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This is a flutter project that basically outlines everything about me. My languages and skills, my blogs, and my volunteer activities, you can also message me to start up a chat with me via the email. :)

Getting Started

To contribute to this project, fork the repo, then clone the forked repo from your github account

$git clone

To install dependencies run

$flutter packages get or flutter pub get

To analyze the project run:

$flutter analyze

To run the project:

$flutter run

To clean the project run:

$flutter clean

To build apk run:

$flutter build apk

Running Unit & Widget Tests

There are two ways to run unit and widget tests.

  1. Directly from the play button in your IDE.

  2. Via terminal.

To run tests via terminal use this syntax:

flutter test test/nameOfTheTestFile.dart

For instance:

 flutter test test/app_test.dart

And for BDD Tests, we are using the flutter-gherkin plugin.

New to Behaviour Driven Development - BDD? Checkout

Using Flutter_gherkin

Flutter Gherkin uses these 3 approaches.

  1. Creating a .feature file where you describe your tests scenarios using the Given-When-Then format.

  2. Writing the Steps Definitions, describing the steps used in the scenarios.

  3. Running the tests in a Gherkin runner file. This calls the feature files and the functions on the steps definitions.

Running BDD Tests

In your terminal, run the BDD tests in this format:

dart test_driver/app_test.dart  

For getting started with Flutter you can check my article Get started


A simple mobile app , describing my skills, what am working on and the blogs I've written/or working on.






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