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App to quickly find and delete duplicated pictures/images in desktop/laptop.


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Title adp ("ANY DUPLICATED PICTURES?") is a simple-to-use, mini-sized, Python module that let's you quickly find and delete duplicated picture files in a desktop/laptop. All you have to do is to click the Folder button to select a folder that you want to search, followed by clicking on the Find button to search it and all its subfolders for duplicated pictures. Once completed, you can click on the duplicated pictures you want to delete and finally click on the Delete button to delete them. is only 1.2 MB in size, so it is fast to download and install.


  1. Original denotes the earliest version of a duplicate picture and is colour coded in green. Copies denotes its later versions and is colour coded in blue. Clicking the Originals or Copies buttons toggles their quick selection/deselection.

  2. The maximum "Duplicates Group" number is always one less the quantity of Original pictures.

  3. To manually select/deselect multiple picture files, press the Shift key in your keyboard followed by clicking the first and last file paths with your mouse pointer. You can also select/deselect a single picture file by simply clicking on its filepath or thumbnail-image.

  4. Using cfe=process is much faster than cfe=thread as it involves using a pool of your CPU logical cores (i.e. process-pool) vs a pool of CPU threads (i.e. thread-pool) to find pictures and their duplicates. That is why ADP defaults to using process-pool.

  5. The diagram below illustrates just how much faster ADP can be when using many logical cores vs 1 logical core to find pictures and their duplicates in a NVMe.m.2 solid-state-drive (SSD). The contrast of faster performance is most obvious when large quantities of large pictures(i.e, high resolution pictures) and their duplicates are processed. Consequently, ADP defaults to using all available CPU logical cores.


  6. If your pictures are in a traditional hard disk (HDD), it is recommended that you transfer your pictures to a SSD before using ADP to search out picture duplicates. This is because the performance of a HDD is snail pace compared to a SSD and the high performance from using process or thread pool will be mitigated by the HDD. Moreover, ADP is set to timeout if a search for pictures or picture duplicates exceeds 10 minutes.

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  1. If you are from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia or Thailand, PayNow is available.
  2. If you are from other countries, Buy Me A Coffee.

How To Install?

  1. Clone/create this repository into your computer.

    1. You can download its zipped version by pressing the Code button on this webpage and then extract the adp folder into your computer.

    2. Alternatively, you can issue this command in your terminal:

      git clone
  2. Next, go to the downloaded adp directory:

    cd path/to/your/cloned/adp/module
  3. Install the adp module using this pipenv command:

    pipenv sync

    Note: This command ensures that this adp module and its required packages and dependencies resides only in your user account and the adp virtual folder and does not affect or depend on any other installed package(s) in your system. The pipenv package must first be installed in your system. If it isn't, you can install it following these instructions.

How To Run

  1. You can issue the following terminal command (with/without its optional arguments) from the adp folder:

    pipenv run python3 -m adp  [-m or --mode {g,t,f}]  # Run in either 'gallery', 'table' or 'find' mode. Default is 'gallery'.
                               [-l or --layout {h,v}]  # Set GUI to use either a 'horizontal' or 'vertical' layout. Default for `gallery` and `table` modes is 'horizontal'. 'find' mode allows 'only vertical' layout. 
                               [-c or --cfe {p,t}]     # Use CPU 'process' or 'thread' pool for execution. Default is 'process'.
                               [-h]                    # Get help. 
    pipenv run python3 -m adp           # default options: adp -m g -l h -c p 
    pipenv run python3 -m adp -m t      # in 'table' mode
    pipenv run python3 -m adp -m f      # in 'find' mode

Operating Systems (OS):

  • Linux (tested on Ubuntu 22.04.4, Linux 6.5.0-26-generic, x86_64)
  • MacOS (tested on Catalina 10.15, Darwin 19.6.0, x86_64)
  • Windows (not tested yet but should work; please let me know your issue.)


  • Required: Python >=3.10.
  • Dependencies: NumPy 1.26.4, Pillow 10.2.0 and Tk 8.6.

The command pipenv sync ensures the installation of these packages.

Notes To Python Programmers:

  1. You can also use as a library. To access to its classes and/or functions in your python script, use the command:

    from adp import (classes and/or functions)

    Accessible classes:

    Widgets:       ADP, ADPFind, ADPGallery, ADPTable, About, AutoScrollbar, DonutCharts, DupGroup, Find, Findings, Gallery, Progressbarwithblank, Table, VerticalScrollFrame
    For picture:   RasterImage,
    For internet:  HyperlinkManager

    Accessible functions:

    For widgets:      customise_ttk_widgets_style, filesize, get_geometry_values, get_thumbnail, get_thumbnail_c, get_thumbnails_concurrently_with_queue, pop_kwargs, sort_pictures_by_creation_time, str_geometry_values, string_pixel_size, stylename_elements_options, timings
    Find subfolders:  fast_scandir
    Find pictures:    dataklass, get_filepaths_in, get_image, get_rasterimages_in_one_folder_concurrently, list_scandir_images, scandir_images, scandir_images_concurrently
    Find duplicates:  detect_duplicates_concurrently, detect_duplicates_serially
    For terminal:     main, percent_complete, show_logo_in_terminal

    Please refer to the source codes for their details.

  2. Python script highlights:

    1. Algorithm to search out pictures and their duplicates quickly.
    2. A paging system to view searched results in tkinter widgets with the mousewheel without overflowing memory and with minimal lag.
    3. Stable integration of Python's threading.Thread, concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor and concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor objects with tkinter's main event loop.