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Privatize data in your Go (Golang) application

Build Status codecov Maintainability GoDoc License: MIT

Under development; API may change.

go get

Tested with Go 1.9, 1.10, and 1.11.


Currently priv exports a simple API, which is composed of priv.ToMap and priv.ToMapErr. priv.ToMap panics if a field that does not exist is requested, whereas priv.ToMapErr returns an error. Most of the time panicing is not a big deal, since it would indicate a typo in the code.

These functions allow mapping structs and arrays/slices of structs to map[string]interface{} and []map[string]interface{}{}, respectively. One example of using priv is if you only want to expose certain fields at an API endpoint.


users := [User{ID: "123", Some: {Nested: {Field: "abc"}}, SomethingElse: true}]
v := priv.ToMap(users, "ID", "Some.Nested.Field->Renamed.Location")
// Thus, v = [{ID: "123", Renamed: {Location: "abc"}}]