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KernelInterpolation.jl is a Julia package that implements methods for multivariate interpolation in arbitrary dimension based on symmetric (conditionally) positive-definite kernels with a focus on radial-basis functions.


If you have not yet installed Julia, then you first need to download Julia. Please follow the instructions for your operating system. KernelInterpolation.jl works with Julia v1.10 and newer. You can install KernelInterpolation.jl by executing the following commands from the Julia REPL

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.add("")

For visualizing the results, additionally you need to install Plots.jl, which can be done by

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.add("Plots")


In the Julia REPL, first load the package KernelInterpolation.jl

julia> using KernelInterpolation

In order to interpolate discrete function values of a (potentially) multivariate function $f: \mathbb{R}^d\to \mathbb{R}$, we first need a set of nodes $X = \{x_1,\ldots,x_n\}\subset\mathbb{R}^d$, where the function values of $f$ are known. In KernelInterpolation.jl we can, e.g., construct a homogeneous grid on a hypercube in 2 dimensions by calling

julia> nodeset = homogeneous_hypercube(5, (-2, -1), (2, 1))

Here, we specified that the hypercube has 5 nodes along each of the 2 dimensions (i.e. in total we have $5^2 = 25$ nodes) and that the boundaries of the cube are given by the lower left corner located at $(-2, -1)$ and the upper right corner at $(2, 1)$. Similarly, NodeSets can be constructed by the functions random_hypercube, random_hypercube_boundary, homogeneous_hypercube_boundary, random_hypersphere or random_hypersphere_boundary or by directly passing a set of nodes to the constructor of NodeSet. Besides the nodeset, we need the function values at the nodes. Let's say, we want to reconstruct the function $f(x) = \sin(x_1\cdot x_2)$. Then, we can create the vector of function values by

julia> f(x) = sin(x[1]*x[2])
julia> ff = f.(nodeset)

Finally, we obtain the Interpolation object by calling interpolate, where we specify the kernel function that is used for the reconstruction. Here, we take a Gaussian $\phi(r) = \exp(-(\varepsilon r)^2)$ with shape parameter $\varepsilon = 1/2$ as radial-symmetric basis function:

julia> kernel = GaussKernel{dim(nodeset)}(shape_parameter = 0.5)
julia> itp = interpolate(nodeset, ff, kernel)

If the kernel is only conditionally positive definite, the interpolant will be augmented by a polynomial of the corresponding order of the kernel. Another order can also be passed explicitly with the keyword argument m of interpolate. The result itp is an object that is callable on any point $x\in\mathbb{R}^d$, e.g.,

julia> itp([-1.3, 0.26])

julia> f([-1.3, 0.26])

More examples can be found in the examples/ subdirectory.


In order to visualize the results, you need to have Plots.jl installed and loaded

julia> using Plots

A NodeSet can simply be plotted by calling

julia> plot(nodeset)

An Interpolation object can be plotted by providing a NodeSet at which the interpolation is evaluated. Continuing the example from above, we can visualize the resulting interpolant on a finer grid

julia> nodeset_fine = homogeneous_hypercube(20, 2, (-2, -1), (2, 1))
julia> plot(nodeset_fine, itp)

To visualize the true solution f in the same plot as a surface plot we can call

julia> plot!(nodeset_fine, f, st = :surface)


The package is developed and maintained by Joshua Lampert (University of Hamburg).

License and contributing

KernelInterpolation.jl is published under the MIT license (see License). We are pleased to accept contributions from everyone, preferably in the form of a PR.


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