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Releases: KenSuenobu/scattersphere

Release: 0.2.3

22 Jul 20:18
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This includes the following changes:

  • Added DockerTask
  • Published to Bintray (official release)

Release: 0.2.2

12 Jul 01:45
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This release includes the following changes:

  • Upgraded to Scala 2.11.12
  • Clean-up of tests
  • Clean-up of Java Function conversion (uses implicit now)
  • Added the ability to register a job by name

Release: 0.2.1

24 Jun 23:29
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  • Upgraded to Spark 2.3.1 - both for testing, and in code build
  • Removed dependency upon slf4j and logback since they are provided in scala-logging
  • Changed domain to io.buildfactory
  • Removed dependency on LazyLogging (#101)
  • When adding a SparkConf to the cache, automatically adds base jar if missing (#102)

Release: 0.2.0

17 Jun 20:37
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Includes the following updates:

  • Downgraded to Scala 2.11.11 for Spark/Mesos Integration (#87)
    • I'm not particularly happy about this, but Spark/Mesos are built with Scala 2.11, so c'est la vie.
  • Introduced a very simple implementation of a Spark Cache for Jobs (#49)
  • Created SparkTask (#62)
  • Simplified use of JobBuilder and TaskBuilder objects (#64)
  • Converted RealWorldTest to a Spark version (#50)
  • Created scattersphere-base module for Maven Central - name may change (#94)
  • Created test jar file for Spark testing (#96)
  • Created a real world integration test with full Spark integration (#76)
  • Added TaskStatistics (#67)
  • Added JobStatistics (#68)
  • Major Wiki updates

Release: 0.1.0

28 May 19:38
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Includes a large number of optimizations and bug fixes, three new Task types (DelayedTask, RepeatingTask, and ShellTask), some additions to Job and Task, and makes JobExecutor more robust.

Bug fix release

21 May 03:17
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Bug fix release: prevents Jobs and Tasks from being built with missing parameters. Recommended that you use this version.

0.0.3 - Finalized release

20 May 23:21
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Includes some additional changes to the API, modified to make it run smoother, and easier to create jobs and tasks.

Additional updates to API

20 May 01:03
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Additional updates to the API, removed singular add functions, as it didn't make sense to have a singular and plural version of each function.

Scattersphere 0.0.1

19 May 02:22
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Contains the first major release of the code.