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What I Am Playing

A small widget/API that shows you what you're playing on Spotify. Works with both music and podcasts!


You need Node.js in your machine (tested with versions 14 and beyond). Will probably work with older versions of Node.

A recommendation is to also use pm2 to make the process run forever in background. You can use other options, such as nodemon or forever if you wish to. A PM2 ecosystem file is included with this repository (whatiamplaying.config.js).


  1. Login to the Spotify Developer Dashboard
  2. Create an app on the Dashboard. Put the name and description you wish to get.
  3. Enter the app you created, copy the Client ID and Client Secret into the credentials.json file (an example is available at credentials.json.dist).
  4. Click on "Edit settings" and add a redirect URL (can be any URL, for example http://localhost/callback/).
  5. Add the URL you created in the step above within the credentials.json file as the refreshUrl field.
  6. Open the following URL in your browser:{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}&response_type=code&scope=user-read-currently-playing,user-read-recently-played&redirect_uri=http://localhost/callback/
  7. When you're redirected to http://localhost/callback/, you will se that there is a code in the URL (?code={TOKEN}). Copy it into the credentials.json file as token.
  8. Run yarn start. This will update the token and start a small web server. If you press Ctrl+C or close the terminal, the program will halt.
  9. Configure a Node process manager such as PM2 to make the app run forever in background.


To view a small widget with the song you're playing, open http://localhost:38150/play in your browser.

To get a JSON with the current song being played:

curl http://localhost:38150/play?mode=json

You can change the default port by overriding the PORT environment variable.

Example widget


The widget itself will reply using HTTP. You can use an Apache or Nginx proxy to add an SSL layer if you wish to. You can also use other load balancers to accomplish such thing.


This work is inspired by @Novatorem Source code.


Please, feel free to contribute with code or donations!

Buy Me A Coffee


Small web widget that shows what you're playing on Spotify. It can be easily embedded into websites, or even Github Markdown documents.




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