame()
        if not depth_frame or not color_frame:
        color_image = np.asanyarray(color_frame.get_data())
        depth_image = np.asanyarray(depth_frame.get_data())/1000
        color_image, info = detector(color_image,depth_image)
        color_msg = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(color_image, encoding='bgr8')
        width = len(info[0])
        height = len(info)
        mat = Float32MultiArray()
        mat.layout.dim[0].label = "width"
        mat.layout.dim[1].label = "height"
        mat.layout.dim[0].size = width
        mat.layout.dim[1].size = height
        mat.layout.dim[0].stride = width*height
        mat.layout.dim[1].stride = width
        mat.layout.data_offset = 0 = [float(0)]*width*height
        dstride0 = mat.layout.dim[1].stride
        offset = mat.layout.data_offset
        for i in range(height):
            for j in range(width):
      [offset+i*dstride0+j] = info[i][j]

Robot Node

Before going deep in the explanation, we have to be clear about the axis, the robot and camera axis, that depending on the axis the names of X, Y an Z can vary. The next images can show the diferences and we have to be careful when we interpret the axis.

Camera Axis

Robot Axis

Important Note

We couldn't use the relative positions for VX300 nor VX300s with the real ones, just with the simulated ones worked fine. We considered to use absolute coordinates just, but still we had some problems.

The next example explains why we couldn't put down the robot and with it to modify the robot height with respect to the strawberry height. The run code was:

  import sys
  from interbotix_xs_modules.xs_robot.arm import InterbotixManipulatorXS
  import numpy as np
  def main():
      bot = InterbotixManipulatorXS(
      if (bot.arm.group_info.num_joints < 5):
          bot.core.get_logger().fatal('This demo requires the robot to have at least 5 joints!')
          bot.arm.set_ee_pose_components(z=0.5,moving_time = 1.5)
          bot.arm.set_single_joint_position(joint_name='waist', position=np.pi/4.0,moving_time=3)
          bot.arm.set_ee_pose_components(z=0.4, moving_time = 1)
  if __name__ == '__main__':
  • Headers.

    import sys          
    import numpy as np  
    import math         
    import rclpy        
    from rclpy.node import Node 
    from std_msgs.msg import Float32MultiArray  
    from interbotix_xs_modules.xs_robot.arm import InterbotixManipulatorXS
  • Class and constructor.

    You can see we go up and later we turn the robot using just the waist, however, it is not possible to descend in that direction when you give the absolute coordinates it returns to the front. Which is logical, because if you can turn the robot along the axis Z with the same absolute coordinates, so the robot is coded to get just one if that's the case (when the waist angle is 0).

    Robot Side View

    Robot Top View

    One way to solve this is to put the robot a little forward; nevertheless, we have range problem now since the robot is in distance between the frame and itself of 45 cm approximately, and the minimum distance that we could test was 20cm of radio, if we gave less than that an error appears that the robot can't do that movement.

    You can visit the to see all the functions that you can use for the robot.

    The initial waist position will be 51º, the next two squares show the corresponding movement of the robot.

    Then, we have the concept of moving_time, which is the time required from point 1 to point 2, this is the used variable to change the lineal speed.

    The different deltas are going to be the robot's coordinates.

    As we commented before about the height as we couldn't do it in that way, we tried to use another method, the variables fixedZPixels, fixedZMeters and fixedZLim are going to be used to get the required robot height to pick the strawberry.

    The method is based on putting the robot in a fixed height at the beginning and collocating a strawberry at the same height as the robot's gripper we save the Y pixels (Camera Axis), which are 335 px, this means when the strawberry is at that line the gripper and the fruit have the same height with respect to the table, now we move the robot a little upper to make a delta Z (Robot Axis) and as we gave the height to the robot we know in meters how many they were (0.085m), and also we register the new delta Z in pixels, 95 px.

    The images explain the process to get these values.

Camera perspective

Robot perspective

The last thing, we have the limits in X (Camera Axis), in those we know the enough range to be picked, they are in pixels.

    class Robot(Node):
      def __init__(self):
          self.angleJoint = 51          # [degree]
          self.moving_time = 0.1
          self.deltaJoint = -1
          self.deltaStrawW = -1
          self.deltaX = 0
          self.deltaY = 0
          self.fixedZ = 0.4
          self.deltaZ = 0
          self.fixedZPixels = 95
          self.fixedZMeters = 0.085
          self.fixedZLim = 335
          self.limInfX= 340
          self.limSupX= 360

 = InterbotixManipulatorXS(
              accel_time = 0.02,
              moving_time = 3.0

          if < 5:
              self.get_logger().fatal('The robot has to have at least 5 joints!')
          self.subscription = self.create_subscription(

-callback(). This function makes all the robot movements according the information received.

