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Graph modeling and analysis packages for the Julia programming language


  1. Graphs.jl Graphs.jl Public

    An optimized graphs package for the Julia programming language

    Julia 434 82

  2. MetaGraphsNext.jl MetaGraphsNext.jl Public

    A package for graphs with vertex labels and metadata in Julia

    Julia 70 18

  3. SimpleWeightedGraphs.jl SimpleWeightedGraphs.jl Public

    Edge-weighted graphs compatible with Graphs.jl

    Julia 36 5

  4. GraphPlot.jl GraphPlot.jl Public

    Graph visualization for Julia.

    Julia 196 61

  5. JuliaGraphsTutorials JuliaGraphsTutorials Public

    Tutorials in the form of Jupyter notebooks for the JuliaGraphs ecosystem

    Jupyter Notebook 96 24

  6. MultilayerGraphs.jl MultilayerGraphs.jl Public

    A Julia package for the creation, manipulation and analysis of the structure, dynamics and functions of multilayer graphs.

    Julia 112 5


Showing 10 of 35 repositories