We receive the data and we make it as the original matrix. We see if there are red ones, and we organize them again in ascending order dependening on the X picels column (second column).

You can observe the organizing process.

Received Information

Red Info

If there are more than one strawberry, the robot will select the one that is more in the left if waist movement is CW and the more right if it is CCW.

The movement speed will decrease if it is too close to the selected X range.

Part 1

        info = np.array(
        info = info.reshape(msg.layout.dim[1].size,msg.layout.dim[0].size)
        redInfo = []
        if len(info[0]) != 0:
            redInfo = info[info[:,0].astype(int) == 1,:]
            redInfo = redInfo[np.lexsort((redInfo[:,1],))]
            print("RED INFO ",str(redInfo))
        print("Received strawberry information:", str(info))
        if len(redInfo) == 0:
            self.moving_time = 0.1
            self.angleJoint = self.angleJoint + self.deltaJoint
  'waist', position=math.radians(self.angleJoint),moving_time=self.moving_time,accel_time = 0.02)
            if self.deltaJoint == -1:
                chosenOne = redInfo[0,:]
                chosenOne = redInfo[-1,:]
            if chosenOne[1].astype(int)<=self.limSupX+10 and chosenOne[1].astype(int)>=self.limInfX-10:
                self.moving_time = 1
                self.moving_time = 0.1

Part 2

When it is found a red strawberry deltaJoint is ignored and we use deltaStrawW instead.

See the process with the next pictures.

Robot Perspective

Camera Perspective

When it is in the middle, now it will make all the calculations to approach to the chosen strawberry.

Getting the Strawberry Distance

The used formulas were deducted in the next way.

        if chosenOne[1].astype(int)>self.limSupX:
            self.deltaStrawW = -1
            print("deltaStrawW = -1")
            print("Angle12 = "+str(self.angleJoint))
        elif chosenOne[1].astype(int)<self.limInfX:
            self.deltaStrawW = 1
            print("deltaStrawW = 1")
            print("Angle12 = "+str(self.angleJoint))
            self.deltaStrawW = 0
            self.deltaY = round(float((chosenOne[3]-0.07)*math.sin(math.radians(self.angleJoint))),3)
            self.deltaX = round(float((chosenOne[3]-0.07)*math.cos(math.radians(self.angleJoint))),3)
            self.deltaZ = round(float(self.fixedZ+(((self.fixedZLim-chosenOne[2])/self.fixedZPixels)*self.fixedZMeters)),3)
  *1.4,3), x = round(self.deltaX*0.5,3), y=round(self.deltaY*0.5,3), moving_time=3)
  , x = self.deltaX, y=self.deltaY, moving_time=3)
  , x = round(self.deltaX*0.5,3), y=round(self.deltaY*0.5,3), moving_time=3)
  ,x= 0.28,moving_time=2)
            self.angleJoint = math.degrees("waist"))
        self.angleJoint =  self.angleJoint + self.deltaStrawW'waist', position=math.radians(self.angleJoint),moving_time=self.moving_time,accel_time = 0.02)                


1. Step. Open the Moveit.

Be sure to interbotix_ws first.

cd ~/interbotix_ws

Be careful choosing the correct robot model. The next command it's to create a twin of the robot in the program.

ros2 launch interbotix_xsarm_control robot_model:=vx300

If you want to use just simulation, you can add the part of "use_sim:=true".

ros2 launch interbotix_xsarm_control robot_model:=vx300 use_sim:=true

2. Step. Launch the file

If you made any modification to the nodes codes, you have to colcon build

colcon build --packages-select robot_pkg 

And later you can launch the file ""

ros2 launch robot_pkg

This last command can open the camera and to start moving the robot, and the rest the robot with camera will do their work. To detect and to go the objective when it identifies as a red strawberry.

3. Step finalize the process

When it's all done, you can finish all with the next command "ctrl + c" Also you have to close the moveit simulation and to exit the terminal where that simulation was.


Using D415 we got a calibration problem, even though, we could work with the project with that inconvinient.

We got a shadow that made those pixels to be registered as closer than in fact they were.



This is repository for picking up plastic strawberries with a Viper 300 robotic arm.


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